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Jimin pov
He looked through all the texts and now clenching his fists. He looked directly at me. His eyes turned into unusual black colour, which I saw.
"Who is he?" He's asked me with a deep voice. It seems like he's trying hard to control his anger.
"He's just my friend and nothing is going on. He was just joking around"
I tried to convince him. But his looks say otherwise. His breath fanned my face, he kissed my neck urgently, I almost lost to him when I heard another message coming. Jeongguk opened the text I peeked into it.
"What the hell is he talking about?"
Jeongguk shouted at me. His fist looks almost white as he's clenching them hard.
As much as I want to lie to him. I thought to give him half as he already got a glimpse of the truth when he checked my texts.
"It's my friend. We just hangout each other a few days ago in my bedroom"
"On what time?" He pulled my chin upwards and stared into my eyes. "Night, But jhope was also with us" I try to reassure him.
"You allowed another man to enter your room" jeongguk grabbed my wrist hard and pushed me into the wall.
I gulped hard. He looks so angry. I touched his chest tried to calm him down. But he flinched. I don't know why it hurt me so much.
Jeongguk pushed my hair to the other side and started kissing my neck. I breathe hard. He pushed his whole body into me and started caressing my hair. He licked and nibbled my skin so hard. A moan escaped from my lips from the way he's kissing me. "Found" I can feel his smirk. He started to kiss the specific stop and I was turned into a moaning mess. I was going to ask what he found when I feel something poking in my neck. The pain started to flood in my body. Realization hits me hard. He's marking me without my consent. I tried to push him hard but he again slammed my body to the wall. He bites me hard and I started to feel dizzy.
This is not supposed to happen like this, you mark your mate when you are in love. We didn't even have a normal relationship. He was just punishing me because I let taehyung into my room. How cruel he can be. I still tried to push him hard but he wasn't leaving me. He unwrapped his hold and stared into my eyes.
"You are my mate, don't forget that. If you are going to whore around i'll do much more than this time. Did you understand" He yelled at me?
His words hurt me more than his action.
He called me whore when I was still craving for him even when he rejected me. A tear escaped from my eyes. I couldn't hold back my tears. I won't give him that satisfaction to watch me broken again. I ran into my bedroom, slammed the door hard. I started to feel
dizzy again. I looked at my face in Mirror. I look like a mess, blood was spread on my neck. It's still bleeding, I know what meant by that, I grabbed some bandage and started to wrap my neck trying to fix the damage he made.
But I'm aware of the mental torture, how I'm gonna wrap my heart which already damaged beyond repair. I layed down on my bed, my eyes started to feel heavy as I drifted to darkness.
"When is he going to wake up" I heard jeongguk voice, his voice sounded nervous.
Who are they talking about?
"I don't know. He will wake up when his body is ready to face the reality."
"What you meant by that. Heal him now"
"How can I heal a person whose body refuses to cooperate with medicine. His body isn't reacting to the medicine. It's not only his body that needs to heal. I think his wolf left his body. You can't wake someone whose soul is left Alpha jeongguk " I recognised the voice as Dr Jin.
"How can his wolf leave like that, please do something"
"It's because his body rejected the mark.
He was forcibly marked, right? "

Author pov
Jeongguk looked down ashamed of himself.
He never In dreams thought about hurting him. But his anger got out of control and made a worse move. He doesn't deserve him. It always because of him. He ended up like this. This time it was different, he did beg him to stop. But he ignored his pleas and cries and marked him. The doctor wants to scream at his alpha for making such a dangerous decision. He knows that if Luna's wolf didn't return, he won't ever make it to stay alive or even awake for a minute.
But he didn't want to hurt his Alpha who already looks broken.
Jeongguk looked helpless at his mate who's lying unconscious attached to IV. It's been 3 weeks, he still didn't wake up.
His friend jhope had given him long talk and slapped him twice. If it was in other circumstances he would have punished him for even disrespecting him.
But he deserves it. He made such a mistake that can never undo.

6 months later

Jhope was waiting for yoongi who is coming to visit jimin today. Yoongi and his parents visited them once every week after the incident. But Jimin didn't gave any slight improvement. Jhope saw yoongi coming out of his car with messy hair. He can tell that he didn't even a rest from the way he looks.he rushed into him hugged him hard.
"How's he? "Yoongi asked jhope who's snuggled into him. As much as he wants to comfort him. He was very tired from everything.
"He is still the same. I'm worried about him"
Yoongi sighed and unfolded his hold and directly went to visit his baby brother.
His heart clenched when he saw his brother still in the same spot. He didn't even move a finger that's what everyone said. He looks pale more now. Yoongi holds him hand it feels cold.
"Wake up. Baby boy. I brought you chocolates" He took chocolates from his pocket and dropped them on the nearby table.
It's hard for everyone to accept the bubbly boy might not never wake up.
It's been 6 months still no improvement.
One thing he knows that he can do try to connect with his wolf, from that he can bring him back. There's a possibility. But the consequences are he might recover everything and every memory he had from childhood which is hiding from him since childhood. Jhope entered the room looks nervous. He doesn't know anything regarding their childhood nor about the past. He knows something bad happened. But nobody knows what exactly happened. He had a hard time accepting the fact that his  best friend isn't responding. Jhope closed the door and sat beside jimin on
the other side of the bed. He  glanced at yoongi who is zoned out. After coming here, their connection got weak. Jhope can feel that he is withdrawing himself from him. He doesn't know why. But he doesn't ask him as he knows he has already had enough on his plates now.
Yoongi called his wolf and grabbed jimin's both hand. Yoongi and jimin's wolf are connected. Nobody knows except his dad. It's not only because he's his brother but he is also his protector.
Yoongi can bring jimin's wolf. But his wolf might not have control over his body until his wolf begins to control it it might be hard for everyone. As his wolf was a huge part of jimin's life. He was the one who hides everything from him which meant to hurt. His wolf took over every Pain for not to hurt jimin.
Yoongi wolf Blake started to call for his brother. He invaded his mind it's was like a dark path. Yoongi wolf continued to search for jimin's wolf. He must find his wolf. Otherwise, he can't come back to life. As much as he wants to believe it's because of the mark his wolf is missing.
He knows there's something more into this story. It can only find after he wakes up.jhope looked at yoongi who is still in the same spot. He tries to touch him, but a ring formed betweer him and him. He couldn't touch him it was the first time he is seeing something like that. He didn't know yoongi had such power. Blake started to go in every direction, he still can't connect with him. Then he heard a whimper from another side. He rushed to that side, but the whimper got smaller as he knows it's starting to get far away. He ran to that spot finding the person who is crying. His heart breaks into two pieces when he saw the sight he  was, his brother was tied with a silver chain in a wall. Too many whip marks can see on his body. His lips had a small cut, which is bleeding now. He opened his eyes and he saw the ocean blue eyes he is searching for.


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