My First Day

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Elliot Ellis's POV

Finally, it's Thursday. Last night, Sir Osman messaged me to be outside the Prince's room by 6:15 am. Although it's only 5:49 am, I'm already dressed and eager to begin the day. I opted for casual attire since no specific instructions were given. Truth be told, I'm quite excited. It's already 6 am; I should head out now. Some servants are just starting to wake up.
Osman: Good morning. You're here earlier than expected.
Ellis: Good morning. I wanted to ensure I didn't keep you waiting.
Osman: Excellent. Regarding your duties: You'll always accompany the Prince, except during your lectures or when he directs otherwise. While in his presence, refrain from speaking unless given permission. Attending to the Prince during emergencies takes precedence over all other tasks or activities, regardless of their importance. Understood?
Ellis: Crystal clear.
Osman: It's already 6:13 am; let's proceed.
We make our way to the Prince's room. He's already up and showered.
Osman: Good morning, Your Majesty.
Noah: Morning. What's on today's agenda?
Osman: You have five lectures at the university first. Then, a meeting at 2 pm. Following that, you have a three-hour break before a business meeting at 7 pm.
Noah: I see.
Osman: Shall we head to breakfast, Your Majesty?
Noah: Let's.(At the dining table)
I notice the Head Housemaid discreetly signalling Osman. Curious about their conversation, I can't help but wonder what they're discussing.
Osman's POV
Osman: What's up?
Head Housemaid: What's Ellis doing with you?
Osman: She's the new assistant to the Prince.
Head Housemaid: Her? She's just a child.
Osman: That 'child' caught the Prince's attention.
Head Housemaid: You're joking, right?
Osman: I don't have time for this.
I return to my position.
Elliot Ellis's POV
Noah: I'm done.
As I start to follow him, Sir Osman stops me.
Osman: His Highness will get ready now.
At 7:53 am (At the university)
Noah: Your first lecture is with me, right?
Ellis: Yes.
Noah: Then you'll enter the classroom with me; no need to arrive early.
I'd hoped this job would be more interesting; who knew the Prince led such a mundane life? Osman: Class time, Your Majesty.
Noah: Let's go, Elliot.
We enter the classroom, drawing everyone's attention, including Muriel and Dustin's.
Noah: Please, take a seat.
I find a spot far from Muriel and Dustin to avoid drowning in their onslaught of questions.
Adalyn Elliot's POV
House Headmaid: Do you know who the Prince's new assistant is?
Adalyn: No, I don't.
House Headmaid: It's Ms. Elliot Ellis.
Ariana: What?!Adalyn: Oh no.
Clara: How?
Adalyn: She's not even that competent.
House Headmaid: What could she have possibly done to captivate the Prince's interest?
Clara: Maybe her physique?
House Headmaid: What do you mean?!
Clara: I just remembered I have some work to finish. I should be going.
Adalyn: What could Ellis have done to attract the Prince's attention?
House Headmaid: Don't worry; she's not that type of girl.
Adalyn: It's not her I'm concerned about; it's the Prince's intentions I'm worried about. I'll speak to Elliot and advise her to quit the job.
House Headmaid: She can't leave.
Adalyn: Why not?
House Headmaid: When someone holds a position directly serving the royals, they're obligated to stay until dismissed by the royals or until their last breath. Departure from such a role isn't up to the individual; it requires a decision from the royals.
Adalyn: There's no way out?
House Headmaid: I'm afraid not.
Elliot Ellis's POV
As we return to the mansion after the last lecture, the Prince seems troubled. His furrowed brow and distant gaze hint at deeper concerns. Is it about my performance? No, there's something else bothering him, something beyond his usual duties. We enter the mansion. Prince Noah heads to his room, and we follow suit. Sir Osman's phone rings.
Noah: Step outside and take the call.
He exits the room.
Ellis: My apologies, Your Majesty, but you seem somewhat troubled. Is everything alright?
Noah: You noticed?
Ellis: Yes.
Noah: Why?
Ellis: You're usually more energetic and, um...
Noah: Charming? Is that what you meant to say?
Ellis: I didn't mean... May I ask what's troubling you, Your Majesty?
Noah: My coronation is next month.
Ellis: Don't worry; Your Majesty. I'm sure it'll be perfect.
Noah: How?
Sir Osman re-enters the room.
Noah: You seem happy. Any good news?
Osman: I've become a grandfather today.
Noah: Congratulations.
Ellis: Wow.
Noah: If you wish, you can take Friday off.
Osman: That won't be necessary, Your Majesty.Noah: I insist.
You have my permission.
Osman: Thank you sincerely, Your Highness.

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