|*- The Battle -*|

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a/n: it's really weird i'm all of a sudden REALLY determined to finish this story. i think when i started writing this for the absolute piss a year ago i didn't actually think i'd end up dating the main fucking character like what the fuck. but all of a sudden i feel the biggest need ever to try and get this finished for absolutely no reason and when i say i will finish it i mean it but idek when it will finish or anything like i don't have an actual like chapter plan or anything i just write spontaneously and i think that's what makes the chapters what they are. i also find it funny how if you go back to the first chapter, it's such stupid writing and everything but if you read this chapter, it's all proper writing and detailed shit. just makes me laugh. anyway enjoy


*Stefans POV*

We were all walking to the door at the end of this hallway, it's really weird, i don't remember any of this being here before. Well, considering i was being dragged through this place that would kind of make sense.

I was walking next to Alex and Teddy, who was holding Eric on his leash and suddenly, i realised what we were about to do. These people were our classmates and we're basically about to kill them all. It's.. horrid.

I stop walking. Looking at the door that's only about 30 steps more, i see the girls continue walking while Alex notices i've stopped. He signals Teddy to keep walking and then comes over to me.

"What's wrong?" He asks me, his posh voice never really annoyed me, i just say it does because others do.

"I.. Don't know. I have this weird feeling that something is going to go really wrong. But i don't know why. I just feel like one of us is going to get severely hurt.." I explain, looking towards Alex.

He signed. He always does that.

"You're just overthinking things, Stefan. Everyone will be fine."

"Yeah but you don't know that Alex. You don't know how bad this woman actually is.. And what if Evie was right about the demigorgan Femi thing?" I'm getting more paranoid.

"Stefan. We can defeat Femi. Look at us, we've got extremely advanced weapons crafted by myself, and a.. slightly intelligent team. We'll be fine. I know you're just worried for Evie, we can all tell. You just wanna make sure she doesn't get hurt don't you?" He said, making me snap my head around to look at him and glare.

"I am not just worried for her.. maybe more then the others yes but it's not like she's my only priority.." I mutter, crossing my arms.

"Mhm, whatever you say!" Alex says before laughing and walking off to the group again.

I stand still for a second.. is what he said right? Is Evie the only one i actually care about getting hurt right now? Surely not.. that wouldn't be fair. But Alex really wasn't wrong..

I sigh and start to walk again when i hear Jess shout down the corridor.

"The stupid fucking thing is locked!"

"Locked? What type of lock?" Alex calls back to her.

"Uhh... Padlock!" Jess yelled.

"Oh by jolly! It seems like you guys need my help. Im on my way." Alex said before sprinting his way to the door with this sound effect playing after him:

When i got to the door, i stood next to Evie as Alex whipped of his shoe and got the point aligned up at the padlock. He then shoved it inside the lock and started twisting his shoe around.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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Mrs fat tampon x stefan x Mr keith nunWhere stories live. Discover now