The Bday Princess • CE, CS, RD, AL, AB

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Request #29: I was curious if you'd take a simple request for my birthday. Could it be all of Chris characters and how they'd celebrate y/n either their wife or girlfriend's birthday. For Chris, Andy, and ransom, can it be a bit smutty the rest cute. I love your work so much! ❤️❤️❤️

Special birthday request for a special girl! 🥰🌷💕


*multiple characters—buckle up! 😏*


Stirring in your sleep, you feel your eyes getting lighter and lighter. From the deep sleep you had in the night, your body feels very rested and relaxed.

Some things are tickling your arms, as you rise to stretch them. You were just in a tank top—nothing else, which Chris loves because sometimes one of your boobs slips out and he's in heaven just cuddling with you that way.

Boyfriend things...

Finally deciding to open your eyes, you're met with multiple bouquets of your favorite kind of flower. Balloons hanging from the ceiling and letter balloons that spelt out the words happy birthday baby on the far wall of the bedroom.

Turning to find the culprit of all this, he is nowhere to be found. Riding onto your elbows, you can't hide your smile.

A happy smile absorbing all of this in, and realizing how special this day was, you were a year older, a year wiser and a year more beautiful.

The door opens to the bedroom, and Chris is humming to himself. The happy birthday song of course, "no go back to sleep!" He says.

Holding a tray of your favorite breakfast foods, you can smell them. Mmmm, yum!

"Babe!" You smile at him, so thankful for him. He always makes you feel so special. And most importantly, Chris always makes you matter how serious the situation is, no matter how sad you are, no matter how upset...he always finds a way.

"No! I'm not here right now." He sets the breakfast tray down on the nightstand, and rushes to cover your eyes and push you back into the bed—gently of course.

"Chris!" You laugh, he's such a goof.

"Rock a bye baby, don't say a word, Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird..." continuing to sing you a lullaby he covers your face and your head with the comforter. Demanding you stay that way.

You can't stop giggling, hearing him walk out the door again. Some rustling occurring outside the room.

"Wake up princess," Chris acts as if he didn't just cover you and force you back to sleep, "my birthday girl."

Slowly uncovering the comforter from your face, you can't stop from laughing. He's such a dork, "there's my pretty girl."

Chris leans to give you a few, soft loving kisses.

"Are you ready to see your birthday gift? One of many I may add."

"Yes," you whisper, "but Chrissy...I...I."

"Let it out," he gives you another kiss on your cheek, being the patient boyfriend he is.

"I need you again."

You can't get out of your mind his gentle he was last night, so loving, so sweet...ugh! You crave more and especially today that it's your birthday he can't say no.

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