Chapter 17 - You deserve this and more

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Zayden, Cole, and Garrett got here before Addie. She got here as they pulled in. "Hey Ro how are you ?" she asked. I told her I was good and we hugged. Garrett kissed her before waving at Wy. Wy smiled at him before getting on my hip. "What do you guys need help with ?" Addie asked. I told her we could put everything in its place while the guys unbox stuff. She told me ok and we grabbed the bags. We put all the stuff for the kitchen in cabinets or shelves. The guys went downstairs to unbox Wy's toys. Addie helped me put them in totes. After Wy's playroom, Addie and I worked on the laundry room. We put the three hampers and other stuff. We went to the bathroom next. I got all my stuff out while she got Wy's stuff out. There were cubes built into the wall that were perfect for towels. Addie and I finished the bathroom around noon. Wy came in and looked at her toys. "I've got a counseling appointment at two so I have to go," Addie said. I asked her if it was for senior year and she told me yes. While we worked on moving in, the guys set up security. A video doorbell, security cameras, motion lights, door locks, and more. Ryder made sure that no one would ever break in. All the locks, cameras, and lights send alerts right to our phones. So if something went wrong Ryder would know. It was cute how protective he was sometimes. Anyway, we went downstairs to see how the guys were doing. "Damn it, dude you weren't supposed to hammer me, look at the nail dumbass" Cole told Garrett. "Hey, that wa a ba wor," Wy said. The guys all laughed. "Sorry little Lynn '' Cole barely said before he laughed again. "Mhm '' Wy said and Ryder walked over. He wrapped his arm around my waist. "Am I the only one who's hungry here ?" Zayden asked. We all were hungry. One thing we didn't get yet was food. "Addie and I can get groceries plus lunch" I suggested. Everyone agreed and Ryder gave me his card. I made a face at him before leaving. I drove while Addie checked her grades from papers. We got to Market Basket and went to the food area. Wy helped pick out foods and snacks. Addie got sandwiches from the deli for our lunch. After we got meat, cheese, pasta, side dishes, soda, water, and more the total was $102.88. We had seventeen totes full of things. I drove back and Wy played on my phone. The guys brought the bags in and I gave Ryder his card back. We all sat outback and had sandwiches for lunch. Once we put the groceries away, Addie had to go. "Bye Ro see ya Wy" Addie said. Wyatt gave her a hug and so did I. After she left, Wy helped me organize my room. I put all my clothes in the walk in closet. Most of the shoes I put in there too with an organizer. I put snacks in my nightstand and blankets in the TV stand. I added a few pillows to the bed and Wy laid down. She fell asleep in the middle of the bed. I went to the living room and everything was done ! We were finally moved into our new home. I could relax without thinking of Hunter. I was a little tired so I laid next to Wy. I didn't fall asleep, instead I scrolled through my phone. Wy woke up at three and got on my hip. We went outback to see the guys. Ryder walked in before we went outback. I asked him what he was doing. He told me it was a surprise for Wy. Wyatt got excited and ran outback. The guys built her a playhouse with a trampoline. I thanked Ryder and he pulled me close to him. We walked over and the guys lifted Wy onto her playground. She smiled a lot and it was nice finally having a family. Around four, the guys had to go. They have date nights tonight. Zayden and Cole are out with two girls then Garrett's seeing Addie. "Bye Little Lynn" They all told Wy. She waved at them and got on my hip. Ryder wrapped his arm around me. I looked up at him and we kissed. "Ew mommy," Wy said. Ryder smiled down at her. We watched the guys leave and went inside. Wy went to play with her toys. I sat next to Ryder on the couch. He asked if I like the house and I told him I loved it. "Good cause you deserve this and more Freckles." Ryder told me and I felt color form on my cheeks. We watched the girls hockey team play away. Wy sat on my lap and the girls lost their game. It ended around six and we all were hungry. Ryder offered to cook.So I let him while I watched. He made grilled chicken with a chopped salad. And oh my god was it good. I told him it was amazing. "I used to cook every meal and it was nice having you cook. I enjoy observing. When you put your glasses on or put your hair back in a low bun" Ryder told me. I felt my face heat up. Wy liked everything and ate most of her food. After we finished, I helped Ryder clean up. I told Wy it was snowing and she grabbed her boots. "What are you doing ?" Ryder asked. I told him the first snow of every year we walk to get hot chocolates and make a wish. I started this with Wy when she was almost one. Usually I make the only wish since Wy doesn't understand the concept. She wishes for a certain toy where I wish for things non gift-able. Last year I wished to find a job that provided for me and Wy. Also, to have a good guy who wasn't like Hunter. I found both things but Ryder is the important of the two. He asked if he could join and I told him yes. I got Wy her winter stuff and I found UGGS. They were the best part of the walk minus the hot chocolate. I found a coat and grabbed my phone. Ryder opened the door and we walked down to his mom's restaurant. "Hi, can I have two medium hot chocolates and