whats good

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"I don't know whats harder
letting go or just
being okay with it"



I walked out of my final class of the day. My last class before spring break, which I was thrilled for.

I held my bag against my shoulder while walking to the parking lot to get into my car. I had no plans for the afternoon, so what better to do than stop for Taco Bell?

I drove to the fast food restaurant and pulled into the parking lot. I walked inside and to the front to order my food. I ended up ordering to go since I had no reason to stay.

Whenever the food was finished they handed me my bag and I headed for the exit.

"Maddy?" A familiar voice called from a booth.

"Cindy!" I turned, facing the blonde who was eating her food.

"Crazy seeing you here," She laughed, "You should stay and join me."

I shrugged and took up her offer, sitting across from her.

"Soo how have you been?!" She asked, her voice as cheerful as usual.

"Good, ready for spring break. You?"

"Very good. I'm also very ready for spring break." She replied, taking a sip of her drink.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked, to which I nodded and started eating my food.

"Is there something between you and Enzo from the basketball team?"

"Oh, God no." My face scrunched up, "Sorry that sounded rude."

She laughed at my response but nodded her head.

"I assume you're asking because of the photo of us kissing?" I assumed.

She nodded, pressing her lips into a line. I didn't blame her for thinking there was something between us. A lot of people did. Ever since the kiss happened, more people have been shipping or assuming things about us. No matter how many comments I replied to.

"No, that was just a misunderstanding," I told her, clearing things up.

"Mkay, well," She started, "Is there anyone else?"

I thought about the question deeply. Was there? Just a few weeks ago I would have easily been able to answer that. But now, I don't even know.

"I guess, but it's complicated."

She raised her eyebrows, instantly intrigued.

"Maybe I can help?"

I let out a sigh, "It's with Paige."

"I knew there was something between you guys!" She excitedly said before apologizing and letting me continue.

"Well, we kind of kissed. But then Enzo kissed me and it was this whole big thing and she wouldn't talk to me for a while." I paused to take a bite of my food.

"Oh yeah — everyone knows how much she hates him now."


"Yeah, but why?" I asked her, pausing the story time of everything that happened.

"You don't know? He totally betrayed her."

I took another bite and gestured for her to continue.

"Paige and Enzo used to be like really good friends, both being on the basketball team and all. But at the time Paige was talking to this girl, who Enzo liked." She paused, taking a drink, before continuing.

"So Enzo spread crazy rumors about her to make the girl not like her back. The funny part was, the girl didn't like him either, so it was all for nothing." She wrapped up the story, finishing explaining everything.

"Wow." I was honestly speechless. It all made a lot more sense now. At least a lot more than how Paige explained it.

"I know right." She shook her head.

We both continued to eat, having normal conversations about school and everything else.

Once we finished our food, we both decided to leave and go back to our dorms. She had a lot of work to do, and well I wanted to watch Friends.

Whenever I got home, I changed out of my clothes and into some pajamas. I instantly turned on friends and laid across the bed I planned on rotting in all spring break.

Incoming call: Val 💖

I picked up my phone and slid my finger across the screen, accepting the call before placing her on speaker.


"It's Fridayyy!"

"Even better, it's spring break!!"

"What'd you do today?"

"Went to class and ate lunch with Cindy."

"Cindy? Like Cindy Cindy?"

"I only know one?"

"Oh so like the Cindy you've been complaining about for like weeks? That Cindy?"

"I was just at taco bell and she saw me and invited me to eat with her. How could I say no?"

"Makes sense. Have you talked to Paige yet?"

I said nothing, just pressed my lips into a line and inhaled. Giving her the answer without saying anything.


"I know!! I'm going to, I just haven't found the time yet."

"Talk to her over spring break, perfect time."

"I will, I promise."

"And you better tell me everything."



i promise my updates will get better over summer break
love yall
bye 👋

𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒅 ⭐︎ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒈𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin