I miss you, I'm sorry

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"I don't wanna go
Think I'll make it worse
Everything I know brings
me back to us"



It had been a few days since Maddy and I last talked.

I tried to talk to her a couple of times, but I was just left on delivered. Which I deserved.

All she wanted was to talk to me and I was a complete asshole to her.

I stood from the couch I had been lying on since I got home. The same couch where Maddy and I kissed. God, why did everything have to remind me of her?

I had plans to hang with Cindy today, she wanted us to meet at the cafe we went to last time.

I slid on some pair of Nikes and grabbed my keys, leaving the dorm and walking to my car. I wasn't exactly looking forward to seeing Cindy, but it was better than rotting on my couch.

After the drive to the cafe, I walked in and noticed her already sitting with her coffee and muffin. I ordered an iced tea and sandwich since it was too late in the day for me to order coffee.

"Hey." I greeted her as I sat across from her.

"Hi! How've you been??"

"Good," I mumbled.

"Yeah right. What's wrong?" She asked, obviously not being good.

I couldn't decide if I should tell her or not. On one hand, it would be nice to have an unbiased opinion. But I also didn't want it to be spread around that Maddy and I kissed. That was the last thing she needed.

"Nothing, seriously. Just thinking about the game tomorrow."

She dropped the questions and moved on, talking about the game.

Thankfully the conversation I shared with Cindy stopped me from thinking about Maddy. Who, before today, was the only thing on my mind. I knew I messed up and I wanted to make up for it, but she wasn't even returning my texts.

But all that was put aside for the moment and my attention was focused on the blonde in front of me. She started talking about some incident that happened during class, then went on a rant about her plans for spring break and the party she was going to throw. Another party.

My thoughts instantly went back to Maddy and how the last party turned out. How my foolish mistakes turned into something much bigger.

"I think I'm gonna go," I told her, a frown forming on her face.

"Already? It's only been an hour!"

"Yeah, I told Azzi I wouldn't be out long, we have plans." I lied.

She nodded in understanding, before hugging me and letting me go to drive back to the apartment. Where I would once again be couch rotting.



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