Chapter 19 - 4 weeks later...

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I got the cast off my wrist three days ago and got the boot off my ankle yesterday. The doctor told me everything healed well. Ryder has three things coming up. A benefit event, alumni ball, and masquerade charity event. Tomorrow is the alumni ball and my dress came in a week ago. It's dark blue and has a lace up back. Ryder gave me his card insisting he'd buy it. He told me, "Whatever you wear will be my reward for paying." I loved this house and living with him. Every morning he was the one I woke up to. I let Hunter leave my mind and I'm leaving my past. Tomorrow before the ball, Addie and the guys are coming over. Addie is borrowing her mom's tahoe. So we all can ride to the event together. My mom and dad are watching Wy for me. I don't think Wy would like sitting for three hours at an event. She can barely sit through a hockey game. Anyways today, Ryder had practice so Wy and I are going shopping. I woke her up at nine and got her ready. She found her hockey doll and got on my hip. I drove downtown and got stuff for tomorrow. Wy found a glitter spray she loved. I told her we could get it and she tried it as soon as we got home. I sprayed her cheeks and hair with it. I asked her if she liked it and she smiled. "I luv et mama tank you" Wy told me. I picked her up and warmed up leftovers from last night. We made chicken rolls with tomato garlic onion soup. I gave Wy a plate and she wanted more soup. I knew she'd make a mess of it but at least she was eating. I cleaned up after she splattered herself and the table in it. I gave her a bath and put her down for a nap. I sat on the couch and checked my phone. The camera beeped and it was Ryder. "Hey babe I missed you" he said. I ran over and hugged him. We kissed and I told him I missed him too. He put his bag down and sat down with me curled up in his lap. I asked him how practice went and he looked at me. "It was torture being away but Coach was pissed because there's some rumor starting at other colleges that he doesn't want us pulled into. We had to do a post practice run to the place for tomorrow. Coach made us set up tables and gather chairs." Ryder told me. I wanted to know the rumor but he didn't tell me. Instead I turned the tv on and we stayed there until Wy woke up. Ryder woke her up and I heard her laughing. Ryder carried her out and she ran to my lap. I picked her up and asked if she found Ry. She smiled and looked up at Ryder. Wy really wanted to start figure skating soon. But until she grows a little more, she's been practicing dance at Addie's studio. She loves it and twirls around the house. While Ryder and I watched the women's hockey, Wy practiced dance. Ryder pretended to twirl for Wy. I tried so hard not to laugh. But I couldn't keep a straight face. "Are you making fun of me Freckles ?" Ryder asked. I barely told him no and he threw me over his shoulder. I was still laughing way too hard. I told him to put me down and he told me ok. He threw me onto the couch and I stood up. He wrapped his arms around my back and we kissed. "Ew" Wyatt said. Ryder smirked down at her. Her nose crinkled and she walked away. Addie texted me.

Addie - Hey Ro you're probably busy with Ryder and Wy but did you get makeup for tomorrow ?

