I'm Lee Kiseop, your roommate

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I walk along the sidewalk, my suitcase trailing behind me. My head is buzzing with nervousness and I can already feel the butterflies in my stomach. This will mark the day I first enter South Korea's famous Seoul National Music School.

A Few Months Prior

"Hey mom, has anything come in the mail for me yet?" I shout from my room.
"Not that I know of, but you can take the key and check the mailbox yourself," she replies. I sigh and hop off my bed. Like usual, I skip down the staircase, listening to the loud thumps as my feet hit each step. Once I reach the first floor, my heart sinks down in my chest. I know I shouldn't expect too much. My grades have never really been the best, even though my dad's always on my case about keeping them up.

I grab the key from the counter and trudge across the lawn towards our mailbox. "This is the moment," I tell myself. I push the key in and turn it slowly. The mailbox opens and the anticipation begins to erk me. I reach inside to grab what I'm hoping is the letter. A sealed brown envelope lays in my hands and I open it to reveal what seems to be... my acceptance letter. I'm actually going to
Seoul National Music School.

Present Day

I feel the nervous energy buzzing throughout my body as the shuttle arrives at the front entrance of the school. The steps are quite large and they lead up to a grand, palace-like building with many windows. As I glance around, I notice many students roaming around the front entrance. "Looks like I'll be the only one with blonde hair." I sigh and head up the stairs, pushing through groups of people to get by. I open the door and get myself safely into the school office. "Well, that was chaotic." I mumble.

"Hello!" A lady at the desk warmly greets me. "How may I help you?"
"I- um.." I scavenge through my backpack to find my acceptance letter. "I'm Kevin Woo, a new international student. I'm supposed to come here to find my room number?" I hand her the forms and papers and she looks them over.
"Ah... I see. Well," She points to a man with huge glasses and a slight muscular build. "He's your dorm leader. He'll help you find room 207 in no time!"
I smile and thank her before walking in the direction of the man. "Excuse me, you're my dorm leader?" I say hesitantly and bow. "Hello! I'm-"
"You must be Kevin Woo, am I correct?" He interrupts.
"I'm Kim Jaesop," he smiles. "I can lead you to your room."
I nod and quietly follow him into the B dorm section.
"The school is split. Boys take classes and have their dorms on the right side, whereas the girls are on the left. We all occasionally meet up for duet projects, plays and such." Jaesop explains. I smile a bit, feeling somewhat relaxed.
We reach my room and he hands me the silver key. "Here we are!"
"Thank you, Sunbaenim?" He nods and I bow before heading inside.
I look around, amazed by what I see. The room is gigantic with one bed on the bottom and another platform on the top. There are separate desk areas and a fairly large flatscreen TV. I notice that there are already papers scattered across one of the desks and a bag lays on the bottom bed. I guess my roommate has already arrived?

I settle in and unpack a few of my things, before taking another look around.
Jeez this guy sure is messy. I don't think it would hurt to clean the clutter up a bit...

I bend down and pick up a few articles of clothing, fold them, and place them on his bed, before organizing his papers. Feeling relieved, I head up to the higher platform to take a nap. As I start falling asleep, I hear the door click open. I look down and carefully examine the young man who enters. He is quite handsome, with jet black hair almost covering his eyes, and toned, muscular arms. He reaches his desk, looking confused. "Who did this?" He said in a sharp tone. I quickly hide, too soon to realize I left some of my stuff downstairs. "Shoot," I whisper. I hear footsteps moving up the stairs, and before I know it, I'm face to face with him. "What the hell is this? Who are you supposed to be?" He booms.
"Um.. I-I.. I'm-"
"Forget it. Why would you touch my stuff like this? Who asked?"
"I'm sorry.. I just wanted to help." I exclaim, standing up.
"Forget it, I don't need a roommate like you. Get out before I do something I'll regret," He says, picking up my stuff and shoving it towards me. I walk out of the room and he shuts the door loudly behind me. "Great. Now what will I do?" I sigh and walk down the hall, moving back towards the front entrance. I sit down on the bench near a fountain, head in hands. "Kevin?" I look up to notice Jaesop coming towards me. "Let me guess, Mr. Prince Disease kicked you out?" He sighs, "I should kick his-"
"It's okay. He doesn't like me anyways." I mumble. Jaesop grabs my hand. "Come on, let me deal with this." He he takes my hand, and I reluctantly follow him back to room 207. Jaesop firmly knocks on the door. "Hey, pretty boy! Can you be a gentleman for once in your life and let him stay with you? He's a transfer student, give him a break." As soon as Jaesop says that, we hear footsteps moving towards the door. It swings open, only to reveal my very annoyed "roommate".
"Alright, fine, but one more screw up and you're out for good." He sneers. I thank Jaesop quietly and go inside to resettle. When I finish dealing with everything, I start walking towards the staircase back up to my platform. I feel a hand tightly coil around my wrist. I roll my eyes and then turn around. "If you want to badmouth me again I have no business speaking with you whatsoever." I say.
He shakes his head in dissaproval.
"I'm Lee Kiseop, your roommate. Let's try to get along."

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