chapter 22

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Your anniversary was finally gonna arrive the morrow , I was over the moon as I wanted to reveal my truth to arjun and I hope he understands me and not yell at me, to be honest I was scared af.

Currently I am grooming up myself for the office, and I hadn’t had me breakfast so I’m slightly feeling dizzy. Today we had our breakfast in our chamber, I finished my breakfast and went down only to find arjun scolding some servents. I sighted and went to meet ma before he finishes his moring session .

“what a plesent morning ma, someone is happy where! ” I say looking at Avyan, who seems to be happy.

“arre babhi you know what? Bhai gave me a promotion, now I am the managing director of arya empire ” he said like a most happiest child. After I congratulating him, I and arjun went for work.


I called john, "Hello, any news?"

"I found some information, Mr. arya. There is one last thing I am waiting for. I am finishing it this evening."

"Ok. I look forward to seeing them. Hurry up!"

"Okay. They will be in your hands this evening, sir."

meera left the holding. I told her I would leave later that I needed to finish some paperwork.


There was a knock on the door, "Come in."

"Good evening, Mr. Arya."

"Good evening, john. Did you bring it?"

"Yes, Mr. Arya. It's all in this file." He handed me the file. There was all kinds of information about her, even places where she had gone. "There are photos at the end of the file as well."

I was shocked when I saw the photos at the end of the file and said out loud, "How is it possible?"

"No, it can't be. I asked to get me the details of the emralds and you got me the details of my own wife , meera?"

"Mr. Arya, its her " John said to me, but everything stopped.

She was lying to me all this time. I trusted her. I fell in love with her, but all this time she was making fun of me. I closed the file and said, "Okay, John, you can go."

"Okay, Mr. Arya."

I looked at the photos again. I still couldn't believe it. I wanted to believe that what I've seen isn't true. As if it wasn't enough, she lied to me. My parents were in that game too?. I was walking back and forth. I couldn't hold myself and punched the wall. My hand was hurt, but it wasn't important. I grabbed my phone; I wanted to call her, but I gave up. She is going to pay for what she did. She would pay for lying to me, making fun of me.

I was mad and decided to drink. I poured myself some whiskey. she was making fun of me. I closed the file and said, "Okay, John, you can go."

"Okay, Mr. Arya."


I thought of having lunch with him so i went to his office only to find him sleeping on the couch, I went closer to him. I sat in front of him on the center table. I stroked his hair while I tried to wake him up, "Arjun, wake up." There was no response from him so I called him again, "Arjun." He blinked his eyes and opened them.

"You fell asleep here." He was staring at me so I asked, "Are you fine? Why did you drink so much?"I looked at the empty bottles.

He put his hands on his head and closed his eyes. I was sure he had a headache. He sat up on the couch, holding his head in his hands. He didn't say anything; I became worried, "Arjun?"

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