
788 19 3

"Man, oh man, you're my best friend
I scream it to the nothingness
There ain't nothing that I need"



I woke up on the couch, feeling something lying on my chest. Looking down I laid eyes on Val, fast asleep. Further down was Marcus who was passed out.

I groaned and sat up, my back aching from the position I was lying in.

"Why did we fall asleep here?" I mumbled, standing up.

"What time is it?" Val asked with a raspy voice.


"I'm going back to sleep," Marcus mumbled while stuffing his face into a pillow.

Unlike Marcus, Val and I got up and decided to get ready for the day.

We got ready just like any other day, except this time we were feeling a lot sadder. Today was Val and Marcus's last day in Connecticut before they left back to Iowa.

We had already made a ton of plans to spend the entire day together.

"We should go get coffee," Val suggested, to which I eagerly nodded and grabbed my keys.

We left the apartment, and locked the door behind us as we headed to my car to drive to the usual coffee place.

Once we arrived we both took our time ordering the coffee and breakfast baked goods we wanted. We obviously ordered Marcus his usual as well.

Then after ordering we stepped aside and waited for our drinks and food.

"I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow,"' Val sighed.

"Seriously," I mumbled in agreement.

"Feels like this week just flew by," She added in a low tone as we finally got our order and took it to the car.

We didn't say much on the way back to the apartment, just mainly listening to music and enjoying each other's company.

Once we arrived back home, Marcus was finally up and watching TV.

"Marcus!" Val called, handing him his order. He quickly grabbed it with a wide smile.

"Thanks!" He took a sip of the warm beverage.

We all three sat on the couch, eating our breakfast and drinking our coffee while watching whatever show Marcus had put on.

Usually, we would all be talking about something, or making fun of one of the characters. But at the current moment, nobody said anything. It wasn't an awkward silence, but more of a comfortable one. Simply eating and watching TV was enough for us.

After we all finished and threw away our trash, we had to leave to make sure we made it to the movie theater on time.

We got there just in time, sitting in the seats we reserved.

The movie was obviously a scary one, because why wouldn't it be.

Towards the middle of the movie, there was a jump scare that made Marcus bump into Val, making Val dump some of her popcorn on me.

"Marcus! It's not even that scary!" I shouted in a whisper tone.

"Oh please, you've jumped at least three times already!" He replied in the same tone.

"Yeah, but I didn't make Val spill popcorn on you!" I laughed, Marcus, replied by just throwing more popcorn at me.

After picking my jaw off the floor, I grabbed a couple of pieces of popcorn and hit them at his head.

𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒅 ⭐︎ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒈𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒔Where stories live. Discover now