Ice Cream

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Elliot Ellis's POV
The interview ended successfully. Dustin's words continued to haunt me, lingering like sharp daggers in my mind. Each time I replayed them, it felt like a fresh stab to the heart, reopening wounds I thought had healed. 
Noah: Elliot!
Ellis: Yes, yes; your majesty 
Noah: Are you well?
Ellis: Yeah...
Noah: Ice cream?
Ellis: Thank you but no, your majesty.
Noah: Take it.
He handed me a chocolate-flavoured cone, and I couldn't refuse. But as I accepted it, a question lingered: Does he know chocolate is my favourite flavour?... Sometime later, I noticed I was the only one eating, and the prince's gaze was fixed on me.
Ellis: Can I assist you, Your Majesty?
Noah: No... You look very pretty while eating.
Ellis: Thank you.
He gently wiped away the ice cream near my lips with his thumb and leaned in closer to my face.
Osman: WE have arrived.
Noah: This soon?
Osman: Yes, Your Majesty.
The driver opened the door. I have never seen this place before.
Ellis: Where are we?
Osman: We are at Prince's mansion.
Ellis: May I ask why?
Noah: I have several meetings to attend this week that's why... Are you not worried about your university?
Ellis: I am....not.
He nods and enters his mansion, I wouldn't say it is bigger than the other mansion but if he built this place on his own, it would be imposing. 
Noah: You both can rest for now. 
A maid showed me my room, there were not many maids or servants. I thought taking a shower would refresh me after my journey.
[As Ellis stood beneath the cascading water, the rhythmic sound provided a comforting backdrop to the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in her mind. She couldn't deny the surreal nature of her situation - a scholarship student thrust into the inner workings of the palace, serving as the prince's assistant. How had she ended up here, in this dizzying maze of privilege and power?

Her mind kept circling back to the day she was offered the position. It had seemed like a dream come true, an opportunity beyond anything she could have imagined. But now, as droplets of water trickled down her skin, doubts crept in like shadows in the dark. Did she truly deserve this role, or was it merely a stroke of luck? Ellis couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her appointment than met the eye. The prince's kindness towards her, his eagerness to have her by his side at all times - was it all just professional courtesy, or was there something more beneath the surface? She replayed their interactions in her mind, searching for clues, for any hint of the prince's intentions. But the more she analyzed their conversations and encounters, the more confused she became. Was his warmth towards her merely a facade, or did he genuinely appreciate her presence? The uncertainty gnawed at her, casting a shadow over her confidence. How could she navigate this intricate dance of palace politics when she couldn't even decipher the intentions of the one person who held her fate in his hands? As the water began to cool, Ellis reluctantly turned off the tap, stepping out of the shower with a heavy heart. She knew that she couldn't let her doubts consume her, couldn't afford to second-guess herself at every turn. But as she wrapped herself in a towel, the nagging question lingered in her mind, a puzzle she couldn't solve. With a deep breath, Ellis resolved to face whatever lay ahead with courage and determination. Whether the prince's feelings were genuine or not, she would prove herself worthy of the opportunity she had been given. And perhaps, in the process, she would uncover the truth hidden beneath the surface of palace intrigue.]
The prince entered the room while I was still in the towel.
Noah(Covers his eyes): Sorry didn't mean to interrupt. But meet me after you get... ready
(He leaves)

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