Rough Day

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"Well, alright. I'm Kevin Woo." I shoot him a fake smile and slip away from his grasp. I make it all the way up and jump into bed.
"Hey!" He says. "I never set the rules in place though. As far as I'm concerned, you don't exist.. So don't talk to me."

"But you just said-" I stop mid-sentence, knowing this wasn't going to go anywhere. I reach for the light and turn it off before laying down to rest.

The Next Morning

I shoot up in my bed, startled as the tune of my alarm blares. I rub the sleep from my eyes and yawn, stretching my arms high above my head. Today is my first day of school.
I get out of bed and head down to the bathroom, uniform in hand. Great. The door's locked.
"Hey Kiseop?" I ask.
"What's that? I think I heard something." Kiseop chuckles and I hear him turn the shower dial.
"Damn you." I mumble.

I stay outside for about an hour before Kiseop lets me in, and now I know I'm going to be late for sure. I push him out of the way and dart into the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth, and slipping my uniform on, before rushing out the door.
"Hey wait up!" Kiseop shouts.
"Oops I can't, I thought I didn't exist." I giggle and set off to the class schedule and classroom number board.
I know what classes I am in, but I need the classroom numbers. Ah. Here we are.

Period 1- Music Theory (Clsrm 112)
Period 2- Hip-hop dance (Clsrm 204)
Period 3- Music History (Clsrm 118)
Period 4- Composition (Clsrm 156)

I start walking towards classroom 112, looking around nervously, only to crash into something with a great thud. I fall to the floor and my papers scatter across the hall. "Ow." I rub my head. When I look up, I notice a muscular, kind-eyed boy staring down at me. "Uh.. I'm so sorry." I blurt out and blush as I try to pick up my papers. He kneels down to help me. "It's fine." He says calmly. "Here you go." The boy gives me my papers and helps me back up. "I'm Eli by the way" he chuckles. "And you are?"
"Kevin." I answer timidly.
"Are you going to Music Theory too? We can walk together if you'd like." I grin widely and nod my head.
"I'd love to." I reply and he smiles, leading the way to our classroom. Eli sits down in the far back corner. I try to go over to him, but the teacher stops me. "Class, this is our new student. Why don't you introduce yourself?" The whole class snickers. I sigh and put on my best smile. "Hello, I'm Kevin Woo. I hope we'll all be friends one day."
"Friends? What a loser." I hear one whisper. "I heard he's from the USA." another mutters. "He seems kind of miserable when it comes to speaking Korean. Poor thing. " The whole class bursts out into laughter. I look over at Eli, who is frowning. He motions me to come sit beside him, and I undoubtedly oblige. As I settle down, the teacher turns around to write the class program on the board. In the meantime, a group of what seems to be "tough guys" comes over to me. "Hey Cinderella, when will you be going to the ball?" His crew laughs. "Better not forget your glass slipper, blondie."
" Enough already, Hoon." Eli snaps.
I look down and Eli pats my back.
Our teacher turns back around and Hoon and the others hustle back to their seats.
"Okay class, if you don't remember me, I'm Mr.Kang."

Class finishes in no time, and I'm already left on my own once again. This place is so packed. I approach the cafeteria and walk up to the counter. The lunch ladies place a strange looking meat on my plate with a side of kimchi. I scan the cafeteria for an open seat. When I finally see one, I walk over, setting my tray down along with my bag. The people sitting around look a bit familiar. "Crap." I mumble. It's Hoon's group. If I recall correctly, his friends are named Dongho, Soohyun, and Kibum.  "Well well well, look who it is." Hoon sneers. Dongho is smirking and the other two chuckle, as Hoon taps his finger against the table.
"WE were going to mess with you, but that job will be taken care of in a second." Hoon smiles widely. He's such a creep. "You're sitting in my seat." A familiar voice speaks behind me. I turn my head to see the royal pain, Lee Kiseop. "Hm? Oh sorry." I say sarcastically.
"Dongho, pass me your Kimchi." Kiseop says
"But whyy?! I'm not finished with it yet!" Dongho pouts, shaking his head.
"Just do as I say and pass me the bowl!" Kiseop booms.
"Okay okay fine." Dongho hands the soggy bowl of Kimchi over to Kiseop. As soon as I turn my head, I feel something drizzle on my chest.
"Hey, what do you think you're-" Kiseop pours the Kimchi right onto my white shirt. "Next time you'll remember your place," he smirks and walks away.

I make my way to the bathroom and begin scrubbing away at the stain.
"Aish!" The stain is slowly fading but it's taking me a while to get rid of it. It finally begins to clear up, and I dry my shirt under the hand dryer, before putting it back on and rushing to my next class. I'm late for third period. Ugh. Talk about great first impressions. "Kevin?" I see Jaesop coming towards me. "Hey, sunbaenim!" I wave and start walking towards him as well. "How's your first day going?" He asks.
"Erm... Interestingly," I reply, scratching my head.
"What is it this time, Kiseop and his buddies?"
"Those are his friends?"
"Yep. They are the most well-known and highly ranked students at this school. Everyone knows them."
I nod. "Sounds great," I say sarcastically "Well, if they weren't terrible people, of course." I mumble.
"Aw," Jaesop chuckles. " Don't let them bother you. They're just idiots who only care for their looks, not for others." He pats my shoulder and waves goodbye.

I arrive at my room and open the door. When I look inside, Kiseop isn't there.
Thank god.
I sit down at my desk and pull my books out. There's already this much homework and it's only the first day. I sigh loudly and start writing and researching on Beethoven. The door opens and Kiseop walks in. "Hey, idiot"  "Hello, your highness." I retort. His walking comes to an abrupt hault and he turns around, grabbing my shirt collar. "What did you call me?" He says angrily.
"You heard me." I nod, not afraid of his strength. Kiseop lets go of my shirt and walks into the bathroom.
"Kiseop, it's almost dinner." I remind before walking out to join Eli and his friend. As usual, I don't receive a reply. I don't know why I keep trying with this guy.. it's a lost cause. I shake my head and wave at Eli. Him and his friend stop and welcome me to walk with them. "Kevin, this is Jun." Eli explains and I extend my hand over to the delicate boy.
"Hello Jun."
"Hey, how are you?" He takes my hand and shakes it firmly and confidently, taking me by surprise.
"Not bad, I had a pretty tough day."
"Ah, that sucks. I hope my cousin didn't give you too much trouble. I heard you're rooming with him?"
I give Jun a confused look.
"Ah, right." Eli says. "Jun is a year younger than us, but we still share a room. His cousin is Kiseop."
I blink a few times, keeping my gaze on Jun. "B-But.. How are you able to deal with someone like that?" I blurt.
Jun laughs. "He may seem like a bad person now, but he's really quite the cuddler." Jun replies happily.


I lay in my bed, hands slipped under my pillow.
I wonder what Kiseop is really like? I mean, how can a person really be that rude... Did I really do something to offend him?
I walk down the steps to Kiseop's bed. He's sleeping.
I move a bit closer to him and take a better look. His face looks sweet, but how can he be so toxic? I move a tiny bit closer, my face only a few inches away from his. Suddenly, his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me on top of him.
"And what do you think you're doing?" He asks, staring deeply into my eyes. "Uh.. I..wasn't doing anything." I reply. My heart pounds violently inside my chest. "Don't stare at me too long, it'll ware out." He chuckles and releases my waist. I scurry back up the stairs and hide under the covers.
Oh my gosh... What the hell was that.
I grunt and smack my head against the pillow.

Dammit Kiseop..

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