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Elliot Ellis's POV
Dustin: When will this event end?
Ellis: The event didn't even start.

Muriel: I want to sleep.
Ellis: Rest your head on my shoulder and sleep.
Muriel: I love you, Ellis.
Author's POV
[The auditorium is abuzz with excitement as students, faculty, and distinguished guests take their seats. The stage is set, adorned with the university's emblem and royal banners. A hush falls over the crowd as the host, Dr. Elijah, steps up to the podium.]

Dr. Elijah (Host):Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed guests, faculty, and students,Welcome to The Imperial University Auditorium. Today, we have gathered for a very special occasion, as we have been summoned by King William himself.Firstly, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our distinguished guests. Your presence here today is a true honour and enriches our community greatly.To our dedicated faculty and staff, thank you for your relentless commitment to excellence. Your hard work has made The Imperial University a beacon of knowledge and innovation.And to our brilliant students, you are the heart of this institution. Your passion and pursuit of knowledge inspire us all, and we are incredibly proud of your achievements.As we proceed with today's program, I encourage each of you to engage, connect, and take full advantage of the opportunities to learn and grow from one another.Once again, welcome to The Imperial University Auditorium. Let us make the most of this day and look forward to the incredible possibilities ahead.Thank you."[The audience applauds warmly as Dr. Elijah steps aside. The lights dim slightly, and a spotlight focuses on the entrance. King William, accompanied by his entourage, walks gracefully onto the stage. The audience rises in respect, and the king acknowledges them with a nod before approaching the podium.]King William:Thank you, Dr. Elijah, for your kind words and for organizing this remarkable event.Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed faculty, and dear students,It is an honour to stand before you today. The Imperial University has always been a place of great learning and innovation, and I am delighted to witness its continued growth and success.Today, I wish to speak about the future – your future. Each one of you holds the potential to shape the world in ways we cannot yet imagine. Your dedication, curiosity, and hard work are the cornerstones of progress and change.As you embark on your journeys, remember that knowledge is a powerful tool, but it is compassion, integrity, and collaboration that will define your true success. Use your talents not only for personal gain but to uplift those around you and contribute to the greater good.In recognition of your efforts and to further support your endeavours, I am pleased to announce the establishment of the Royal Scholarship Fund. This initiative will provide financial assistance to deserving students, enabling them to pursue their dreams without hindrance.Thank you all for your dedication and hard work. I am confident that you will continue to make us proud.Enjoy the rest of the event, and may your paths be bright and prosperous.[The audience erupts into applause, with many students visibly excited about the new scholarship fund. King William steps down, and Dr. Elijah returns to the podium.]Elijah: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honour to welcome to the stage Prince Noah. Please join. me in giving him a warm round of applause.[Applause as Prince Noah steps up to the stage, smiling and composed.]Prince Noah: Thank you. Distinguished guests, esteemed colleagues, and dear friends,It is both a privilege and a pleasure to stand before you this evening. Tonight, we gather to celebrate not just the achievements of our past, but the promise of our future. In these halls, we are surrounded by the brightest minds and the most compassionate hearts, united by a common goal: to create a world that is better for all.As I look out at this remarkable audience, I am reminded of the words of Nelson Mandela: 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.' It is through learning and understanding that we break down barriers, challenge the status quo, and inspire innovation. Each one of you here tonight represents a piece of that transformative power.In our pursuit of excellence, we must also remember the values that bind us together: integrity, respect, and a commitment to service. It is these principles that guide us in our endeavours, ensuring that our progress is not just measured by our accomplishments, but by the positive impact we have on others.Tonight, we celebrate the scholars, the innovators, and the leaders who have dedicated themselves to advancing knowledge and fostering community. Your hard work and dedication are the cornerstones of our success. But let us also take a moment to acknowledge those who support us in our journey – our families, our mentors, and our friends. Their unwavering support is the foundation upon which we build our dreams.As we move forward, let us do so with courage and conviction. Let us embrace the challenges ahead with a spirit of collaboration and a determination to make a difference. Together, we can create a future that is brighter, more inclusive, and filled with endless possibilities.Thank you for your dedication, your passion, and your commitment to making the world a better place. Let us continue to strive for excellence, not just for ourselves, but for the generations to come.Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your evening."[Applause as Prince Noah exits the stage]

Ellis: That was a motivating speech.
Noah: It is your turn now.
Ellis: beg your pardon?
Noah: I have to give a speech as well. Don't forget you are a scholarship student. and it was King Willam's idea.
Ellis: A-
Elijah: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, our distinguished scholarship student, Elliot Ellis!

Elliot Ellis's Speech:

Good evening, everyone,

I am deeply honoured to be here tonight. This scholarship has turned my dream of higher education into reality, and I am profoundly grateful.

Thank you to the donors and supporters for believing in students like me. Your generosity transforms lives.

To my family, mentors, and friends, your support means the world to me. I am committed to making the most of this opportunity and giving back to my community.

Education is a powerful tool for change, and I am inspired to use it to create a positive impact.

Thank you.

Elijah: Thank you, Elliot, for those inspiring words. Let's give her another round of applause

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