Her Male Best friend

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Elliot Ellis's POV
Ellis: Where were you all these days?
Dustin: I had some family issues but now I am fine.
Ellis: You could have shared...
Dustin: I know but you were too worried about your mother so I didn't want to make you worry more.
Ellis: But I am your best friend. You only know my back story and I know yours. You know how worried I was when you were absent the whole week. You could have just called me and told me everything.
Dustin: I am sorry. I will not do it again. Forgive me.
Ellis: Of course I will.
(Muriel approaches us) 
Muriel: I know Dustin is your childhood best friend but I am your best friend also, you shouldn't forget me.
Ellis: I didn't forget you, I saw Dustin and just started talking with him. 
Dustin: Ladies stop fighting, let's have coffee together and tell what beefs are going around the University. 
At the cafeteria,
Dustin: So the long lost prince is our new Finance Professor and he flirts with Ellis.
Muriel: Yes.
Dustin: He has a bad taste.
Ellis: I hate you, Dustbin.
Dustin: Ah!... Wasn't that the first bell?
Ellis: That was.
Muriel: I am jealous. Your classes are all the same. You can sit with Ellis in all lectures.
Dustin: Yess finally!
Ellis: Let's run or we all will be late
Dustin and I went to the class.
Emir: Dustin you have returned. Sit.
We sat together.
Emir: I hope you all have submitted your assignment. Dustin, have you done it?
Dustin: Yes, I have.
Emir: very well.
Class ended.
We three were going to the Finance lecture.
Muriel: I will sit with her!
Dustin: No I will.
Ellis: I will sit in the middle in the second column.
Muriel: Our favourite seat is the first one.
Ellis: Don't worry.
Noah Mytilence POV
As I entered the room, my eyes immediately scanned the crowd, searching for Elliot in the first row. She was in the second column, sitting with a boy, their laughter filling the air. A pang of jealousy ignited within me, a burning sensation coursing through my body.
Noah: Hello class. I hope you are well... Today we are going to learn about Behavioral Finance, Any ideas?
Dustin (stands up): Behavioral finance examines how psychological factors influence financial decision-making and market outcomes. Topics include cognitive biases, investor behaviour, market anomalies, and the implications for investment strategies.
Noah: I assume you're Dustin.
Dustin: Yes; your majesty..
Noah: I think I have told everyone to call me Professor.
Dustin: My deepest apologies Professor; this mistake won't happen again.
Noah: Come and write it on the board.
Noah:  Behavioral finance is a field that combines psychology and finance to understand how human behaviour influences financial decision-making. Unlike traditional finance, which assumes that individuals always make rational decisions based on available information, behavioural finance acknowledges that people often act irrationally due to cognitive biases, emotions, and social influences. There are some key concepts of it. Today we will learn about Emotional Factors. Can anyone tell me about it?.... No one? Elliot, stand up and tell me what you know about it.
Elliot slowly stands up.
Ellis: Emotions such as fear, greed, and regret can significantly impact financial decisions. For example, investors may panic and sell during market downturns due to fear of losing money, or they may become overly optimistic during bull markets, leading to excessive risk-taking.
Noah: Very good.
(the class ended)
I came to know that Elliot and Dustin are childhood friends, like Elliot, Dustin is also a scholarship student. Regarding Elliot, no specific information has been provided to determine their identity or background. Further details about Elliot's origin, background, or significance would be necessary to provide a more thorough analysis or interpretation.  Can she lie to me? Elliot's striking blue eyes, often associated with royalty, contrast with her mother's distinct features. It's plausible that she inherited her captivating gaze from her father, hinting at a potential royal lineage on his side. I was lost in myself. 
Noah: Her past is so blurry, but why?
Osman: The Russian King's newborn child and his wife have been missing for almost 20 years.
Noah: Can it be her?
Osman: The child's gender is unknown.
Noah: I see.

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