Chapter 23

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2 months has passed after I gave birth to our baby. I mostly feed him oil since he's also a disassembly drone like us. Tessa has hold our baby and she's very excited to see our baby. I sit on the bed in our room to feed him. N is at the colony to tell the good news to them. J and Cyn are killing worker drones. Now I'm alone in the pod taking care of the baby. Suddenly there's a knock on the pod door. I'm surprised that who'll knock the door since N will take a longer time in the colony. I walk out of my room with my baby and open the pod door. To my surprise, it's my best friend Lizzy with her baby Lizzie at the door.

Lizzy : "Hi my bestie. Long time no see. "

V : "I thought you're taking care of your baby girl. "

Lizzy : "Well I can come and see you if you want. Where's your husband N? "

V : "Well he's at the colony probably talking to his best friend. You can talk to him also. I need to take care of my baby. "

Lizzy : "I know I can talk to him but talking to you is better for me since you're my bestie. "

V : "Whatever Lizzy. Come in and talk. "

Lizzy : "Okay V. "

I let her enter the pod and walk to my room. We sit on the bed and have a conversation.

Lizzy : "Your baby is so cute V. "

V : "Same as yours Lizzy. "

Lizzy : "His eyes are yellow like you and N. "

V : "Yeah. And her eyes are pink like you Lizzy. "

Lizzy : "Well it's genetics you know."

V : "Yeah. Great genes can pass to our offsprings. "

As we're having conversations with each other, N arrives at the pod and walk to our room.

N : "V, I'm back and hi Lizzy. "

Lizzy : "Hi N and how are you? "

N : "I'm good. How's my baby looks? "

Lizzy : "Well, he's so adorable N. "

N : "Aww..."

V : "So how's your conversation with Uzi so far N? "

N : "Well she's very happy and her baby's eye colour is green like her husband. "

V : "That's so cute. Maybe I can see her baby next time. "

N : "Just rest for a while V. I'll promise you to bring you next time."

V : "Okay. "

Lizzy : "Well I need to go. It's nice to see all of you. "

V : "Bye Lizzy. "

N : "See ya Lizzy. "

She walk out of our room and leaves the pod. Now it's me and N with our baby.

N : "So are you doing well my love?"

V : "I'm fine my darling. Our baby also very fine too. "

N : "Well do you really want to have another child? "

V : "Uhh...why you asked? "

N : "I feel like another child can make our family complete. "

V : (sigh) "Well I wish I want to have another child with you but can we take care our baby for another 2 months? "

N : "Sure. It's okay. I'm not rushing you my love. Just take your time okay? "

V : "Okay my darling. I understand that you don't want you to rush me. I always understands on you. "

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