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Kiseop POV
I stomp on the ground and cry out before crouching down, covering my head with my hands.
How could this happen?...Where could he have even gone?
I sob into my palms, not knowing what to do next.
He was my only responsibility. I let my family down.
"Kiseop!" I hear Kevin scream. I look up at his fragile body darting towards me with puffy eyes. He drags me up and begins running faster. "They found Jun!" Kevin smiles brightly, "And he's got no injuries at all."
I sigh in relief and take Kevin's hand.
We reach school and Kevin slows down the pace as we enter the dormitory.

Jun and I lay down on the bed. I caress his cheek as he wraps his arms around me.
What is this feeling?
We snap out of it as soon as we hear a knock on the door. Jun sits upright and I follow.
"It's open!" Jun says.
I begin to feel anxious, knowing exactly who is behind the door. When it swings open, Kevin rushes over to Jun, and Kiseop just stays by the entrance, staring right at me. He slowly starts to walk towards us, and I bite my lip.
Kevin grabs my arms and shakes me.
"Where have you been?!" He sobs angrily. I break away from his grasp and look down at my lap.
I've never felt so helpless.. what have I become.
"I'm sorry.. some things were happening at home.. and I needed to deal with them."
"Well.. you should have just told us, we could have helped!"
"It was my family business. There was nothing you could have done about it...and I was also heartbroken." I add.
"But you left others in the same position." Kevin kneels down and rubs Jun's shoulder. I instinctively snatch Jun's hand, holding it as tight as I can. "I know.. and I realized it. That's why I came back."
Kevin's eyes widen.
"Eli.. are you saying??"
I nod and he begins to smile. "You two are.." He squeals. Kiseop chuckles and rolls his eyes.
"Oh my, Jun! I knew things would end up being fine for you." Kevin jumps around, and everyone starts to laugh. "Thanks for the comic relief." Kiseop chirps.
I sigh and look at Kiseop. " I'm sorry for what I did. I don't even know what came over me.. I swear that's not who I am."
"Whatever, no need to worry about it." Kiseop smiles and ruffles Jun's hair.
"So Jun, have you told Eli about the family trip? I'm sure we can bring him along too." He asks Jun, who has a puzzled look on his face.
"Well.. no.. I didn't yet." Jun looks at me and giggles. "Wanna come on a trip to Jeju island with us? We're going on the family yacht."
"Why not? It sounds like fun."
"Great then it's settled." Kevin says before grabbing Kiseop's hand and dragging him to the door. "We'll leave you two alone. Bye guys!"

And with that, they leave the room.

Jun rests his head against my shoulder, and I sigh. He looks up, his eyes glazed with tears. "Do you really love me, Eli?"
His question sets me aback. I clear my throat before softly kissing his cheek. "Why wouldn't I?" I reply. His arms slowly wrap around my waist, and he snuggles into the crook of my neck. I feel my face burning up, and I instinctively push him down onto the bed. Jun's eyes widen at my actions, but as I lean my face closer towards his, he reciprocates. I press my lips down onto his, and he swings his arms around my neck. My mouth unkowingly moves down towards his neck and I lightly kiss the sensitive skin. Once my eyes reconnect with his, I notice tears streaming down his face. "Jun?" I ask as my concern intensifies. He wipes his tears and sits up. "Sorry.. I just can't be like this just yet. "
"I understand.. I'm sorry I went overboard. I just couldn't help myself." I hold onto his hand and squeeze it.
"Let's make this official then." I propose. " I want to be with you, and I know there's a lot I still need to work on after how I treated you. We can figure it out though, right?"
"I don't know.." Jun looks down at his lap. "I feel like.. I'm never good enough." He whispers, as a tear slips down his cheek.
"You are, okay?" I reassure him. "I've chosen to love you because you are the person I want to spend my time with. Please don't worry so much. I won't leave you.. I'll continue to be here for you no matter what."
"Okay.." a smile dances on the corners of Jun's lips.

(Author's note: okay guysssssss. Sorry about all this weird Jun x Eli stuff. I kinda wanna spice things up before the real drama begins on their trip to Jeju Island. So yeahh)

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