The Flight

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Kiseop POV
I take a deep breath and unlock the dorm room door.
"Hey Kevin I'm-"
I freeze and look around. The room is almost completely empty. "Kevin?" My heart begins to race as I run up the stairs to his platform. All that is left is his blanket that is folded up neatly at the corner of the bed. I move back down quickly, unable to comprehend the situation. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the sunlight glimmering in from the window onto my bed.

Wait.. is that a...

I slowly move towards it and pick up what seems to be a crisply folded sheet of paper.
"No.." I mutter under my breath as I open it up.

"Dear Kiseop,
If you ever see this message, I guess you've finally decided to come back. I wanted to start off by saying I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I was such a nuisance from the beginning until now.. and I'm sorry that I had the guts to even fall for you. The days I spent with you here were some of the best I've ever had in my life . I would never take any of that time back. I cherish you more than anything.. and I don't know if I can go anywhere this far away without you. I'm leaving to attend a music school in California on a full scholarship. My family doesn't have much money.. so this is a really good opportunity for us. I hope you can understand.. and forgive me. Just know that I'll be thinking of you... and it's okay if you decide to move on. I don't know if I can do it.. I'm already missing you as I write this.
I love you.

Kevin Woo."

I let the note slip out of my trembling hands. Unsure of what to do or how to feel, I run straight towards the door to find Jaesop.

"Jaesop.. JAESOP?" I shout as I dart into the main hall. "Kiseop what is-"

"It's Kevin.. Kevin." I struggle to catch my breath and I hold onto Jaesop tightly. "When is his flight.. please.. please tell me." He gives me a pain-stricken stare before shaking his head. "It's in 30 minutes. There's no way you can make it on time."
"No.. I have to." I reach into my pocket and grab my cellphone to call my secretary. "I need a car. Now. " I speak sternly before running outside. The car pulls up a few moments later and I hop in. "Incheon airport now!"

I need to make it... I hope I make it... I can't let this happen..

"Faster!" I yell at my driver and he picks up the pace. The traffic isn't that heavy but Incheon is pretty far from the school.

This is killing me..I can't stop worrying.

Once we reach the airport, I get out of the car as quickly as I can and rush into the building.

The departure board.. the departure board.

I run towards the glowing board of times.


"I'm really sorry." I bow at the woman I bumped into and continue on my way.
I scan through the list of flights quickly until my eye spots Kevin's departure time.

"Flight 0279 to Los Angeles: 7:30, on time"

I flip my phone out once again and see that....

it's already 7:30.

"" I dart outside towards the runway, only to see the United Airlines plane already moving along. I sprint to keep up with the plane until finally, it lifts off the ground.
I instantly drop to my knees as the numbness overwhelms me. I want to scream but nothing comes out. All I can do is watch the boy I love slip out of my grasp once and for all. I made a mistake, but now it's too late for me to take it all back.I'm so sorry. I should've treated you better.

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