chapter 21

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It was 5 p.m., and Meera was almost done with everything. Her work in the kitchen was finished, but she was bored without Arjun and Avyan. She decided to explore her husband's library, which had never been used since she arrived. To her surprise, it was as clean as a new room.

Meera sat at a large wooden desk in the grand royal library, surrounded by shelves upon shelves of ancient Indian historical books. The air was thick with the smell of old paper and ink, and the soft glow of candlelight illuminated the room in a warm, comforting light. As she flipped through the pages of a particularly old tome, Meera felt a sense of calm wash over her. Suddenly, a book fell from the topmost shelf, and to her astonishment, Arjun’s name was written on it, along with the words “Dare to touch.”

“This fellow has been grumpy since childhood,” she thought, opening the book.

The leather cover felt smooth under her fingertips as she began to read his words, written so many years ago. The pages were filled with Arjun's neat handwriting, detailing the events that led to the tragic loss of his beloved sister, Roohani. Meera was instantly captivated by the story that unfolded before her, a tale of betrayal, loss, and revenge, and she was shocked to learn that he had a sister.

Arjun's words painted a vivid picture of a time long gone when he was just a young prince of Rajasthan, his life filled with innocence and naivety. The diary revealed how his peaceful world was shattered when his father, King Vikram Arya, made a deal with a notorious gambler named Alex. In a game of chance, Roohani was put on the line and tragically lost. Fleeing from Alex's wrath, Vikram and Roohani sought refuge in India, at the family's ancestral palace. However, their presence sparked a chain of events that would forever change the course of their lives. Alex, consumed by rage and greed, tracked them down and sought vengeance for his loss. In a horrifying turn of events, Alex and his henchmen stormed the palace, intent on claiming their prize.

Arjun watched helplessly as his sister was brutally raped and murdered before his eyes, her life extinguished in a heartbeat. The memory of her death haunted him, filling him with a burning desire for justice and revenge. As if Roohani's death wasn't enough, Alex's twisted gaze fell upon Payal, Arjun's beloved fiancée. The mere thought of her falling victim to such evil filled him with a deep sense of dread and despair. The threat looming over her only fueled his determination to protect her at all costs.

Amidst the chaos and tragedy, Arjun found himself grappling with his own inner turmoil. He was just a young prince, unprepared for the harsh realities of the world outside his gilded palace walls. His mother shielded him from the dark truths of his father's involvement in the dangerous world of the mafia, desperate to protect her son from the harsh realities of their family's past. But as Arjun's diary revealed, the events of that fateful day would shape his destiny in ways he never could have imagined. The loss of his sister, the threat to his fiancée, and the secrets hidden within his own family would propel him into a world of darkness and danger, testing his strength and courage in ways he never thought possible.

As Meera read on, she felt the weight of her husband's words wash over her, a poignant reminder of the trials and tribulations that had shaped their lives. The story of Arjun Arya was one of love and loss, of courage and sacrifice, of a young prince forced to confront the harsh realities of the world around him. And as the final pages of the diary turned, Meera couldn't help but feel guilty and angry at herself for not knowing about this phase of his life.


The moon hung low in the dusky sky, casting a soft glow over the bustling streets of Meera and Pooja's neighborhood. It was Karwa Chauth, a day of devotion and love, where wives fasted for the longevity of their husbands' lives. Meera and Pooja, adorned in vibrant traditional attire, were engrossed in the timeless rituals of the occasion, their hearts heavy with unspoken emotions.

As Meera applied intricate mehndi designs to her hands, her thoughts wandered to her husband, Arjun. She couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that had been gnawing at her since morning. Pooja, noticing her friend's troubled expression, gently inquired, "Meera, kya baat hai? You seem worried."

Meera sighed, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Pooja, I found out something about Arjun today, something from his past that he never shared with me. I feel guilty for not asking him about it before. How could I not know and comfort him like he does for me? Since the day we got married, I have always been on the receiving side, and he also deserves some love and care, especially when he is so broken."

Pooja placed a comforting hand on Meera's shoulder. "Shh, don't blame yourself, Meera. Sometimes, things remain hidden until the right time. The important thing is that you're here for him now, ready to support him no matter what."

“And have you revealed your past to him?” Pooja asked. Meera replied, “No, I’ll tell him everything on our anniversary.”

“If you reveal your past, he will automatically feel comfortable enough to share his. So don’t worry,” Pooja patted Meera’s shoulder.

Moved by her friend's words, Meera nodded, a sense of determination settling within her. Together, they continued their preparations for the evening's ritual.

As dusk descended, Meera and Pooja sat side by side, their eyes fixed on the horizon, waiting for the moon to rise. "Meera," Pooja whispered, breaking the silence, "remember, tonight's fast isn't just about abstaining from food and water. It's about puja also, maharani sa."

Meera nodded, "I know, Pooja. And tonight, I'll pray, but I am tired."

Suddenly, a rustle of footsteps interrupted their conversation, and Arjun and Arun appeared before them, bearing trays of fruits and sweets. Meera's eyes met Arjun's, and in that fleeting moment, a silent connection passed between them.

"Arjun, tum mujhe chodkar nhi jaoge na?" Meera said softly, her voice laced with sincerity.

Arjun smiled and nodded. "Meera, tum meri ho aur mujhe tumse koi nhi chen sakta. Tumhari mohabbat ke bina pata nhi mai kya ho jata."

Meera asked, “Sach mai ya…?”

Arjun chuckled and said, “Arre sach baba, jaoge tho tum hi chodke jaoge.” Everyone nodded in agreement and laughed.

Pooja and Arun exchanged a knowing glance, witnessing the unspoken connection between Meera and Arjun. As the moon finally emerged from behind the clouds, casting its ethereal glow over the world, Meera and Pooja began the final rituals of Karwa Chauth, their hearts overflowing with love and devotion.

As the final prayers were offered and the fast was broken, Meera found herself overwhelmed with a sense of catharsis. In the quiet moments that followed, she mustered the courage to approach Arjun, her eyes brimming with unspoken words and emotions.


Hey guys, so sorry for the late update. I have been loaded with work, I swear… Please do vote if not comment, at least. Please correct any grammar mistakes.

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