|*- The Plan. -*|

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a/n: this is um.. weird i guess. but i've had SO many ideas for this stupid STUPID story.

*Stefans POV*

I lead me and my army back to my secret hideout, the mcdonald's backrooms (i have special access because i'm a fattie purrr! ate!).

"Wait wait.. Explain the story again." Maisie asked, a look of confusion struck on her face.

"Oh for fucks sake you slag. Basically Mrs Fat Tampon kidnapped me and took me to her sex dungeon and like.. yeah you get the idea. The next morning i managed to escape and i came to rescue all of you. I knew you were all dead since Jessica Sanitary and friends (excluding Evie and Maisie) came running to me and told me. So then i performed the ritual for you guys and now you're all back." I say, glaring at maisie since it was a stupid question to be honest. I then looked at the rest of the group, Alex was nodding his head, Teddy was poking his tongue out while doing the peace sign and Evie was mewing. She's so cute!

We continued walking until we made it to the hideout and we sat in a circle with me at the head. I started to explain my plan while drawing on a whiteboard.

"So, first. Her 'sex dungeon' is located around a 50 minute drive from here, Teddy, you will drive us there since you're lanky so that you can actually reach the pedals. But, before we drive there I do need to go into school to try and find Eric.. He randomly disappeared and I need to find him.. He would be a lot of help for us." I explain, my pen dashing to random points on the whiteboard.

"I can help you with that, I'm normally good at being able to find people." Evie said, shrugging.

"I would like that." I said, kinda staring at her and losing my focus.

"Alright stop flirting and get on with the plan." Alex said, maisie humming in agreement.

"Fucking hell alright then. So, after me and Evie find Eric, we will come back to the van i've hired and explain what we are going to do then. Teddy will then drive us to the sex dungeon. When we arrive, Alex, you will need to unlock the door using your pointy shoes. Maisie can help you with this by keeping lookout. That will roughly take about 10 minutes so while you guys do that me, Evie, Teddy and Eric will prepare the weapons for everyone. Then, we go in.." I finish explaining.

"Erm- Quick question.." Alex raised his finger.

"For fucks sake.." Evie mumbled under her breath.

I smiled at her and then turned to Alex.

"What is it?" I ask.

"So.. What about her little army.. You know, Femi and Ronnie. Femi is like a god.. she managed to kill all of us in a unique way. How are we going to defeat her..?" He asked. I was actually quite pleased he asked this, i hadn't really thought of it.

"You know, that, is an amazing point. Please enlighten us on what you plan to do stefan." Teddy says, he's so fucking weird.

"Okay Teddy shut the fuck up. Anyway, i know what you mean Alex.. To be honest, i haven't really thought of that. Considering she's like.. insanely powerful, we might have a problem. We need to know her weak spots.. Any ideas?" I look up and look around the table.

Everyone was thinking, to be fair, it was quite a challenging question to answer. After about two minutes, Maisie spoke.

"Evie, didn't you pick her up by the eyelashes once..?" She asked. I remember that..

"Hm? Oh.. Oh yeah i did.. But, how are we going to be able to reach her eyelashes? For all we know she's probably turned into a demigorgan type creature with razor sharp teeth and shit, and i'm just gonna say it now, i usually jinx things like that.. just saying.." She said, placing her hands in the air.

Mrs fat tampon x stefan x Mr keith nunWhere stories live. Discover now