Will You Be My A...

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Dustin Midnight's POV
Noah: Dustin come here.
I approach his desk.
Dustin: Yes professor.
Noah: Do you know Elliot's two days absent reason?
Dustin: Yes I know. Yesterday she was admitted to the hospital and the doctor gave her 2 days rest.
Noah: What happened?
Dustin: The night before yesterday, she collapsed. She doesn't remember why she did.
Noah: How is she now?
Dustin: Better.
Noah: Hm. I see; you can go now.
I return to my seat.
Muriel: What did he say?
Dustin: of course he asked about Ellis's absence.
Muriel: I knew it.
After University, I went to Ellis's house.
Dustin: Hey pretty ladies. How are you doing?
Adalyn: Oh my, my who is here after days?
Dustin: Of course me.
Ellis laughs 
Dustin: How are you doing?
Ellis: I am fine; I could have just gone to university without any issues.
Adalyn: You are going nowhere until your bedrest ends.
Ellis: OK.
Adalyn: Dustin you won't go anywhere until I am back with your favourite tea.
Dustin: I  won't.
Ms. Adalyn leaves the room. 
Ellis: Tell me what you wanted to say.
Dustin: The Prince asked about your absence.
Ellis: For real?
Dustin: Yes indeed.
Ellis: Whatever.
Dustin: Why do you hate him?
Ellis: No not like that, I respect him but I don't like him.
Dustin: Seeing and hearing I think he likes you very much.
Ms. Adalyn enters the room.
Adalyn: Who likes whom and who hates whom?
Adalyn: Here is your tea. No, but I heard someone likes you.
Ellis: Nobody likes me or I hate nobody. Dustin is just messing around!
Dustin: Why are you becoming red while speaking about liking and hating?
Ellis: Ahh! I hate you, Dustbin!
Dustin: If I call her Elliot, it is a sin and if she calls me Dustbin it is normal? It is not fair, Ms.Adalyn.
Adalyn: No one will call no one Elliot or Dustbin. Understood?
Ellis & Dustin: OK.
Adalyn: You guys talk, I have to go to the mansion. 
Ellis: Bye.
Dustin: Have a nice day.
She leaves.
Ellis: You little Wanker! I will kill you.
Dustin: If you can catch me.
We started to run. We stopped at a window from where we could see the Mansion's garden.
Dustin: Isn't that the prince?
Ellis: What is he doing?
Dustin: I think he is planting something.
Ellis: Do you remember that we used to play in that corner when we were children?
Dustin: Of course I do. Time passed fast.
Ellis: Don't be sad. 
Noah Mytilence's POV
Noah: Why do I feel like someone is watching us?
Osman: On the 2nd floor in the servants' tower, two people are
Noah: Isn't that Elliot? And Dustin? Go bring them to me.
Osman: Noted.
A few minutes later,
Osman: Here; your majesty.
Noah: Aren't you sick, Elliot?
Ellis: I was but I am well now.
Noah: Dustin, what are you doing here?
Dustin: I came here to see her; your majesty.
Noah: I see. You can go now.
They started to leave
Noah: Only Dustin, and Elliot stay.
Dustin slowly leaves.
Noah: Will you be my assistant? Elliot?
(Osman and Elliot were both in shock)
Osman: But your majes-
Noah: I need a female assistant. I think you shouldn't miss this opportunity, Elliot. The payment is 3000 dollars per month. And you will also get a room in the mansion.
Ellis: Will it hamper my studies?
Noah: It won't. What do you think?
I extended my hand for a handshake, and after a moment's hesitation, Elliot mirrored the gesture. Our hands met in a firm grip, sealing the unspoken bond between us.
Noah: As you are on rest, you will join from Thursday. When, and where to come Osman will message you. You can go now.
She blows and leaves.
Osman: You have a thing for her.
Noah: Yes I do. I will do anything to make her mine.
(I entered the mansion) I saw HouseHead and Elliot's mother waiting for me at the door.
House Headmaid: Your food is served in your room, your majesty.
Noah: My new assistant will join work from Thursday. Prepare a room for her.
Adalyn Elliot's POV
The prince enters the mansion. I was seeing him for the first time.
House Headmaid: Your food is served in your room, your majesty.
Noah: My new assistant will join work from Thursday. Prepare a room for her.
He goes to his room.
House Headmaid: I am interested to know who she is.
Adalyn: She is a lucky girl in my opinion.
House Headmaid: Hmm. Let's continue our work.
The day came to an end. I returned home as soon as I opened the door.
Ellis: Mom!! I got a new job!! The payment is 3000 dollar monthly.
Adalyn:  What Job did you get with this huge salary?
Ellis: You will see soon.
Adalyn: I hope it is nothing illegal.
Ellis: No it's not!
Adalyn: Don't run and jump that much you are on bed rest.
Ellis: Yeah, yeah. I will start on Thursday. 
Can she be the prince's assistant? no, no what am I even thinking, it can never be.
Ellis: Mom!
Adalyn: Yes darling! It is late, take your medicine and go to sleep.
Ellis: OK.


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