More than human.

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The city of Townsville, the days are getting colder and colder, the stress of the elections is starting to get on people's nerves. And yet, a funny feeling was blossoming in the hearts of our heroines.

After the breakfast, the girls flew to school, Bubbles's head was in the clouds. She was playing with the key she wore around her neck. Buttercup said that Princess was the reason why the concert was canceled. This remind her of the key, and since she had taken it, she kept it. Why was the key hidden ? It wasn't even used to find the stone.

« Do you have any news ? » asked Buttercup, flying on her back. « I'm talking about Sedusa. I still think it's crazy that you can talk to animals like a Disney princess. »

« They have a lot of things to say, you know. Actually, a lot of men have disappeared and a few gems have been stolen here and there. But each time the police arrived too late. »

Blossom sighed deeply, another thing they had to deal with.

« She lives in a luxury apartment, in the upscale part of the city. »

Bubbles shrugged. She wasn't sure about anything, sometimes the animal's stories were confusing. But Bubbles was sure of two things: robberies and the men violence were on the increase.

« We'll talk about it later. We have to go. »

Blossom was thinking.

« I can hear you thinking, Blossom. There's nothing we can't do anything right now. We just have to wait. » said Bubbles.

« Wait, wait, wait. I'm sick of waiting. » said Buttercup, « We have to wait for everything... »

« Someone's not talking about the situation. You were grumpy all the weekend. » said Bubbles.

« I wasn't talking to you. » she said dryly.

Bubbles rolled her eyes, all weekend Buttercup had been in a mood... Mitch didn't text or call her. She didn't text or call him either, she didn't want to force the situation and followed Butch's advice. "Give him some space." She was the first one to be surprised, maybe he's not a total jerk. She got a text from Boomer, asking her if she wanted to eat with him.

« Why are you smiling like that ? » asked Blossom.

« Because of a blonde guy. » said sarcastically Buttercup. « So, what's going on with Boomer ? »

« I don't know, we just spend time together. » she chuckled. « He's more interesting than you think. »

Blossom and Buttercup looked at each other, not sure what to say.

« Just be careful, okay ? » said Blossom. « I don't want you to get hurt. »

Bubbles jumped on Blossom to give her a hug.

« You're worried about me ? You're so cute. »

« If he breaks your heart, I'll break his bones. Back off, I don't want any hug. »


When Bubbles arrived in her classroom, she was in a good mood. No more fighting between her sisters, a lovely weekend spent with Boomer and now she started her day with one of her favorite classes: art.
Today, Miss Perla wanted to everyone use their favorite technique, photography, sculpting, painting... to express something, good or bad, that had happened to them in the last week. Bubbles preferred to see the glass half full. Even though, a lot had happened, she was in a good mood.

She closed her eyes and visualized what she wanted to do. Bubbles loved drawing and abstract painting, but when it came to expressing emotions, she preferred painting. The colors came to her mind, she concentrated on what she was feeling. What good things had happened recently. One of her thoughts was for Boomer, she used a dark blue, same as his eyes. As she thought about the way his eyes were fixed on her, the way it made her heart beat a little faster. The blue gradually turned into shades of purple and pink, the colors becoming clearer. It looked like to the space or a night full of borealis. It reminded her the night she spent with Boomer.

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