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Gallys POV
The rain finally stopped we all were by the doors sitting and waiting with anticipation.

I was slowly losing hope by the minute. Frustration and anger going through my mind.

She can't be gone.
She's been here since almost day one with all of us.

If she doesn't get out I'm killing the shank.
I seriously will.

I snapped out of my thoughts hearing the ugly shank Thomas speak up. "Come on guys. Can't we send someone out there?" He said with anticipation in his voice.

I grumbled. "That's against the rules." As much as I hated the rules sometimes myself for certain people. It's the rules. That's what keeps us alive.

"Either they make it back or they don't." I said quietly.

I could feel two peoples eyes staring dead at me knowing they were Thomas and Newts.

I knew they both liked her and they would do anything for her too. I wasn't stupid. But I know they both knew better than to cross me.

"Can't risk losing anyone else." I could tell Newt was hurt saying that. I kept staring in the distance.

The doors sounded like they were closing. Each moment. My heart shattering.

She's gone...
She's really gone...

The wind picked up the doors moving more and more by the second.

"No.." I whispered to myself standing up.

"Oh no." Chuck said.

As if it was an angel almost speaking. "THERE" Thomas spoke up pointing.

The one time I'll like Thomas.

I looked in the distance moving forward to see three people.

"McKenna" I whispered.

McKennas POV

It was a long night. It was hard running with my foot and we had to keep up with Alby being the way he was.

Alby was stung. I had hope he would survive this but I didn't have much.

Minho seemed worried and defeated.

It was later in the day as we were getting closer to the doors "Minho I don't know how much more I ca-" "come on" Minho shouts.

I had to do it.
For Gally.
For Newt.
Least of all for Thomas.

My mind was all over the place feeling defeated carrying a heavy man twice my size and a limp foot.

I couldn't imagine what everyone was thinking we had no breaks no sleep. Hell I was tired any minute I could pass out.

I kept pushing. We were struggling but I could sense we were almost there. I heard loud creaking noises hearing the doors "we have to go!" I shouted we were almost dragging him now while trying to sprint.

"UGHHH!" I yelled struggling. We tried lifting him but I almost fell over with his weight.

I see the doors as we turn the corner.

Everyone was watching.

I made eye contact with him.


He looked like he was lost.  like he had hope but none.

They were all shouting for us "MCKENNA COME ON!"


I cried out struggling.

"COME ON GUYS YOU CAN DO IT!" Chuck yelled.

I heard Gally yell.

Everyone's yelling at us.

But I was so tired.

I didn't feel like I had anymore strength in me to carry him.

My adrenaline wasn't the best motive either.

"Minho." I whispered exhausted.

The doors were getting halfway there as I just stared at the three besides each other.
Gally, Newt and Thomas.

All three of them stared back at me.

With hope and no hope.

I somehow heard Newt "they're not going to make it" that was my breaking point.

"Come on!!"

"MCKENNA!" Gally yelled I noticed Thomas look at Gally and me. "No thomas." I said knowing what he was doing I was still helping Minho the best I could.

Minho yelled as we both struggled.

I looked at Chuck and the rest of the gladers it felt the world was foggy.

My mind wasn't right.

I was in so much pain from running and exhaustion and no sleep that I was barely dragging Alby.

"MCKENNA" I kept hearing Gally yell my name. Newt and Thomas didn't look like they had any idea what to do.

I suddenly see Thomas running as I fell down.
"THOMAS NO!" I shouted looking up seeing him run through the doors just barely before falling in front of me.

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