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Eli won't leave me alone.. He's taken over my dreams.. my nightmares.. and he shows up everywhere I go.. I even see him when I blink. I swear I'm not going crazy.. I'm not crazy..

Kevin POV
I wake up to a shirtless Kiseop's arms wrapped around me.
When did he take his shirt off..
I slap his bare chest and his eyes open up in an instant. "What was that for?!" he booms. I roll my eyes and hop out of bed. "It's 9:00 am on a Monday. Class starts in 10 minutes." I walk towards the bathroom, "and I'm using the bathroom first" I laugh and close the door. As I turn the the faucet knob I begin thinking about all that has transpired these past couple months. I never expected things to be like this when I came here.. so much drama.. so much love. It's all so confusing, but I think I can handle it.

In Class

" Well class," our teacher begins, "This is the last week of classes before the break."
Everyone in the class claps but I stay quiet.
Right.. The holidays....Where will I go?
I shake my head and grab my books from my bag. Kiseop taps my shoulder and I look up.
"What is it?" I whisper. I place my bags on the table and he leans in, bringing his lips to my ear.
"What are you doing for the holidays?" He asks.
"I'm still thinking about it.." I reply, flushed with embarrassment.
"How about coming on a trip to Jeju Island with my family and I."
" Ooh that sounds-" I pause for a moment and think replay his words in my head. "Wait.. Your family?!" Kiseop signals me to quiet down in a panic. My eyes widen and I cover my mouth, staring back up at our teacher.
"Kiseop, Kevin!" Mr. Lee booms. "You two are dismissed for today."
Darn it..
I sigh and mouth "sorry" to Kiseop as I pack my things back into my backpack.
We walk outside to the courtyard. I slump onto the bench and Kiseop sits next to me.
"How are you planning on hiding the fact that we're... you know," I bite my lip and Kiseop chuckles.
"It's simple," he says, "We just don't tell them and act like friends." He replies, shrugging his shoulders. I frown and cross my arms.
"Isn't that dishonest? And besides.. They're going to find out eventually."
He sighs and looks away. "It's fine for this occasion.. Just trust me."
"Fine." I say as I play with my fingers.
Kiseop takes my hand and holds it tight. "Don't worry Kevin.. I would never do something that would jeopardize our relationship." I feel reassured by his comment, nodding my head slowly.
The school bell rings and Kiseop and I part ways. I promised myself I would check on Jun after classes today.

Kiseop POV
I pace around the dorm room.
Why did I think it was a good idea to invite Kevin? I mean... It would be fun and all... But what if we really do get found out?

I chew on my lips nervously.

And then there's mom... Mom's tough.. And selective about almost anything and everything I associate with. I guess when you come from a rich family, all they expect is class. I'm surprised she even let me go to music school in the first place. Well, besides her, I'm sure my sister will like Kevin.. I hope..

I glance at my phone. 7 missed calls from Kevin Woo? I panic and dial his number as fast as I can. "Kevin?" I say into the speaker. I hear muffled sobs from the other line and I rush out of the dorm room. "Kevin where are you?!" I shout.
"I've been looking everywhere.." he says in a sniffled voice.
"Looking everywhere for who?" I reply worriedly.
"Jun...He's not in his room.. and he's nowhere on campus.. I've looked almost-"
"He's missing?" I cut Kevin off and run to the front gates and out into the streets.
"Yes.. he is.." Kevin sobs. I hang up the phone and begin running as fast as I can.
"Jun?!" I yell, "JUN!"
I look around once again, however he is nowhere to be seen.

I stand on the edge of the school's roof, my hands shaky and sweaty.
If I do this... If I.... Jump
Will Eli come back to me?..
I laugh and scream, before running my hands through my hair. Tears rush down my cheeks and I look down at the ground.
Wow...It sure is a far way from here... I'll be gone for sure.
I close my eyes and lean forward, embracing my time to fall.
"Jun!" a voice screams and grabs my arms. I sob violently and begin wriggling out of their grasp.
"Let me go!" I scream in agony, "I can't do this anymore. It's better this way, trust me!"

The man lifts me back onto the compound and wrap his arms tightly around me.
I can feel his body shaking. Is he crying?
"I said let me go!" I sob, "I want to go now..I want to be with him."
"No..." he says, "No...I'm sorry Jun."
He pulls away from the hug, but continues to hold onto my arms firmly. As my vision begins to clear, I look at the man who is facing me.

"Eli?" my eyes widen and I look down. "No.." I chuckle, "It can't be you.. I'm just imagining things again."
"It's me." he cups my cheeks with his trembling hands. Tears roll down his face and he looks at me with sorrowful eyes.
I stare back at him blankly, not knowing how to react. I just feel empty. I take a couple more moments before focusing my attention onto the face of the man that broke me.
"Eli...I just couldn't handle it. You're really the only person who's ever supported me after all I've gone through." Eli's face becomes more distressed.
"I love you.. and not in the way you'd think.. I really love you." I whisper through my sobs.
Eli pulls me in again, holding me tight.
"I wish I realized that sooner." He replies, his grasp tightening around me more and more with each word. "I won't leave you again.. I promise." His words reassure me, and I feel the burden lift from my shoulders.
How could I be so foolish.

"I won't let you leave."

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