Chapter 20

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N and I are married together 2 months ago. We're officially husband and wife upon our marriage. Tonight, N and I fly to the hotel building that we used to stay as our own alone time in private. As we arrived at the building, we land on the ground, keep our wings and walk in the building. We go to the room where we stayed for our alone time years ago. Now we're coming here as our honeymoon. As we arrived the room, N open the door letting me in and later he close the door. We have brought 2 comtainers of oil and our mugs here.

N : "So my love, are you happy that we're married? "

V : "Yes my darling. I'm very happy that we're married together. We'll be together forever. "

N : "Okay. My love, when we quarrel and argue with each other, our love will not parted. "

V : "I agree with you. Even though I may be angry because of you or you're angry because of me, our relationship will still be together. "

N : "So my darling, what do we want to do since we can stay here for few days since it's our honeymoon? "

V : "Well let's go to the balcony and watch the night view. Tomorrow, we'll enjoy our own time at the hotel cafe and also tomorrow night we'll have sex with each other. "

N : "Well that's a great idea my love."

V : "Well what are you waiting for, let's watch the night view. "

We walk to the balcony and enjoy the night view. The view is so beautiful during the night time. We kiss each other lips passionately as we're watching the night view. Later we fall asleep together on the bed.

The next morning, we wake up and go downstairs to the cafe. We eat some human food and try human drinks too. They're really so delicious too. Later we go and explore other floors of the building. When night falls, we're in the room doing what we wanted. My hands switched to claws and touch his body. My tail also wrap his neck.

N : (blushing) "Well darling, you really have the mood today. "

V : (blushing) "I really want some intimate session with you. "

N : (blushing) "Well let me put a container of oil and our mugs here so that's a perfect night for us. "

V : (blushing) "Sounds great my love. I'll let you get ready first. "

N : (blushing) "Okay my love. "

He leaves the bed and get a container of oil and our mugs. He put our mugs on the nightstand and the container of oil on the floor. He pour some oil out to our mugs and he gives it to me.

N : "Here my love. Let's have some oil first then we'll have our intimate session together. "

V : "Sure and tonight I'm yours my love. "

I take my mug and have a sip of oil. We put our mugs on the nightstand and we're ready for our intimate session.

N : "Well are you ready my love? "

V : "I'm always ready for you my darling. "

We kiss each other lips passionately having our make out session. Our tongues touching each other while kissing. We break our kiss as we need some air. He unzips my sweater letting it drop on the bed. A blush has formed on my visor. He plants more kisses on my body and I can feel his breathing on my body.

N : "Am I doing great my love? "

V : (blushing) "You're doing great my dear. Keep going. "

N : "I will and you'll be mine. "

Murder drones fanfiction (N and V)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant