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Thomas POV

"I got top bunk! Too slow!" Minho smiled as he got up quickly.

"I can get used to this" Winston said.

I couldn't, I needed to know if she was okay.

"Yeah it's not bad" Newt mentioned "how are you not worried?" I asked Newt.

Newt looked at me shocked, "what do you mean?" He questioned. I knew he wasn't stupid.

"I have a bad feeling something's going to happen to McKenna" Newt puts a hand on my shoulder "she's a strong girl she will get through anything I believe in her, and don't think I'm not okay? I've known her longer than you" he said with anger while glaring.

I looked at Travis who spoke up "yeah she will be fine." He chuckled, I honestly always had a weird feeling about Travis since we left the glade he hasn't felt right to me. I stared at him oddly while nodding slowly.

The door suddenly locks I looked over "Seriously though Thomas, McKenna will be fine" Minho says. "Get some sleep" Minho orders.

I sighed watching Newt go up on his bunk I went in my bed.

It was getting more later and I couldn't sleep I got up and went to the sink and washed my face.

After a while I went back and laid down but I started hearing movement below, so I sat up and looked around hearing whispers "SP, HEY down here" I bent down to look under my bed seeing the boy with the hood.

He put his finger up to his lips telling me to be quiet. "Oh my god"

"Come on" he whispered. "Follow me"

"Why?" I asked "do you want to know if she's okay?" He asked.

I reluctantly followed, I don't know if I trust him especially with him being here a week.

But maybe he found more information about this place that I needed.

I crawled through the vents following him.

"Hurry this way" he whispered.

"Come on" I kept going "hey, wait a second. What the hell are we doing?" I asked confused while trying to get answers.

"Come on we're going to miss it"

"What the hell am I doing?" I whispered.

After the final turn "what are we doing?" I asked again.

"Sh" he said "come here" I followed in closed and looked down through the cage.


A women walked by taking her badge soon a table rolled by that you see at hospitals.

But it looked like a body was inside I moved over to get a better look.
The women swiped her badge and they entered.

"What the hell is that?" I asked confused.

"They bring in new ones every night" he said.

"Like clockwork"

"You know what they do with them?" I asked.

"I don't know" he replied. I was scared hoping McKenna wasn't apart of this.

"This is as far as I ever gotten the vents don't even go into that section."

"But once they go through that door they don't come back out." He mentions.

"I don't think anybody ever really leaves this place" the boy answered honestly.

I looked at him then down below "Come on we gotta go before someone notices we're gone"

"Why did you show me this?" I asked "you care about that girl" he said looking at me.

"And maybe the others will listen to you." He continued. "There's something weird going on here. I know you and her think so too" he was about to leave and I stopped him.

I looked towards him "Hey wait!" I called out "what's your name?" I asked.

"Aris" he replied before leaving.

I looked down again. I wonder what they're up to.

I stared at Janson. I had a plan. I was going to follow through with it no matter what.


"I wanna know what's through that door" I whispered to myself.
I felt eyes staring at me "now, we've been over this." Newt pleaded "You said they were covered up, so you don't know what you saw" he spoke.

"If could've been anything under there." Newt mentions.

"I know except what I saw. They were bodies." I said looking at him.


"Aris said they bring in a new batch every night." I said.

"Who the hell is Aris?" Minho asks.

I motioned to the boy with the hood.

He looked focused on one of the foods in his hand.

"Oh." Minho said before looking at me along with Winston "well, I'm sold" Minho says.

"Last but not least, David" Janson finished the roll call.

Most people cheered "thank you for your attention enjoy the rest of your evening" Janson spoke before leaving  with his group.

"Okay, until we know anything for certain we should just keep our heads down, and try not to draw any attention to ourselves alright?" Newt asked.

That only made me mad he didn't care about McKenna I stood up and walked forward to the doors angrily.

I was acting like I belonged with the group but the guards stopped me again. "Woah"

"Hang on you weren't called." The man acknowledged.

"I know, I'm just gonna be a second" I pestered trying to get past them.

They stopped me again "this is a restricted area kid." The other man orders.

I was panicking "I just wanna see my girlfriend" I said "can you let me through?" I asked getting annoyed.

He put his finger on me "get your ass back in that chair" he ordered me.

I did not like that.

I glared at him walking away slowly but I turned around trying to run past him quickly, the guy grabbed ahold of me as I struggled and got what I needed.

I heard running behind me, I shoved the man that was being a dick "WHATS YOUR PROBLEM, MAN?!" I shouted.

"What the hell, huh?!" I screamed.

He shoved me back "back off!"
He shouted.

I tried going after him but Newt and Minho and the others tried stopping me,
"why won't you let me see her?!" I yelled back I was getting more pissed.

He pointed his finger at Newt "control your friend!"

Janson came over immediately, he's the last person I wanted to see.

"What's happening here?!" He yells.

He came up to me and looked at the guard "Thomas?" He asks while I glared at them.

"I thought we could trust each other." He put his hand on my shoulder, I wanted to punch his ugly face.

"You know we're all on the same team here." He reminded while smirking.

"Are we?" I questioned glaring he didn't like that I knew that.

"Your girlfriend is this what it's about?" He chuckled while smiling.

Janson soon goes back to smirking "She's fine she's in my hands" he looked at Newt, I could tell Newt was confused by the mention of girlfriend, but he didn't care he didn't like the way the guy was talking about her. I could tell.

We never confirmed the dating part but I wanted to prove to people she was mine and to back off. I didn't want his rat face touching her.

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