Ro - I took Wy with me downtown earlier and got everything

Addie - She probably loved it, I'll see you tomorrow around noon

Ro - Alright bye

Addie - K bye girl

Wy came back and sat in my lap. I asked Ryder if Taylor was coming over tonight. "No, she's going out with her so-called friends," Ryder said. He didn't like Taylor's friends at all because he's protective of her. Anyway, Wyatt was hungry. Ryder put things in the airfryer and I grabbed plates. After dinner, I got Wy ready for bed. Ryder read Wy a book and I read her a book. She fell asleep and Ryder shut the door. We went to our room and got ready for bed. "So tell me again why I can't see you getting ready tomorrow" Ryder said. I told him that Addie wanted to surprise him and Garrett with our dresses. "You know Freckles what seeing you does to me. I don't think it's smart to go four hours without having you" Ryder told me. I felt my face heat up and Ryder kissed behind my ear. He kissed down my neck and continued down my body. Four hours later, we were more tired than before. Ryder grabbed a towel and cleaned up everything. I put my hair in a low bun and laid down. He laid next to me and I felt the warmth from his chest. I fell asleep with the scent of his cologne in the air. Wy woke up at four and she didn't feel good. I make this weird juice that helps with low sugar and also sickness. Wyatt drank it and fell back asleep. Ryder shut her door and we went back to our room. My alarm went off at nine and we both woke up. "Morning babe, have you recovered from last night yet ?" Ryder asked with a smirk. I told him maybe and we kissed. I got up and threw a cozy jumpsuit on. Ryder got ready and we woke Wy up. She was better and way less pale. I asked her she was and she told me amazing. I picked her up and she ran to Ryder. He threw her in the air a few times. She laughed and got up on my hip. We went to the kitchen and had leftover muffins. Ryder made me a coffee and I thanked him. The alumni ball was 3:00pm to 7:00. But the hockey team gets to leave at five thirty. Since they have a game starting at seven. I didn't want to stay there for four hours anyway. "They'll be here at noon right ?" Ryder asked. I told him yes and he made a face at me. Addie and I have to start getting ready when she gets here. Where all the guys have to do is throw on their suits ten minutes before we go. "Mama can we go for a walk ?" Wyatt asked. I told her yes and she smiled. I got her ready and put my boots on. Ryder grabbed a coat and I found my keychain. Ryder unlocked the door and we went outside. He wrapped his arm around my waist before we left and Wy walked in front of us. We walked to Addie's dance studio. Ryder opened the door and Wy went to the practice room. She showed us everything she learned. Spinning, plies, sauté, relevé, and the stretches Addie taught her. I told her she did amazing and Ryder told her good job. We stayed there for a while and I locked the door before we left. We walked back home and had club sandwiches for lunch. Ryder ate a whole one and I split one with Wy. After lunch, we sat on the couch to watch a movie. Addie and the guys got there at noon. I fell asleep on Ryder and he told me they were here. We got up and opened the door. "If I was with these three for any longer they would've been walking" Addie said. We hugged and the guys talked to Wy. "We've gotta get ready Ro come on," Addie said. Ryder pulled my back to his chest. He kissed the side of my neck and I turned around. We kissed before I left with Addie. "Ew mama" Wy said and the guys told her they agreed. I went with Addie up to my room. "We have to do our hair, makeup, and get dressed. We'll do our hair first then do our makeup" Addie told me. I agreed with her and we plugged the curling irons in. We both brushed our hair and I did Addie's hair first. I french braided a strip of her hair and secured it with a rubber band. She pulled on it to make it bigger while I put the rest of her hair in a low bun. I left two strips of her hair in the front and made her bun messy the way she wanted. Then I wrapped the braid into the bun and secured it. I sprayed everything with hairspray and curled the front two pieces. She told me it looked amazing. "I think you'd look amazing in a half up style with beach waves' ' Addie told me. I told her ok and she braided the top of my hair. She put my hair in a ponytail to pull it through to make it loop above my hair. Before she curled my hair she sectioned the top off from the bottom. Every time she finished curling a section, she grabbed hairspray. Once she finished curling my hair, she fixed the ponytail part. She showed me in the mirror and it looked beautiful. I thanked her and she told me anytime. We had fifty minutes to do our makeup, get dressed, grab heels, and put jewelry on. To make sure we had enough time, Addie and I put two chairs facing each other. That way we could do each other's makeup at the same time. Wy walked in and ran over to me. "You look gorges mama, you too aunt addy" Wy said. I picked her up and thanked her. She sat in my lap while Addie and I did our makeup. We both finished around the same time and put setting spray on. Wy got off my lap and we had extra time. So Addie put blush and lip balm on Wy. I curled her hair and added a bun in the back. I told her she looked beautiful and she smiled. I got my dress on with silver heels and Addie put hers on with gold heels. Wy helped us decide on jewelry and we finished getting ready. "Princesses," Wy said. Addie and I both hugged her. "Do you want to surprise Ry with us ?" Addie asked. Wy smiled and told her yes. We went to the stairs and told the guys we were ready. Addie went down first and Garrett admired her. "Damn you look like a fantasy babe" Garrett told her. Wy walked down and Ryder told her she looked amazing. "Mama ook ay or gorges Ry," Wyatt told him. Ryder told her he bet I did. So I walked down the stairs. "Wow, you look ..." Ryder said. His mouth was wide open and he was speechless.

One Last ChanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora