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Noah Mytilence POV:
Noah: Tell the maids I want to eat in 10 minutes.
Osman: Noted Your Majesty.
Faith: Can I go now?
Noah: You can.
After 10 minutes, Someone knocked on my door.
Noah: come in
Ellis: Here is your food, Your Majesty.
she put the food on my table.
Noah: Did Faith bully you?
Ellis: No; Your Majesty.
Noah: so what did she tell you at Lunch?
Ellis: Nothing importa-
Noah: I didn't ask if it is important or not!
I shouldn't have spoken to her so loudly.
Noah: Are you scared?
Ellis: N-no Your Royal Highness.
I put my laptop aside.
Noah: Come here.
She started coming toward me. I slowly stood up.
Ellis: Yes Your Majesty 
Noah: More.
As Elliot inched closer, a wave of anticipation swept over me. My instinct drove me to draw her nearer still, our bodies almost touching. With our lips mere inches apart, the tension crackled in the air, thick with unspoken desire. Despite sensing her apprehension, I found myself captivated by the depths of her stunning icy-blue eyes. But just as the intensity peaked, she abruptly averted her gaze, her eyes darting to the floor, breaking our electrifying connection.
Noah: You sure you're not royalty?
Ellis: Y-es. 
Noah: Look at me.
She slowly lifted her gaze to meet mine, cheeks flushed with a delicate hue of pink. In that moment, she looked undeniably adorable, her vulnerability adding to her charm. I wanted to kiss her so hard.
Noah: Your eyes bear the mark of royalty. Who is your father?
Ellis: Your Highness your food will be cold.
Noah: let it be.
Ellis: Your Majesty, I implore you, please release me.
I slowly released her.
I sat behind my desk and started to eat
Ellis: May I go?
Noah: No...Give me some water.
Ellis: here you go Your Majesty.
Noah: You ignored two of my questions, should I punish you?..... Answer me.
Ellis: Your sister told me to stay away from you and, and I don't know who my father is.
Noah: Faith told you to stay away from me?
Ellis: Yes; but please don't tell her I told you.
Noah: Are you that afraid of Faith?
She remained silent but eyes were telling she was.
Noah: Don't worry she won't hurt you. Tell me about yourself.
Ellis: ah........
Noah: Is your birthland U.K.?
Ellis: I am afraid that I don't remember.
Noah: Don't you think your past is blurry?
Ellis: I guess it is kind of...
Noah: I can tell looking at you aren't British more like an Italian. What was your full name?
Ellis: Elliot Ellis.
Noah: Your name doesn't sound Italian.
My phone rings.
Noah: Hello. Yes Your Majesty I am coming. (on the phone)
Noah: Talk to you later Elliot; unfortunately I have to go now.
I leave the room.
Elliot Ellis's POV
Prince Noah leaves the room
Ellis: I should have dated someone in the past, then I could have some experience of what men can do.
I got out. The House Headmaid and Ariana were waiting for me outside.
Ariana: What the hell were you and the prince going this long together?
Ellis: Nothing.
House Headmaid: Why are you smiling while saying nothing?
Ellis: Can't I just smile?
House Housemaid: No you can't after coming out of a young prince's room after 30 minutes.
Ellis: 30 minutes passed?
Ariana: Yes.
House Headmaid: Walk!

Ellis: why are suspecting weird things? It is kind of awkward.
House Headmaid: I don't care. Walk.
I walked a few steps.
Ariana: She can walk means nothing has happened
Ellis: Enough. I am going home. 
I reached home.
Ellis: I am home.
Adalyn: Food on the table, get fresh and eat.
Ellis: are you still angry with me?
Adalyn: No why would I? You just haven't called me in all day, went to the palace after university not even informing me. Why wouldn't I be angry?
Ellis: Listen you got your reasons to be angry and I have mine so let's forget both and be normal.
Adalyn: If forgetting was that easy. Go get fresh and eat before it is cold. Understood?
Ellis: Yes; Your Highness. Understood.
Adalyn: Good.
She went to her room shutting the door.
Ellis: Mom's on fire better do what she said.

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