Chapter 83

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Ren Li agilely grabbed Pei Jingling and took a step back. However, the person who appeared behind them wasn't targeting them. The rapidly swinging baseball bat was aimed directly at Zhao Mingjie's head.

Ren Li spun around and kicked the person straight in the chest, sending him flying two to three meters away. The man staggered to his feet, determinedly dragging the baseball bat towards Zhao Mingjie, leaving a crimson trail on the ground.

Half of his head had turned into a pulpy mess, loosely clinging to the other half of his face that was relatively intact. His skin was thin, almost like a transparent sheet of paper. Upon closer inspection, the veins and blood-red muscles under the skin could be discerned, as if he had been skinned alive.

Three more people with similar injuries emerged from around the corner of the stairs. Zhao Mingjie screamed, almost fainting in shock.

Jiang Ruohai cursed under his breath, grabbed the barely conscious Zhao Mingjie, and deftly dodged the approaching attackers, kicking them away.

"Damn it, I didn't bring anything!" Jiang Ruohai had died last night, so he had no defensive or offensive equipment on him.

Two more doors opened behind them, and three people attacked from behind, clearly planning to surround them from both sides.

In total, there were six people, both men and women judging by their build and clothing. They seemed to be the same individuals whose heads were smashed by Zhao Mingjie with a baseball bat yesterday.

Their eyes were hollow, staring fixedly at Jiang Ruohai and Zhao Mingjie, completely ignoring Pei Jingling and Ren Li leaning against the edge of the corridor.

Ren Li glanced at Pei Jingling, who had tightened his lips and had a blank expression, and whispered, "Scared?"

Pei Jingling shook his head.

Ren Li then kicked another person who was attempting to attack from behind, glanced at the empty dormitory behind him, placed Pei Jingling inside, and quickly said, "Stay here and be good. I'll go help them."

With that, Ren Li grabbed a clothes rack from the dormitory, broke it in two, tossed the other half to Jiang Ruohai, took a step forward, and thrust the sharp iron spike directly into one of the attackers' chests.

The skin was as fragile as paper, and the flesh was soft and mushy. The iron rod went in as if it were stuck in a lump of mud, with tremendous resistance.

Ren Li exerted force, pushing in a large section until he felt the normal resistance of flesh and blood, indicating that he had reached the heart. He ruthlessly stabbed into it and stirred it a few times.

The person's movements instantly stiffened, as if they had lost their "life."

Ren Li pulled out the spike, causing the person to lose their only support point, and collapsed with a thud. The rod was sticky with bits of flesh and skin, looking extremely disgusting.

Because Ren Li was completely untargeted, and Jiang Ruohai, in addition to being attacked from both sides, also had to protect his remaining five thousand points, his actions were constrained, and he could only defend himself reluctantly.

So almost everything was resolved by Ren Li.

The corridor was now covered in flying blood and flesh, with bodies sprawled all over, emitting a nauseatingly strong smell of blood.

Outside, there was no more movement. Pei Jingling walked out, clenched his fists, and looked at the mess on the ground.

He knew who these people were. He felt an inexplicable excitement, as if these people had truly, completely disappeared before his eyes.

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