let's face tomorrow together

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Adalyn Elliot's POV( At night)
Ellis: I am home, Mom.
Adalyn: Ellis! Get in here right now!
Ellis (nervously): Yes, Mom?
Adalyn: How could you not tell me about this engagement? Do you have any idea how I felt hearing it from someone else?
Ellis: I... I was going to tell you, but—
Adalyn (cutting her off): But what? You thought you could just spring it on me when it was convenient for you? This is not a small matter, Ellis. This is your life we're talking about!
Ellis: I know, Mom, but it wasn't my decision. The queen ordered it.
Adalyn: And you just listened? Without even consulting me? Do you think that little of my opinion?
Ellis: It's not that, Mom. I tried to refuse, but there was no way out.
Adalyn: You didn't try hard enough! Do you think you can handle the pressures of being engaged to the prince when you can't even stand up for yourself?
Ellis: I saved his life, Mom. I couldn't just walk away after that.
Adalyn: Saved his life? That doesn't mean you have to marry him! You're not some pawn to be traded around!
Ellis (tears forming): I know, but what choice did I have?
Adalyn (softening slightly): You always have a choice, Ellis. But you chose to hide this from me. How can I trust your decisions if you can't even be honest with me?
Ellis: I'm sorry, Mom. I was scared.
Adalyn (sighing): I know you were. But you should have come to me. We could have faced this together. Now we're both caught in this mess.
Ellis: What do we do now?
Adalyn: We'll figure it out, but understand this: you are not alone in this. Next time, you come to me first. Promise?
Ellis (nodding):  I promise, Mom.
Adalyn: Good. Now, Let me think... you can stay out of the mansion for a few days.
Ellis: And when I return? They will kill me. The whole Mytilence family is present in the mansion including the king. I can't just disappear.
Adalyn: You're right. There is nothing that is coming to my mind. 
Elliot Ellis's POV
It's already April 4th. One day has passed since the Mytilence family arrived, and I feel completely lost. By now, many people know about my engagement to Prince Noah. I just hope Muriel and Dustin won't be angry with me for not telling them sooner. I only have three days left. The preparations are nearly complete, and I can do nothing to change the situation. I should be going now. I was walking in the University corridors, Prince Noah couldn't come to the university for a few important reasons. 
Muriel: ELLIS!
Ellis: Yes?
Dustin: When on Earth would you tell us about your Engagement?
Ellis: I am seriously disturbed by the matter as well.
Muriel: What do you mean by " Disturbed"?
Ellis: Troubled, Distressed, Bothered, Upset, Shocked.
Dustin: How are you shocked?
Ellis: Because it is not my will, it's Queen's order. ( lower voice)
Muriel: If it wasn't your will, then why didn't you resist?
Ellis: You think my opinion matters in front of the Queen's order?
Dustin: Didn't she dislike you in the past?
Ellis: I am also concerned about it. I don't know what made her like me.
Muriel: What are you planning to do next?
Ellis: The preparations are almost complete. I can do nothing.
Muriel: Will you really get engaged with Prince Noah? All your dreams will be crashed.
Ellis: What do you mean?
Dustin: The queen or any prince's wife is not allowed to work.
My heart shattered into a thousand pieces, each fragment aching with deep, unbearable sorrow. The weight of the pain was overwhelming, leaving me breathless and struggling to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over.
Dustin: Are you well, Ellis?
Ellis: Ah... I have to go.
Noah Mytilence's POV
Someone knocked on my door.
Noah: Come in.
I was taken aback when I saw Elliot.
Noah: Aren't you supposed to be at university?
Ellis: Our engagement can't happen.
Noah: And why is that?
Ellis: Because I never wanted to get engaged... with-
Noah (cutting her off): You don't have another choice, Elliot. This is your only option.
Ellis: But it's my life that you and your family are playing with. (tears welling up)
Noah: Elliot-  

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