Chapter 84

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Since it was decided to start with the idea of killing ghosts and monsters, the first step was to "create" them - which meant killing people.

Lin Xiang and Lin Xiaoran stood aside, watching as Ren Li and Pei Jingling successfully entered the chemistry laboratory and took out various reagents to prepare poison. They felt somewhat redundant.

Earlier, when they entered the laboratory building, Ren Li and Pei Jingling asked Lin Xiang and Lin Xiaoran to wait aside while they went in to deal with the teachers and staff inside.

Ren Li actually didn't want Pei Jingling to come with him. After all, now he could directly touch objects, and killing people was a piece of cake. Moreover, Pei Jingling would suffer backlash from killing.

But Pei Jingling was very persistent and insisted on following him in.

He usually went along with Pei Jingling, so he agreed to Pei Jingling's request, but repeatedly instructed him not to be impulsive and try not to let those people see his face when he killed.

They went in directly through the main gate. It was the first class in the morning, and there were no classes coming to the laboratory building to do experiments. The guard immediately stared at Pei Jingling and asked what they were there for.

Pei Jingling lied without expression, "Here to borrow the chemistry lab for Mr. Li."

"Is that so?" The guard looked Pei Jingling up and down. He had recognized who this was long ago. This was the famous homosexual in the school. He said disdainfully, "Would your teacher send you?"

"Yeah." Pei Jingling remained calm and said lightly, "The teacher casually finds someone to run errands and ask the management teacher for approval."

Seeing him so calm, the guard felt that he might have been too gossipy. He responded a few times and told Pei Jingling the location of the teacher in charge of managing the reagents.

Pei Jingling nodded, thanked him, and walked towards the building.

The guard watched Pei Jingling walk deep into the corridor and muttered, "Young people these days don't study well. They like men, vulgar and corrupt things!"

Just as he was about to turn around and enter the security room, he was stabbed in the throat by Ren Li, who had just entered the room, with a spare key hanging on the wall.

A large amount of blood sprayed out, and the guard's eyes widened in astonishment as he ran out of breath.

Ren Li pulled out the key indifferently, threw the body on the ground, took all the spare keys, and locked the door.

Leaving Lin Xiaoran alone outside was not safe, so Ren Li went out again and asked Lin Xiang to bring Lin Xiaoran into the laboratory building.

When they entered together, Pei Jingling was standing in front of the laboratory door waiting for them.

Ren Li saw him leaning against the wall waiting for him, with a look of obedience in his eyes when he looked at him, just like a naive high school student waiting for his boyfriend to finish class.

Pei Jingling felt Ren Li's burning gaze, straightened his body, and whispered, "I didn't go to find those teachers."

"Yeah." Ren Li knew that he was actually deeply eager to kill now, but was completely restraining himself, and smiled slightly, "Jingling is so obedient."

Pei Jingling licked his dry lips, averted his gaze, and snorted lightly, "Smooth talker."

Ren Li looked at him helplessly. His image probably couldn't be restored in front of him for now.

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