2.4 Letter to Bargain

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Freddy awoke inside of a stone cell. He pulled himself up and looked out through the barred window. He found himself to be deep inside of a large cave with more cells.

Freddy: Holy sh-

Wizard: Shhh. I'm trying to sleep. It is the only escape from the tortures here.

Freddy turned around to see the other man inside of his cell. He was a dark skinned man with braided hair and wearing a loose robe. He was lying down on a filthy mattress.

Freddy: Okay. Bleak.

Freddy then took a closer look at the man.

Freddy: Wait a second. Hagrid beard, Batman voice. You're the wizard! Oh, my... You're back! Y/N told me all about you.

Wizard: Y/N? You know Y/N L/N?

Freddy: Yes, he's my best friend. I'm Freddy Freeman, Captain Everypower. Well, used to be. It's complicated now. She... is complicated.

Wizard: That halfwit Y/N gave you the powers of Shazam?

Freddy: Yeah, he did. And he said that you turned into ash, but, didn't?

Wizard: Once I gave him my power I could no longer remain in my realm. But I wasn't allowed to move on. They took me. Forced my spirit back into my body. And now, death would be a luxury compared to being trapped in this cell with the knowledge of my failure, and with you. Mostly with you.

Freddy: A little more sarcastic than Y/N said, but, hey, all good. Let's just get out of here.

The wizard laughed and mocked him.

Wizard: "Let's just get out of here." Yeah, sure.

Freddy: I sound nothing like that, but okay. Here's what we've got, um... A cranky wizard with a cynical streak and a precocious young man with an encyclopedic knowledge regarding magical shit. There is no way these sisters are keeping us in here. These prison bars, they're probably enchanted. What spells do you know?

Wizard: Please, stop talking.

Freddy: How about an arcane focus?

Wizard: I don't even know what that is.

Freddy: Fine, then let's make a potion. Like a potion of, um, giant strength or diminution. Oh! Gaseous form! Yeah! Maybe we could float out of here like a fart.

The wizard groaned and rolled over in his bed.

Wizard: I gave my powers to children who squandered it. We will die here, Freeby. 

Freddy: It's Freddy, by the way. "Freeby"? Where do you even...

Wizard: The sooner you accept it, the easier it will be.

Freddy sat down on the dirt floor. He noticed something next to him and flicked it away.

Freddy: Is this a tooth? There's a tooth in here!

Both men sat there in the cell, watching the torchlight flicker along the stone cold walls. 

Back in the Rock, the Shazam family were sitting in the throne room. They were going over the books of knowledge regarding the sisters and their powers. Y/N was only partly paying attention, trying to think about how they could save Freddy.

Mary: "Power of elements. Power of chaos. Power of axis." These are primordial forces. I don't know how we fight powers like this.

Y/N: Not with our powers alone. We need to think straight, outsmart them. Rely on our wisdom. We need to set up a meeting. We have the powers that they want and they have Freddy. We can set up a negotiation. But then we grab one of them and that's what we really use to trade!

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