1.5 Show Off

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Y/N was sitting at the dinner table with his foster siblings. Victor called for all hands on deck and everyone put their hands in the middle. All except for Y/N. Victor continued to say grace.

Victor: Thank you for this family. Thank you for this day. Thank you for this food. Sorry Y/N's hand's on vacay.

They all sat down and began to eat their meals.

Victor: Big news in Philly. Got a costumed hero. He's doing good.

Eugene: Yeah, but is he, though?

Victor: Ooh! Controversy. Into it. Share with us your perspective, Eugene.

Eugene: Just saying, he's what? Charging people's phones? So what? I can charge a phone with a plug.

Y/N began to shift uncomfortably in his seat.

Victor: Preach. Pedro, any thoughts?

Pedro: Costume's stupid. Big white cape like he's getting married or something.

Y/N: What if he didn't get to pick his costume? 

Rosa: You're a specialist, Freddy. What do you think?

Y/N: Yeah, Freddy, let's manage to see the positive.

Freddy put down his fork and stared at Y/N from across the table.

Freddy: Okay, well, I think it looks like he doesn't have gratitude for what he's been given.

Victor: Very specific. Alright.

Y/N: Maybe to the superhero, gratitude doesn't mean having to be clingy.

Freddy: Clingy? Wow, interesting take.

Y/N: You know, maybe sometimes a superhero just wants a little me time. 

Freddy: You know, me time could also be construed as pushing away his family.

Y/N: Family. Is this what they are now?

Mary looked between the two of them, watching them argue and bicker over something that was more personal than they were willing to admit.

Freddy: It's a classic symptom of "Superhero Symptom." Coined by German psychologist Heinrich Von German-something, where superpowers become an all-consuming narcotic.

Y/N had enough. He put down his spoon and got up out of his seat. The bitter teen walked away towards the stairs.

Freddy: What he needs is a sidekick.

Y/N: Name one cool sidekick. 

Y/N walked up the stairs to his room. The rest of the family watched him leave. Rosa than noticed a peculiar absence. 

Rosa: Darla, why are you so quiet over there, baby? You're never at a loss for words.

The little girl simply shrugged her shoulders.

Darla: I'm eating. 

The next day, the kids walked up to school. Y/N and Freddy walked side-by-side before Y/N stopped. He shrugged while Freddy continued walking then looked back at him.

Y/N: Why am I still doing this?

Freddy: Well, you can't skip school every day.

Y/N: Not at your age. But, I'm not at your age anymore. 

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