Chapter 21

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Cyn P.O.V

I'm in my room playing with my dolls in order to kill my boredom. It's been 2 days after my big brother and V are going for their honeymoon. They're very happy after their marriage before they're off for their honeymoon. I'll be an aunt if my big brother has a child. As I'm playing with my dolls and daydreaming at the same time, there's a knock on the door. I open the door and see that J is at the entrance of my room with a good expression.

Cyn : "Hi J. How are you and what's the smile? "

J : "I'm great Cyn. Tonight you need to go to the location where your big brother pinned up this morning. "

Cyn : "What happened to my big brother? Did he have troubles? "

J : "Calm down Cyn. This morning he called me that V may be probably pregnant with his baby and he needs a special device that I only have. So tonight you take my special device and fly to their location. Don't lose it. "

Cyn : "Oh. So that's why you want me to go to their location. Can I stay at their location if I can't make it to me pod? "

J : "You can stay at their location if morning comes. Don't forget to get ready for tonight Call me after you use my special device on V okay? "

Cyn : "Okay J. I will and I'll get ready for tonight. "

J : "Okay so I'll see you tonight. "

Cyn : "See ya J. "

She left my room and close the door. I continue playing with my dolls while continue to daydream of my big brother and V.

Night has come and I'm all ready to go to my big brother and V's location. J give me her special device and I also bring a container of oil, my own mug and my dolls just in case if I stay at their location for a day.

J : "Well good luck with you Cyn. Call me if you have a very good news of them. "

Cyn : "I will J. See you tomorrow night. "

I walk out the compound, spread my wings and fly to their location. My visor have a navigation system that provides directions that I pinned. Every disassembly drones also have this navigation system. After a few minutes of flying, I arrived at the location that he pinned earlier. The building looks like a hotel as the sign has written it.

"Maybe they're at the hotel for their honeymoon. "

I land on the ground, keep my wings and walk to the building. My navigation system is still on because they're in one of the rooms in the floor. I walk into the lobby and see that the lobby is intact after the core of the Copper-9 exploded many years ago. I walk to the elevator and press the floor button. The elevator goes up to the floor that I pressed. As I arrived at the floor, I leave the elevator and walk to the room that they're in.

"Probably is this room they're in. The navigation shown is this room."

I walk to the door and knock it. A few minutes later, the door opens and see my big brother at the door. This is the right room that I found.

N : "Glad you arrived here Cyn. J sent you to come here? "

Cyn : "Yes big brother and I also bring the special device from J too. How's your wife big brother? "

N : "Well she's fine and she's lying on the bed. "

Cyn : "Okay big brother. Let me in and we'll sort out okay? "

N : "Okay Cyn. "

I enter the room and he closes the door behind me. I see V lying on the bed. I hope she's fine. I sit on the bed and talk to her.

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