My Holiday

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Noah Mytilence's POV
Someone knocks at the door.
Noah: Come in.
Elliot enters the room.
Noah: Good Morning Elliot.
Ellis: Good Morning; Your Majesty.
Noah: What's my scheduler for today?
Ellis: You've been summoned to the Royal Palace.
Noah: When do I have to go?
Ellis: Before 8 am.
Noah: And you are telling me this now?
Ellis: My deepest apologies.
Noah: Let's go now.
Ellis: You didn't have breakfast.
Noah: I don't have time.
We sat in the car.
Noah: To the palace.
A few minutes later,
Noah: I assume you don't have my mobile number.
Ellis: Unfortunately I don't.
Noah: Give me your phone... Here. If something like this happens call or message me immediately.
Ellis: Noted Your Majesty.
Half an hour later.
I could tell Elliot wasn't comfortable in the car. Even though everything looked calm from the outside, tension filled the air between us. With each mile we drove, it seemed like her uneasiness was getting stronger. It felt like the car was making her more anxious, turning our silence into a barrier. As we continued on the road, I couldn't help but wonder what was bothering her so much. I wanted to help her feel better, but I didn't know how to bridge the gap between us.
Noah: Turn on the AC.
Diver: Certainly, Your Majesty.
But she was still uncomfortable.
Noah: Are you feeling alright?
Ellis: Yes-s.
Noah: Are you sure? You look pale.
Ellis: Thank you for asking but I am perfectly fine; Your Majesty.
1 hour and 50 minutes later, we finally arrived at the Palace.
Demian: Welcome Your Majesty. You can wait in your room until the king calls you.
Upon going to my room, I noticed that Elliot appeared remarkably refreshed.
Elliot Ellis's POV
The palace exuded a breathtaking beauty that left me in awe. It seemed inconceivable that mere mortals could have constructed such a magnificent structure. As I headed towards the prince's room, I couldn't help but marvel at its grandeur. It was twice as big as any room in his mansion, showcasing opulence and luxury in every corner. 
Noah: Did you like the palace?
Ellis: It is very beautiful.
Servant: His Imperial Highness has summoned you to his quarters.
Noah: Let's go, Elliot.
Elliot: hm.
We entered KIng's room.
Willam: My dear son, I've watched you grow into a fine young man, worthy of the crown you will one day inherit.
Noah: Thank you, Father. Your guidance and wisdom have shaped me into who I am today.
William: It brings me great pride to see you take on your responsibilities with such grace and integrity. You are the future of our kingdom, and I have every confidence in your ability to lead with compassion and strength.
Noah: Your faith in me means the world, Father. I will strive to honour our family's legacy and serve our people with dedication and honour.
Willam: Remember, my son, that true leadership is not just about power, but also about humility and empathy. Always listen to the voices of those around you and lead with a compassionate heart.
Noah: I will carry your words with me always, Father. Thank you for your guidance and love.
Willam: And thank you for being the son I've always dreamed of. Together, we will continue to build a prosperous and peaceful future for our kingdom. Next month is your coronation, am I right?
Noah: Yes father.
Demian: My deepest apologies for the interruption, Your Majesty. I must inform you that your meeting is scheduled to commence in 30 minutes.
Willam: I would like to continue our conversation at dinner.
He left.
Noah: Let's walk about the palace for a while and then decide what to do until dinner.
Ellis: I think you should have breakfast first.
Noah: oh let's have breakfast first.
(After breakfast.)
Noah: Now what can be done?
(At Dinner)
Willam: Will you return to the mansion today?
Noah: Yes, we both have to attend University tomorrow.
Willam: Where is Osman?
Noah: I gave Osman a day off.
Willam: Hmm, I see you've hired a new assistant recently.
Noah: A-
Willam: Be careful. The German king knows very well that Princess Faith can't do anything, if he can do anything to you, you know what will happen. So Be Careful.
Instantly, a sense of seriousness permeated the air.
After dinner, as we began our journey back to the Mansion, the clock had already struck 10 pm. I quickly sent a message to Mom, letting her know that I wouldn't be returning home tonight. When we arrived at the mansion, it was midnight. The maids who were still awake showed me my room. The room appeared immaculately clean, though I didn't take much notice as exhaustion weighed heavily on me, coaxing me into the embrace of sleep.

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