Last Day

170 11 1

Kevin POV
I yawn and rub the sleep from my watery eyes. Today's the last day of classes before the break. I slump out of bed, and lazily crawl my way to the bathroom door. "Kiseop?" I call out as I reach for my tooth brush.
"Whattt?" He replies, mimicking the sound of my voice. I sigh and start to brush my teeth. I spit out the minty froth and clean off my tooth brush.

There's a range test today for the vocal segment of music class, but I've been so preoccupied with other things that I haven't been able to practice at all.
What if I mess up..

I shake away that thought and climb back up the stairs to change into my uniform. I hear Kiseop grumble as I assume he's getting out of bed.
A loud noise startles me as it echoes throughout the room.
"Kiseop?.. are you okay?" I question as I hurry down to check out the damage. "Ouch." Kiseop mumbles. " I hit my head." I let out a slight cough to suppress my laughter and walk towards him, ruffling his hair gently. Kiseop's hand stretches towards my wrist and he tugs it away. "Hey, I'm not a kid." He chuckles and I pout. " I know that. I'm just checking up on you." I mumble, looking away from him. His grip on my wrist tightens as he uses my somewhat limp arm to pull himself back up. "Aw, how thoughtful of you." Kiseop cooes before letting go of my wrist and escaping to the bathroom.

I pack my backpack and quietly hum a tune outside the dorm room while waiting for Kiseop to finally make his appearance. Gosh.. this guy has already made me late to class at least 5 times in the past 2 weeks. He's ruining my posh reputation that I've worked so hard to build up. I giggle at this thought, but I feel the presence of a taller figure making its way towards me. "What's got you laughing like this, hoobae?" I look up to see none other than a smiling Jaesop. "Oh, Jaesop sunbaenim!" I grin and bow.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" He chirps.
"Yeah it has." I add. Just as Jaesop opens his mouth to continue the conversation, Kiseop opens the door and comes out, his hair slightly covering his left eye. He bows at our superior and smiles. "Hi Kiseop, don't you think it's time for a haircut?" Jaesop jokes. "Ah yeah, I've been thinking about going, but I haven't really had time." He replies, almost a little dully. "Anyways, how have things been between you two? Are you guys getting along?" Kiseop chuckles at Jaesop's comment. "Better than you could have ever imagined." My cheeks flush from Kiseop's response, and I lightly nudge him. "Oh?" Jaesop gives us a puzzled look. "Sounds great, guys. I'm glad you two are getting along." He says as his lips form an awkward smile.
"Well, I'm off. See you guys later." He waves goodbye and we bow once more before heading to class.

Everyone is doing last minute preparations for the vocal examination, which makes me feel even more anxious.
I gulp and a strange tingle coats my throat.
Come on Kevin.. relax.

Kiseop places a gentle hand on my shoulder, leaning his face close to my ear. "Relax, Kevin," He whispers. "You'll be fine."
His words reassure me and I nod, quickly pulling away from him. I walk towards my desk and sit down stiffly in the uncomfortable plastic chair. Our teacher walks in and writes the order of testing on the board. When he finishes, we all dash over to see when we'll take our turns. I scan the list from the top down, desperately searching for my name.

No way.

Written right down at the bottom, is none other than Kevin Woo.
"You've got to be kidding me." I mutter under my breath.
Kiseop is going third.. and I have to go last??

My hands begin to tremble, but I attempt to steady myself to not cause any further damage to my crumbling mental state. I sigh and slip back into my seat. Just as my heart calms down, Hoon and Dongho approach me. "Looks like Cinderella has to go last." Hoon smirks. "Good luck trying to beat the best." The two laugh in unison before walking off. I feel a vein in my neck jut out.

Great. I'll be the laughing stock of the entire school.
Well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Nearing the End of Class

Mr. Kang has gone through almost everyone already.. my turn's up next.
I gulp anxiously and fidget in my chair. The teacher finishes off with Eli, and motions me to come to the front of the classroom. I sigh and look at Kiseop. He flashes me a thumbs up as I begin walking towards Mr. Kang.
"Okay Kevin. Show us what you've got."
I face the audience, feeling their cold stares digging into the back of my skull. I let go of all these thoughts and begin to sing. I feel my confidence rushing back to my head. The whole class sits back in awe, and I grin as I continue to sing the melody.

Once I finish, everyone cheers and claps, and Mr. Kang sends me quietly back to my seat.
"Wow," Mr. Kang mumbles. "So class, thank you all for sharing your talents with us. I'll be posting the results after the break. Have fun!" We all bow before quickly leaving class.

"Kevin, you were amazing," Kiseop exclaimed, "why don't you serenade me like that in our room?" He winks and I playfully push him to the side. "Relax. Besides, you've never asked~" I chirp and twist the key into the lock, opening our dorm room.

The Evening

Kiseop POV
"Hello?" I answer.
My mom is on the phone, wanting to talk about the trip.
"Kiseop, how many people are you bringing with you? You know we have a limit this year." She reminds worriedly." Don't worry, Eomma. I'm just bringing my friend Kevin along and Jun is Bringing Eli again." I chuckle. "Perfect!" Mom chirps, " see you all soon."
"Alright. See you." I hang up and smile. Kevin strolls over and strings his arms around my neck. I look up at him and quickly peck his lips. "Are you packed?" I ask. Kevin nods and points towards his secured suitcase. "Great. Our family's driver will pick us up in the morning."
Kevin's eyes widen.
"Your family's driver?" He questions.
"Y-yes, is there an issue?" I gulp and look away.
"You guys must have quite a lot of money," Kevin drifts away and sits quietly on my bed. "How did I not figure that out sooner." he chuckles awkwardly and scratches his head.
I sigh and crouch down to his knees. "Is there something wrong?" His eyes won't meet mine.
"Not really, but... they probably expect so much from you. They want you to start a family and take over, don't they?" Kevin bites his lip before continuing, " I don't fit into that equation. I'm what they would never want to see you with." My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach and I shake my head. "No Kevin.. please don't think like that. I love you.. and they'll grow to love you too."

"I don't know.." he rests his head on my shoulder, and lets out a quivering sigh.

I hug him tightly, pulling him in as close as I can. "Kevin.. I need you. I've never felt like this about anyone before, and I don't think I ever will," I exclaim, "Let's have fun together.. okay?"
Kevin pulls away and nods. "Okay..I'll act natural." He smiles.
"It's getting late..We should go to bed." I remark.
We get ready in silence, neither of us make a single sound. I slump into bed and shut my eyes tightly.

Tomorrow's a new day.

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