Jeju Island Drama PT. 1.

164 10 4

Kevin POV
As expected, the car is really fancy. I am nervous.. Kiseop tried to to calm me down while we were walking off campus.. but really can't think straight.
The chauffeur exits the car and opens the door for us. I smile and bow before shuffling in. Kiseop greets him, and enters beside me.
"I'll be taking you straight to the port Master Lee." I bite my lip at the driver's statement.

Master Lee...

"Sounds great, thank you." Kiseop replies cheerfully.
I can't help but feel that Kiseop isn't taking this seriously.. I mean.. I'm going to meet his parents for the first time on their family yacht. I feel like an intruder for coming along on their trip.
My hand drifts to the side of my body and I sigh. Kiseop reaches for my hand, and I pull it away before he can grab onto me. He frowns and softly places his hand on my leg. "Kevin, is everything alright?" He questions.
"Y-yes.. everything's fine." I hesitate. His hand pulls away and he clasps the pair together. "You don't need to feel nervous. They know I don't just spend time with anyone. You've gotta be important." Kiseop jokes to thin out the tension in the air. A smile cracks along my lips and I nod.

After a little while, we arrive at the port, and my heart begins pounding fast. The driver pulls up next to a group of 5 standing by a large white vehicle. I see Jun and Eli, who instantly wave as we exit the car. Before waving back, I glance at the other members of Kiseop's family and bow.
"Oh, how polite." The woman, who I assume is Kiseop's mother, chirps. "There's no need to do that."
I nod my head slowly and smile. Kiseop nudges me and I stumble forward. "Eomma.. this is Kevin, the friend I was telling you about." He introduces. "Ah.. so great to finally meet you!" She smiles brightly. "Kiseop says a lot about you. " she continues. Kiseop's cheeks flush bright red. I chuckle and pat his shoulder.
"A-anyways.." he stutters. "This is my dad.. and my younger sister Kyeongmi."
I bow once again. "It's really a pleasure to meet you all. Thank you for letting me come on this trip.. I hope i'm not a burden!" I respond.
"Please, you would never be! Let's prepare to get on board." Mrs. Lee signals the crew to collect our stuff and help us onto the yacht.
It's gigantic.. and we have the whole thing to ourselves.

As soon as we get on board, we are directed to our rooms. Kiseop and I have separate rooms on the opposite ends of the hallway.. it's a little bit of a bummer..
After all, I'm used to having him next to me every night.
Hah.. right.. We're "not together" right now.

My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. I know it's for our relationship's safety, but I can't help but feel a bit guilty. I look down, only to notice a toothpaste mark on my shirt.
Shoot.. no way
I quickly reach over to my bag and grab a clean one.
I had a stain like this... so embarrassing.

No.. I shouldn't be thinking like this

I shake my insecurities out of my head, and leave my room feeling fresh. Kiseop gives me a quick wave, but before I can go over to him, I feel a smaller hand latch onto my arm.
Kyeongmi is standing behind me, pouting cutely. I cock my head in confusion, but flash a small smile at the girl. "Kevin oppa~ can you help me tie my shoelaces?" She asks.
I chuckle and bend down "Sure." As I start tying them, I feel Kiseop's body lurking behind me. "Kyeongmi, you're 16 now. Don't you think you can tie your own shoelaces?" He scoffs. "Yeah, but I wanted your handsome friend to do it for me~" I stand up and ruffle her long, black hair. "You're such a sweetie." I laugh.

Kiseop POV
"Kyeongmi!" I shout.
"What?!" Kyeongmi shoots back. "What did I do?" Her eyes become teary and Kevin frowns.
"I-it's nothing." I mutter. Kevin glares at me before fixing his gaze on my little devil sister.
I feel... what do I feel.. enraged?
No no.. that's not it..
"Don't yell for no reason.." he raises his hand and flicks my forehead. I stand there as my jaw drops, watching them.. "flirt"..

Ugh.. it makes me sick thinking about it..

"Hellooo.. Kiseop? You there?"
I snap out of it once I notice Kevin waving his hand in front of my face. Kyeongmi is smiling "innocently" behind Kevin, and my heart continues to race. I grab his wrist and dart in the other direction.
"Bye Kyeongmi" I chirp, escaping with Kevin.
"Wait Kiseopppp, where are you going with Kevin?"

I scan the boat to find a private place. Once I know we're safe for sure, I let go and motion towards the pantry door. Kevin nods and follows me in. It's quite cramped, but neither of us are complaining.
"So we're finally alone together.. in a pantry." Kevin chuckles.
"I know it's not that romantic but I couldn't think of anywhere else to go.. I just really want to touch you."
I pull his fragile body into a tight hug. "I just want to hold you like this."
"Kiseop.. it hasn't even been a day yet, but you already miss touching me?" Kevin giggles, his grasp tightening. "I do." I say before pulling away. "We should head to the deck before they start searching for us." I add. Kevin and I file out of the pantry only to come across...


"What were you guys doing in there?" She questions. "Nothing." We blurt simultaneously. "Ah.. of course." Kyeongmi smirks. "No seriously. Kevin brought some snacks for the trip so I was just showing him where to put them." I reply nervously. "Ah.. Kevin Oppa, that's so nice of you. They're for me, right?" She squeals. "They're for all of us." I snap. Kevin nods, smiling sweetly at Kyeongmi.

I feel my insides rotting.

"Anyways, we should all get going. The weather is nice, so let's go out to the deck."
I race up onto the high platform and Kevin zips past me, over to the very front of the yacht. I chuckle and slowly make my way towards him. A sharp pain presses into my chest, forcing me to stop. I crouch down, still staring directly at the glowing golden haired boy.

My feelings have grown stronger than I expected.. they're almost suffocating me.
But I can't stop feeling that..

Something isn't right.

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