My fault

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Noah Mytilence's POV
Noah: You both are among the elite, the cream of the crop selected for the prestigious Great Imperial University, reserved for the royal family and the brightest minds in the country. Do you believe yourselves to be so knowledgeable that lectures are beneath you? Then why bother attending at all? Answer me! If you, as figures of inspiration, start skipping lectures, what message does that send to your peers? Whose idea was it to skip today's lecture?
Ellis: Mine. It was my idea.
Noah: Elliot's, perfect! out except Elliot.
Everyone left except Elliot.
Noah: I never imagined you could do this.
Ellis: ...
Noah:*sigh* if you were someone else, I would call their parents... How should I punish you?
Ellis: ...
Noah: You can go now...I urge you to abstain from all prohibited activities and strictly adhere to the rules and regulations.
Ellis: Hmm.
Noah: Did you collect all the notes?
Ellis: Yes professor.
Noah: Very good.
As I smiled at her, a gentle warmth spread through me, mirrored in the softness of her gaze. With tenderness, I reached out, letting my right-hand rest on her cheek. She lifted her eyes to meet mine, and in that fleeting moment, it felt as though time itself paused, allowing our souls to intertwine in an unspoken bond.
Our faces drew closer, the space between us diminishing to mere inches, each breath shared in anticipation. But just as our connection deepened, a disruptive jingle shattered the intimacy. Her phone rang, piercing through the moment like a discordant note in a symphony, leaving me unsettled and yearning for the stolen connection we had shared.
Noah: You can go now.
She leaves the room.
Elliot Ellis's POV
I leave the room.
Muriel: Are you okay?
Dustin: Did he yell at you more?
Ellis: No he didn't that much.
Dustin: Thanks God. Why did you tell him that you made the plan?
Ellis: Because I made it and am sorry, it was my fault.
Muriel: Don't be. 
Dustin: Let's go now or else we will be late.
All lectures finally ended. I was excited to surprise Mom. 
At home
Ellis: Mom!! Isn't she home? She must be in the mansion. Well, I will give it at night. After resting, I started to study. Maybe I should go to the mansion and meet with Mom, then study. 
At the mansion, (kitchen)
Ellis: Hello. What are you doing?
Adalyn: Just washing the dishes darling. Have you eaten?
Ellis: Yeah.
I sat on one of the counters.
Natasha: oh Ellis, I haven't seen you in a while.
Maliha: She forgot about us after becoming the Prince's assistant.
Ellis: It is not like that.
Adalyn: Of course, it's like that.
Maliha: You lost your mother agrees.
Natasha: Enough! Work now.
Ellis: I should be going now.
Natasha: already?
Ellis: Yeah. I have to hit some books.
Natasha: Would you like me to escort you to the doors?
Ellis: is this even a question? of course, I would.
Amid my conversation with Ms Natasha, a sudden collision interrupted our exchange. Prince Noah and I, both unaware of each other's presence, found ourselves on a collision course, our paths intersecting with unexpected force. As our bodies collided, I teetered on the brink of falling, but Prince Noah's swift reflexes saved me from an undignified tumble.
In that fleeting moment of contact, our eyes locked in an unspoken understanding, forging a connection that transcended the chaos around us. Time seemed to stand still as our gazes held as if the universe itself paused to acknowledge the significance of our encounter. In his eyes, I sensed a depth of perception that reached beyond the surface, as though he could peer into the very depths of my soul, laying bare my joys and sorrows with a single glance.
Osman: (AHEM!)
We both returned to reality despite everything that had just happened. He assisted me in getting back on my feet.
Noah(clears throat): Are you hurt?
Ellis: No, your majesty.
He starts walking back the way he came.
Osman: Your Majesty, the mansion isn't in that direction; it's the opposite way.
Prince Noah doesn't say a word but starts walking in the right direction, with Osman and his guards following him.
Natasha: What is going on?
Ellis: Nothing...?
The aggressive tug of Natasha's grip sent a jolt of apprehension through me as we entered the mansion. The accusatory stares from the gathered crowd intensified my sense of unease, leaving me feeling like a trespasser in my own skin.
As Natasha led me to the Queen's room, her steps purposeful and determined, my heart pounded with a mixture of anticipation and dread. The forceful knock echoed through the corridor, a harbinger of the confrontation that awaited us on the other side of that imposing door.
Without waiting for a response, Natasha pushed open the door and dragged me inside, thrusting me into the presence of the Queen with a startling lack of ceremony. At that moment, I braced myself for the repercussions of whatever perceived transgression had led us to this point, my mind racing with unanswered questions and a growing sense of trepidation.

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