chapter 23 - emberglow

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Waking up in the morning glow that was the sun,

It's light imposing upon the both of us, to say hello once more.

And to give into a new light, a new day in an unforgiven, destined path.

One that can say, that you life is predetermined but it's given in the eye of the beholder that you can command it to do so,

That you can change its outcome, but in doing so.

Can be,

To burn,

Or to brandish a mark of the one who holds nature in its matter and to mankind itself.

My eyes opened to the same old ceiling that I had become accustomed to.

But my ears had perked to a familiar sound that I knew,

A sound that I had learned that could mean a few things but I do hope it's the one I'm more used to.

Looking to my right, it seems that I had moved a lot during the night after talking to Suze when we had woken up in the middle of the night.

Our conversation had sat in my inner thoughts,

The weight of it had become clear to me.

With a smile to welcome the new day,

And an empty spot beside me.

With the newly found strength in my body regardless of fatigue I had encumbered due to the fragility that was my inner demons from the events that had unfolded the past few weeks.

Jinsol, So-hee, new beginnings to branches of relationships that could become more and more,

My bones clank, crack against each other like to fight against itself but instead, it was more satisfying.

Hearing it pop and my prior physical pain had become pleasure.

Walking over to my closet, I looked through the assortment of clothes and settled upon a pair of jeans instead of opting for something more comfortable due to,


I had showered last night, so I was still fresh.

Yes, I am aware that people dislike showering at night but it was well needed since,

I think it was because Suze wanted to shower with me to be honest.

Her body was the only thing that had lingered in my mind,

Man's original sin after all.

But beyond that, I was not one to turn down such an affectionate action from my spouse.

Grabbing a pair of socks, I moved a bit back and sat down on the edge of the bed.

I do not want to wear a t-shirt, it's a bit warm even though it's October.

But I have become a bit affectionate of my own.

To surprise her with my bare upper half, her excitement does make me smile after all.

Putting the socks on, I walked out of my room where I was surprised which made me jump back upon the sight of two figures in the kitchen

Upon looking at her hair, I knew who it was immediately as she turned around all of a sudden where I try walking back a bit into the bedroom

Bae - oppa!

Y/N - Jinsol-ah give me a second I didn't know you were here!

She looks at me, unfazed by my irrational action of not putting on a t-shirt as too, Suze turned around

home (Kiss Of Life x Male Y/N)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz