3.5 Plan for Power

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The four walked through the A.R.G.U.S. facility. They needed to speak to Waller. Something was going on that they didn't like. While making their way through the facility, Y/N tried to make small talk with the man in black.

Y/N: You know, you don't really strike me as a general. More like a one-man-show kinda guy. The scary man in black.

Adam: Kahndaq is my home, and I it's protector. To protect your home, sometimes you have to rally your people behind you. This is a war I wish to be out of with as little bloodshed from my citizens as possible.

Y/N: Well, maybe we can do that now that two other champions are here to back you. And hey, we aren't affiliated with any nation, so with us it's like a free deal.

He smiled a bit at Adam. The tanned man simply kept his scowl and glared at him before continuing walking. Y/N just shrugged his shoulders at the response.

Y/N: Alright then.

As they were walking, Clark noticed something. He looked at a loading bay door that was locked tight.

Clark: This door is made of lead.

Freddy: Alright. So?

Clark: That's the thing. It's the only one. I can see through the other ones just fine, but this one...

Freddy became excited when he remembered something.

Freddy: That's right! Lead is the one thing you can't see through.

Y/N: So, if this door is made of lead...

Clark: Then someone obviously doesn't want us looking inside.

The four checked around. There were no guards in the hall. They walked over to the unassuming door. Freddy examined the keypad next to it. He thought of a way to get in.

Freddy: I might be able to hack my way in. I'm not as good as Eugene, but maybe I could...

Adam walked over to the keypad. He brought his hand up and zapped the pad with electricity, frying it. He then walked over to the door. Using his strength, he pulled up the large shutter door.

Freddy: That works, too.

The four walked inside the room. It was dimly lit with just a few dull lights and monitors giving off any sense of light. Shelves stacked with crates and boxes lined the walls. They all walked around, trying to find out why this room was hidden.

Y/N walked over to one of the crates. He carefully took the lid off and looked inside. It was full of raw eternium. It was like what they had found down in the mines.

Y/N: More magical rocks. What is all this?

Adam looked inside another box. He glared at the contents inside. It was a set of rockets and missiles powered by the magical mineral. On the side was labeled "Intergang."

Clark: A.R.G.U.S. must be collecting everything on Intergang. Trying to find out more about their operations.

Freddy: I wouldn't be so quick on that one.

Freddy was at one of the monitors. He pulled up a set of files and video footage. It showed A.R.G.U.S. officials dealing with Intergang, handing them weapons. Other files showed them taking things out of the mines to the facility they were currently in.

Y/N: A.R.G.U.S. isn't researching Intergang. They created it. They've been playing both sides of the war.

Adam scowled at the screen. He then quickly brought his hand out, grasping Y/N by the neck and holding him up.

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