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Kevin POV
The nurse shakes her head in disappointment.
"He has a minor concussion, and had to get 6 stitches on his left side, and if that isn't enough, he also has a black eye. There's no way he's going to school this next week." My jaw drops and I exchange concerned looks with Kiseop.
"But miss, we have 3 important exams coming." I exclaim.
"I guess your teacher will have to excuse you both from assignments and tests this week."
"Wait, did I hear you correctly? You said both.."
"Oh yes, Mr. Woo. I'm putting Kiseop in your hands, as I will be going on vacation for the next two weeks." She sways happily.
"What the hell." Kiseop and I say in unison.
"But Kevin needs to raise his marks!" Kiseop blurts and I punch his arm in retaliation.
"Kevin Woo!!" The nurse shouts
"You don't hit the patient!"
I sigh and Kiseop takes my hand, our fingers intertwining in unison.
"I guess there isn't much we can do, c'mon Kevin." Kiseop stands up and we say our goodbyes to the school nurse. I groan and Kiseop chuckles, lightly jabbing my side.
"Is it really that bad? I mean, we get to spend more time together," He winks. I roll my eyes then flash him a wide grin. " Seems like you've got a lot of enemies here, Mr. Prince." I scoff, then pause for a moment. Eli.. I wonder where he went. I just can't believe that he was capable of doing this.

I follow Eli, moving as fast as I can in the courtyard to catch up with him.
"Eli!" I scream. "Eli!! Please stop it!"
He turns around again and his expression is like a knife to my heart.
"What do you want?" He scoffs.
"Eli.." I move closer and pull him into a hug.
He pushes me off and I fall hard onto the pavement. Hot stinging tears begin to roll down my cheeks, and I quickly wipe them away with my scraped palms.
I won't cry. I won't..
"E-Eli.." I squeek.
Without a word.
Not even a single word, and he walks away from me.
I can't handle this.

Kiseop POV
"Have you seen Jun at all?" I say worriedly. The whole damn family will have my ass on a platter if he's missing.
"Hm, no not today.. Was he around during the fight?" Kevin replies.
"Not that I remember.. I should go look for him."
"Are you kidding? You just got hurt an hour ago.. I won't let you strain yourself." Kevin booms and I hold in my laughter.
He's cute when he's like this.
"But I need to go find him." I mumble.
"Let me deal with it." Kevin says and I grab him and pull him into my arms.
"No funny business. No spending time with other guys. Just find Jun."
I kiss his cheek and Kevin's face turns bright red, making me chuckle in amusement.
"Now come on before I change my mind on letting you go."
He nods and shuffles out the door.

Kevin POV
I checked in the gym, all the hallways, other dorm sections, and he's nowhere to be found.

Jun... Where are you.

I push through the school's front doors and walk around outside.
"Jun?" I call. All of the sudden, I can here sobs coming from closer to the end of the school property. I run towards the noises and a figure comes into view. He is crumpled down on his knees.
"Hm?" I move closer and it becomes clear that's it's Jun. I rush towards him and the sobs become unbearably louder with every stride.
"Jun...." I begin to tear up as I put my hand on his shoulder lightly. Jun immediately stands up, and I engulf him into a tight hug.
"H-He's gone.." He stutters.
"Who's gone, Jun?" I bite my bottom lip hard.
"E-Eli.. He actually left. He left me here." Jun cries into my shoulder.
My heart sinks down to the pit of my stomach. It was all my fault.
I try to be strong for Jun, holding back my tears.
"I'm so sorry Jun.. I'm sorry... It was my fault."
I breathe heavily in an effort try to stop my tears from flowing. Jun breaks away and looks at me lovingly. "It wasn't.." He says.
"Eli changed in that moment. I couldn't even believe what was going on." Jun wipes his tears and grabs my hand.
When we walk inside, Kiseop is waiting at the door to greet us. Jun runs over to him and Kiseop envelopes him into a tight embrace.
Poor Jun... I didn't realize how much Eli meant to him. Even though he did something like this.. I know there must be something that really brought him to this point. I hope he comes back, at least for Jun.

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