one baby size ?" I asked the woman at the order window. She made them and Ryder paid her. I tried Wy's to see if it was cool enough. It was so I gave it to her. She thanked Ryder and sipped her hot chocolate. Ryder wrapped his around me and Wy walked in front of us. She kept twirling around and looking up at the snow. I realized this isn't what I wished for, it's better. I don't just have the perfect guy, I have the perfect life. We walked around main street and went back home. On the porch I told Wy it was time to make a wish. Ryder, Wyatt, and I all made a wish. I wished to have this forever, especially Ryder. Wy looked up at me and got on my hip. We all went in and took our boots off. Once we finished our hot chocolates, Ryder turned the temperature up. I grabbed a blanket and laid on the couch beside Ryder. Wy got up and curled up beside me. The blanket was good for warming. I was glad because that walk froze me. I got up and got Wy ready for bed. She fell asleep in her crib so I shut her door quietly. I went to the bedroom and grabbed pajamas. I laid down and Ryder pulled me close to his chest. "I have practice 5;30-8;30am" Ryder told me. I told him ok and he kissed the side of my face. "The only good thing is you'll be asleep while I'm gone" Ryder said. I asked him if that meant we could spend the morning in bed. "Oh hell yes Freckles if I said no I'd have something wrong with me" Ryder said. I kissed him and he kissed me back. I fell asleep wrapped against Ryder and it was the best feeling ever. Wy woke up twice and I forgot about her sugar. I got her apple juice which brought her sugar up. She fell back asleep and I had a snack. Then Ryder and I went back to bed. Every time Wy woke up, Ryder went with me. Even though he didn't help, getting out of bed and waking up meant a lot. We both laid down and fell asleep instantly. I heard Ryder's alarm go off at 4:45. He got up and went to the bathroom. He came out in his normal outfit. Sweatpants and a tee shirt that went over his broad shoulders. I checked my phone and Amy texted me. She told me the news I knew I'd have to do. Since Hunter got in jail for abusing me, I have to give a statement. I'll tell Ryder about that later. Especially since I'm barely awake now. Ryder walked over and bent down to kiss me. "I'll see you in a few hours, just call if you need something, love you Freckles" Ryder said. He kissed my forehead and shut the door. I checked the locks to make sure everything stayed locked. After I checked it, I went back to sleep. I heard a beeping that woke me up but it was just Ryder. He was back from his practice. He came up to our room and kissed my forehead. "Morning Freckles, you miss me much ?" Ryder asked. He laid down and wrapped his arms around me. He smelt like his cologne mixed with a fresh shower. I rolled over and we kissed. I told him I had to tell him something and I don't want him mad. "Ok Freckles shoot but no promises" Ryder said. I told him that I have to make a statement to the judge about Hunter. "I've got the day off, I'll drive you" Ryder told me. I thanked him and we laid there for a little while. I got up and put on leggings with a long sleeve. I put my hair in a low bun and Ryder got up. I opened the door and he kissed me. We kissed our way down the hall, past the living room, into the kitchen. We hit the counter and Ryder lifted me up. We continued for a while until Wy woke up. I got her up and she ran out to Ryder. He picked her up and threw her in the air. There was a case of donuts on the counter. I asked Ryder if he bought them and he told me yes. I thanked him and gave Wy a donut. We had breakfast and I got Wy ready. "Ry and I have to go out quickly but Aunt Addie's going to watch you okay" I told Wyatt. She told me ok and Wy played with her toys. I grabbed my coat and crossbody. I texted Addie before I got ready. "Text me how it goes, good luck Ro. We'll have fun won't we Wy ?" Addie said. Wy told her yes and I hugged them both. Ryder grabbed his keys and drove us to the law firm. "Hi I'm Rory Lynn, I have an appointment with Amy Meyers" I told the person at the check in desk. "Ok hun she's in an appointment currently but we'll let her know you're here. Until she's free, take a seat" the receptionist told me. I thanked her and sat down with Ryder. I asked him how practice was. "Coach was pissed since half the guys were late. But his tradition is no training the Monday after a win. The guys who were late got two laps every minute they were late" Ryder told me. I told him wow and he told me thank god he was on time. I checked my phone and Morgan sent me another article to work on. Between the publishing firm and writing for the team it was the perfect workload. I read about what I had to write about. Since it's almost time for Christmas I have to research presents and write an article about gift ideas for 3 - 7 year old kids. In a way it sounded easy but meant I had a lot of research. So it was pretty much the same workload as normal. This week Coach didn't have a lot for me to do on the team. I finished the article about their win from last week so I sent it to the staff. Which meant this week I only had that article to work on. It was hard because I have to include twice the amount of items. One for girls and one for boys. Boys don't love dollhouses or pink unicorns. Girls mostly don't love Batman or superman. It was hard because some girls like cars and some boys like dolls. So I'll make mutual gift item lists.

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