Chapter 24

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V has given birth to our second child 6 months later. It's a girl and we're very happy. She named our second child Serial Designation O. My best friend Uzi and her husband Thad has her second child named Nori Uzi Doorman and is a girl. I know that her name is very weird but her name is named after her mother and her late grandmother. Her eye colour is purple like her mother. V's best friend Lizzy and her husband Riley also have a second child named Riley Jr and is a boy. His eye colour is green like his father. V and I have frequent visits to the colony to see them. Cyn loves to take care our kids a lot.

Now 4 years has passed, our kids have grow limbs, heads, tails and bodies like us. Tessa has chose some perfect clothes for our kids to let them wear. They all like it and they thank her. V and I also thanked her too. Tessa also told me that if our kids are growing even further, she'll try to get them even better clothes. N Jr and O are wearing sweaters like us. Their relationship with Cyn is very good that she loves to have bonding with our kids whereas J may a bit strict to our kids since she's still our leader. Our kids always sleep with V and me since there's no more empty room and we still have good bonding with our kids. N Jr's hairstyle is similar to me whereas O's hairstyle is similar to V. They inherit our eye colour neon yellow.

Today, V and I are still sleeping with each other in our room. Our kids are sleeping with us too. A few hours later, N Jr wakes up first and wakes us from our sleep.

N Jr : "Wake up dad and mom. "

He shakes me from my sleep and I yawns as I wake up. He also shakes V too and she also yawns as she wakes up.

N : "What's so excited junior? "

V : "Junior, it's morning and we can't go out. "

N Jr : "Why mom? "

V : "Well we're disassembly drones. We drink oil from worker drones that we killed in the night and also bring the killed worker drones to here to store the oil in the container. "

N Jr : "That means that we're vampires? "

N : "Yeah as you said junior. "

V : "But the compound that surrounds the pod blocks the sunlight since it's blocked by walls of dead worker drones. "

N Jr : "Well can we go to the compound mom? "

V : "Wait for your sister to wake up first then we'll go okay? We'll drink some oil too before we go to the compound okay? "

N Jr : "Okay mom. Can you tell me a story since I'm bored. "

V : "Sure. What story you want your dad and me to tell? "

N Jr : "Well I want to tell me a story about how you know my dad? "

N : "Well dad can tell this story. "

Before I'm telling him a story, V suddenly whispers me something.

V : (whispers) "Just don't tell him about dirty stuff okay? You can tell him how you met me in the first place but not dirty stuff okay my love? "

N : (whispers) "I won't tell him any dirty stuff my darling. "

V : (whispers) "Okay. I'm just watching you telling him okay? "

N : (whispers) "Okay my darling. "

She stops whispering me and she just listens to what I say to our son about how we met each other.

N : "Well junior, you know who created me, your mother, aunt Cyn and aunt J? "

N Jr : "You mean aunt Tessa? "

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