His Busy Day

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Elliot Ellis's POV
Osman: Your Majesty, it is 1:15 pm. I think we should leave for the meeting.
Noah: Hm. Where is your uniform?
Ellis: I haven't received any uniform.
Osman:  My apologies, I forgot to give you
He handed me a bag.
Noah: You can change in that room.
I went to that room...
I wore a three-piece suit with a white shirt, feeling like I was dressed more as a bodyguard than an assistant. The outfit looked authoritative and sophisticated, but I was surprised to find that the bottom piece was a wrap skirt instead of pants. Even though I hadn't given my body measurements, the tailors had made the outfit fit perfectly. Looking at myself in the mirror, I decided that a messy bun wouldn't match the polished look; maybe a sleek ponytail or neatly styled hair would be better.
Noah Mytilence's POV
She came out of the room.
Noah *whisper*: Why is her skirt that short?
Osman *whisper*: The tailor-made it according to her measurements.
Ellis: Is there something I can help with?
Noah: Nothing. Let's go.
As we exited the mansion, I couldn't shake the feeling that the house head maid was glaring at me. We arrived at the location. I was stunned when I realized I was standing before the royal parliament.
The meeting begins
William: Ladies and gentlemen of the Royal Parliament,
As we convene today, I am reminded of the solemn duty we bear to ensure the well-being and prosperity of all our citizens. At the heart of our responsibilities lies the noble endeavour of advancing social welfare across our kingdom.
First and foremost, I wish to commend the tireless efforts of our government and the dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to uplift the lives of our people. Yet, even as we celebrate our achievements, we must acknowledge the challenges that persist and the work that remains ahead.
In assessing the current state of social welfare, we must confront the stark realities facing many of our fellow citizens. Despite our best efforts, there are still those among us who struggle to make ends meet, who lack access to basic healthcare, education, and housing, and who face discrimination and marginalization.
Our duty, therefore, is clear: to redouble our efforts in addressing these pressing issues and to chart a course towards a more equitable and compassionate society. To this end, I propose a series of initiatives aimed at tackling the root causes of social inequality and fostering a culture of solidarity and support.
Firstly, we must prioritize the eradication of poverty in all its forms. Through targeted interventions, such as income support programs, job creation initiatives, and skills development training, we can provide the necessary support to lift our citizens out of poverty and enable them to build a better future for themselves and their families.
Secondly, we must ensure universal access to quality healthcare and education. By investing in our healthcare and education systems, we can empower our citizens with the knowledge and skills they need to lead healthy, productive lives and contribute meaningfully to society.
Thirdly, we must strengthen our social safety nets to provide a lifeline to those most vulnerable among us. This includes expanding access to social assistance programs, such as disability benefits, child welfare services, and elderly care support, to ensure that no one is left behind or forgotten.
Furthermore, we must foster a culture of inclusivity and acceptance, where all individuals are valued and respected regardless of their background, ethnicity, or social status. By promoting diversity and tolerance, we can build a more cohesive and harmonious society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
In conclusion, let us reaffirm our commitment to the noble cause of social welfare and redouble our efforts to create a kingdom where every citizen can live with dignity, security, and hope for the future. Together, we can build a brighter tomorrow for all our people.
Thank you.
The meeting finally ended after 3 hours.
Osman: It is time for your business meeting.
Does he still have a business meeting? How does he not get tired after this?
Noah: Let's go.
At last, we arrive at the Mansion at 11 pm. I was exhausted.
Noah: You both can go now.
I returned home at last!
Adalyn: You have returned.
Ellis: You are still awake?
Adalyn: Yes. Did you eat?
Ellis: No I didn't get time to eat.
Adalyn: Come and eat. 
(At the dining table.)
Ellis: You didn't eat either?
Adalyn: I was waiting for you.
Ellis: Mom, I have a job now. There will be many nights when I won't be able to come home. What will you do then? Stay hungry and wait for me all night? No, that's not acceptable. You must promise me that you'll eat before 9 pm. Okay?
Adalyn: hmm. 
Ellis: Are you angry about something?
Adalyn: I am just worried about you.
Ellis: Why?
Adalyn: You have taken a job that risks everything.
Ellis: I am not a bodyguard, I am an assistant.
Adalyn: If the prince does something to you, what will you do?
Ellis: I can't do anything I know.
Adalyn: So why did you agree?
Ellis: If I didn't he could punish you for not accepting his offer.
Adalyn: You risked yourself for me?
Ellis: You risked everything for me. Anyway, I am done eating. I have to get up at 5 a.m tomorrow. Good Night, my very worried and cute mom. 

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