Chapter 28

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Author's note: This story may going to end in this chapter.


4 years has passed even more gradually. Our kids had been dating with their love partners for 8 years. N and I do love each other after their frequent going to the colony. Cyn still plays with her own dolls in her room and J, on the other hand always in her room doing nothing as usual. Tessa may try her best to visit us since she can't really promise when she'll come down here and visit us due to cooperate issues. Tessa, N, J, Cyn and I are a great team in the past and now when our kids are included in the team, we all are very great, awesome and wonderful.

Today, N and I are just chilling at the chair near the long table while drinking some oil. Our kids really can kill worker drones independently without us. We're very proud of them when they're growing up so fast. Since our kids are dating with their love partners, Cyn in her own room playing dolls and J in her room doing nothing as usual, we're now alone here and really have our own time with each other.

V : "Well what do you want to do since we're alone here? "

N : "Well I don't really know what I want to do. Let's drink finish the oil then we go back to our room and lie down for a while okay? "

V : "Okay my love. "

We drink finished the oil and we walk back to our room. He closes the door behind me and lie on the bed. We cuddle each other since we're really very bored here.

N : "V, you're really so beautiful and adorable. "

V : "Same as you N. You're so handsome. "

N : "You love simping me don't you?"

V : "Yeah. I do love simping you. Don't worry, we have enough time since our kids are going for a date with their love partners. "

N : "Okay V. Let me hug you really tight. "

V : "Oh N. I do like you hug me and really tight. "

He hugs me really tight that he doesn't want to leave me. I trust him a lot, being very faithful to me and his devotion to me. I love him a lot and everything. Later we kiss each other lips passionately. Our tongues touching each other while kissing. We break the kiss since we need some air.

V : "I love you N. "

N : "I love you too V. "

We continue to hug each other in embrace. Since our kids are really at the colony for long hours, we continue to make out with each other more. Later N wants to use the computer as usual seeing puppy pictures and make cute noises when seeing the pictures. I can't stop giggling at him since he's too hilarious. Another hours later, our kids come back to our room with their happy expressions.

N : "So how's your date? I can see your expressions like you're very happy on something. "

N Jr : "Yeah. We're happy on something dad. "

V : "What is it junior? Feel free to tell us. "

N Jr : "Well I propose to Nori Uzi earlier and she really accepts my proposal. She and I are going to get married one day mom! "

O : "And mom, Riley Jr proposed to me earlier and I do accept his proposal. He and I are going to get married one day! "

V : "Wow you both are really grow up a lot. Your dad and I can see both of you get married one day. "

N : "Don't forget your aunt Cyn and aunt J too. They'll be very happy too. "

O : "Yeah. You all are really happy too. "

N : "Let me hug all of you. "

N Jr : "Sure dad. "

O : "Are you okay with it mom? "

V : "I have no problem with it. "

He hugs me and our kids in a group hug. He really loves me and our kids a lot. I also love him and our kids too. We're really a happy family.

No one P.O.V (Epilogue)

2 months later, N Jr, son of N and V marries Nori Uzi Doorman, daughter of Uzi Doorman and Thad. O, daughter of N and V marries Riley Jr, son of Riley and Lizzy. At the same time, Khan Jr Doorman, son of Uzi Doorman and Thad marries Lizzie, daughter of Riley and Lizzy. All of the marriages ended up in a very happy relationship. After the marriage, N and V's kids really moved out and live with their own family but they will still come back and see them since they really miss them too. They have their own respective kids to take care of. Since J is unmarried, her leadership roles will passed to N Jr when J died. Cyn is also unmarried too but she really still loves to take care of N Jr's kids and O's kids too. Tessa also unmarried since she's the sole human survivor in the past but still being an active certified technician in JCJENSON.

The legacy of N and V continues from generations to another generations and will not stop even though they're in Copper-9 forever. After N, V, Cyn and J's robotic circuits died when time comes, N Jr, son of N and V will succeed J the leadership abilities since J is unmarried and will continue through his generations since N and V are the only disassembly drones to be married. Even though they died when time comes but they're really a great team when killing worker drones and cooperation despite having some arguments and conflicts with each other. They'll all be remembered forever in the afterlife.

The end.

Author's note : First story completed. I may do a second story which takes place in the Elliott mansion in the past. Same characters but very peaceful from the original Murder Drones episode 2 and 5. Leave a comments if satisfied and if you're really interested. Thanks for reading. Author out.

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