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Elliot Ellis's POV
I was cleaning Prince's room when a candlestick fell from the table, waking him up.
Ellis: Sorry, Your Highness I didn't mean to wake you up.
Prince looked at me.
Noah: Aren't you that girl in the university?
Ellis: Yes-s. I am a scholarship student.
Noah: How many days have you been working?
Ellis: M-My mother is sick so I am working instead of her, Your Highness.
Noah: Hmm.
Prince smiled at me before standing up and heading to the bathroom.
Ellis: I better finish my work before he returns.
I finished the work as soon as possible and left the room.
Head House-maid: Did you clean the Prince's room properly?
Ellis: Yes.
Head Housemaid: Help the cooks make breakfast.
Ellis: Ok
Head Housemaid: Go now.
I went to the kitchen
Ariana: Good you came. The Mytilence will have breakfast altogether after 10 years. So this must be perfect. Unterstood?
Ellis: Hmm with King?
Ariana: Of course.
Ellis: Oh......
Ariana: Wash the dishes fast.
I started to wash the dishes.
Head Housemaid: King is here; breakfast in 5 minutes.
Ariana asked me to take a dish and place it on the table as everyone gathered. I agreed and took the dish to the table and placed it on the table. As the other Mytilance chatted, I noticed the prince looking at me. However, the king had yet to arrive at the table. I returned to the kitchen feeling very awkward. The breakfast ended quite well
Head Housemaid: Well done! The Mytilence are quite happy. Now prepare the lunch...Ellis, come with me.
I went to her. She was walking so I joined her.
Head Housemaid: How is your mother?
Ellis: She is better than before.
Head Housemaid: When is she returning?
Ellis: Next week maybe...
Head Housemaid: *sigh* You are th-(chokes)......forget it. Go water the plants in the garden.
Ellis: But-
Head Housemaid: GO NOW!
Ellis: OK.
I was lost in thought while watering a plant in the garden when I suddenly noticed Prince Noah was standing beside me.
Noah: What are you thinking that deeply?
Ellis: Ahh! (The water can fall off my hand).
Noah: Did I scare you?
I looked down
Ellis: N-no your royal highness.
He came one step closer (he was inches away from me now)
Noah: May I know your name?
After a minute of silent
Ellis: Elliot Ellis.
Noah: Elliot?
Ellis: Everyone calls me Ellis...
Noah: Is there any problem with me calling you Elliot?
Ellis: No.
Noah: Ellio-
Osman: My deepest apologies sir but Your Majesty was calling you urgently.
Noah: I am coming. (He leaves)
Ellis: Will he remember me? I hope he doesn't.
The day ended. (At shower)
Ellis: Mom! I need you.
Adalyn: What?
Ellis: Please wash my hair.
Adalyn: Oh my God Ellis, You are 20 and still unable to wash your hair.
Ellis: I am not 20 yet...I will be 20 after  3 months
Adalyn: oh really?
Ellis: The Head Housemaid wanted to tell me something but she choked at the middle and didn't tell me.
Adalyn: What did she try to say‽
Ellis: Calm down... Is there anything you all are hiding from me?
Adalyn: Nothing.
Ellis: You sure?
Adalyn: Yes of course dear don't worry.
Ellis: Hmm
Half an hour later
Adalyn: Sleep well, darling.
Ellis: Good Night.
Adalyn: Goodnight
Noah Mytilence's POV:
William: Your return was pretty unexpected. You have to inform the country about your return as soon as possible.
Noah: I know.
William: Should I tell Demian to arrange an interview?
Noah: I think, it is the only way to tell the whole country about me.
William: Today at 8 pm, Demian, arrange an interview.
Demian: Noted Your Majesty.
At the interview,
Noah: Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed citizens of our kingdom,

It is with great humility and profound gratitude that I stand before you today, after a decade-long absence from our beloved land. Ten years ago, driven by a fervent desire to serve our kingdom with the utmost dedication and integrity, I embarked on a journey of education and self-discovery.

During these years of absence, I have had the privilege of studying under the tutelage of esteemed mentors, exploring diverse cultures, and gaining invaluable insights into the complexities of governance and leadership. Each experience has enriched my understanding and reinforced my commitment to the welfare and prosperity of our people.

Today, as I return to the embrace of my homeland, I carry with me the knowledge and skills acquired and a renewed sense of purpose and responsibility. I stand here not as a prince entitled by birthright, but as a servant of our nation, ready to devote myself wholeheartedly to the betterment of our society.

My absence may have been long, but my dedication to our kingdom has never wavered. I assure you that every decision I make, and every action I take, will be guided by the principles of justice, compassion, and the common good.

As we embark on this new chapter, let us reaffirm our collective commitment to building a future filled with opportunity, prosperity, and unity. Let us work hand in hand, drawing upon the strength of our diversity and the resilience of our spirit, to realize the vision of a thriving and inclusive society.

I am deeply grateful for the warm welcome extended to me upon my return, and I look forward to serving you with unwavering devotion and humility. May the bonds that unite us as a people grow stronger with each passing day, and may the legacy we leave for future generations be one of progress, peace, and prosperity.

Thank you.

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