Ch.1 The Scorch Trials

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A little girl was standing in front of her mom "mom, what's going on?" The girl asks

A dog was barking which scared her she looked at the other little kids that were around being taken.

"Mom I don't want them to take me!" I yelled.

The guard came over "it's time to go!"

The women kneeled in front of the little girl crying "I'm sorry baby, I love you so much. I love you McKenna, remember me!" She kissed the girls forehead the mom kneeled their watching as her little girl was being taken "MOMMMMMM!" The girl screamed while crying.

The guard kept ahold of the little girl putting her in the vehicle she was frightened and scared.

She looked around seeing guards surrounding all the kids her age. Three boys caught her eyes but one stood out to her.

The little girl felt the need to make new friends as she sniffed "Hello" she whispered "Hey..." the boy mentioned he had freckles, a buzz cut and eyebrows that looked really unique more than most people's.

She smiled a bit at him "I'm McKenna" putting her hand out to him.

"I'm Gally" the boy smiled back shyly shaking her hand. He knew they were going to be good friends.

She looked around still feeling scared.
"McKenna it's okay. You have a new family now" the women smiled down at her.

"McKenna dear this will be your bedroom" she looked around sadly.

"What's wrong dear?" The blonde women spoke as she bent down to her level.

She whimpered "I don't have a mother anymore."

"I'll be your new mom. How does that sound?" The women smiled.


I woke up gasping "MCKENNA wake up! We have to go!" Newt dragged me out of the helicopter and Minho pulled Thomas.

"Come on!" Minho yelled.

The guards were leading all of us following I held onto Newts arm as he guided me protectively close to him.

"Get out of here" I heard someone say.

I looked back at Thomas seeing him still by the helicopter "THOMAS!" I called out.

He started running up to catch up to us.

He grabbed my free hand and we all ran "Crank!" I heard guns being fired.
What the hell is a crank?

All the guards that could make it showed up protecting all of us from the cranks so we could make it safely inside.

"Come on kids let's go!" The guard ordered.

I knew this was the beginning of something that didn't feel right at this place.

Newt dragged me as I held Thomas hand tightly.

"Tell him to take off we're clear!"

Thomas shoved me through the doors just in time as we all got through. The doors shut behind us I looked at Thomas in disbelief.

I held Newts arm afraid of letting go "You okay?" He asks me.

"Y-yeah" I leant into him a bit trying to breathe and process everything.

This place was huge, so much mechanic work it seemed; as well as so many guards protecting this.. whatever place this was.

They brought us too a room I was laying close to Newt as he cuddles me protectively I almost fell asleep but he moved my face up to him.

"I know you're hurting. I can feel it." He said whispering.

I felt eyes on me I looked over at Thomas who looked away "I'm trying my best.. I just. Three years of being there and then he's gone." I whispered.

He nodded understanding "I'm here for you. You know that right?" He asks.

I smiled kissing his cheek he blushed looking away when the door opened. I got up with the others and moved forward when a man showed up smirking at me "You kids doing alright?" Why did he look familiar....

Thomas walked forward taking my hand with him.

"Sorry about all the fuss...we had ourselves a bit of a swarm." The man apologized while looking at all of us.

"Who are you?" Thomas protectively asked standing close to me.

"I'm the reason you're all still alive." The man smirks.

He continued "it's my intention to keep you that way. Especially you." He commented looking at me I looked at him confused.

"Now, come with me. We'll get you kids squared away." He orders.

"You can call me Mr.Janson. I run this place." I walked close to Thomas and Newt as they both held my hands while guiding me with them.

"For us it is a sanctuary. Safe from the horrors of the outside world." Janson spoke.

I looked around seeing this place looked like a once factory.

"You all should think of it as a way station" Janson comments. "Kind of uh. Home between homes watch yourselves" he mentions. With the sparks leaking.

I walked around it carefully looking at Newt oddly who looked back.

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