Chapter 31 - Mh, what's that for ?

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I needed to ask Freckle's dad for his blessing. So I went with Freckles to her parent's house. It worked out cause her dad asked me to shovel with him. I went out front leaving Freckles inside. "How've you been Ryder," he asked. I told him good and he nodded. "Mark, Rory's the best thing that's ever been in my life. Do I have your blessing sir ?" I asked him. He looked at me. "You've had my blessing since she was in the ER. I saw the way you cared about her and I see it every time you're with her. So Ryder you have my blessing for life son" he told me. Man that sent so much damn relief through me. We shoveled the rest of the porch off and the sidewalk. "Hey I found the necklace, are you ready to go ?" Freckles asked. I told sure and her dad hugged her. "Bye dad, love you" Freckles told him. She did the same with her mom. I hooked Wy in for and Freckles drove an hour. We all were starving so we stopped at a bagel place for lunch. Wy got a chicken wrap, Freckles got a chicken bacon ranch combo, and I got a double meat extra protein basket. I don't know if the stress caused this or what. But I was fucking starving. I wasn't even this stressed in high school. I remember the day I met Freckles.

I moved to Colgate with my parents in 7th grade. I hung with a few guys but that was it. 8th grade came and I saw this girl. She was quiet but loved to talk. She talked all the way through some classes. But was smart as hell. 9th grade came along and I finally asked her out. "Hey Lynn, are you free this weekend ?" I asked her. She nodded and I asked if she wanted to go out with me. "Sure but if it doesn't work we'll still be friends ?" she asked. I told her even if she shattered my heart, I'd be friends and only friends with her. We ended up dating for the rest of the school year well into 10th grade. Until something happened. My dad got a new job and my mom found one along with him. We had to move from Colgate to Vancouver, Canada. I had no clue how to break up with Freckles. This girl was everything. I threw a snowball up to her window. "What are you doing here ?" she whispered. I told her to come outside. She took a minute but finally opened the front door. "I have to move to Vancouver," I told her. She hugged me for what felt like a lifetime. The worst day was leaving her. Not only was I leaving her but it was the last time I saw her before Hunter came along. We dated for two months after I moved. But Freckles ended up admitting it was too hard for her to do long distance. We still talked everyday but as friends. She told me this guy asked her out. I searched every goddamn social media app to find this guy. Sure enough I hated the guy just from the picture. But I couldn't show Freckles how jealous I was. Senior year though I moved back to Colgate. Seeing Freckles with that damn guy twenty four seven every goddamn day. Made me want to be back in Vancouver. That was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life. Leaving Freckles here and letting Hunter ruin her.

Wy had most of her wrap on the plate. She actually ate everything. Freckles got an iced coffee to go before we left. At 3 we got back home. Wy was asleep so I carried her in. Freckles shut the door and unlocked the front door. We got inside and took Wy to her room. I shut the door before kissing Freckles. "Mh what's that for ?" Freckles asked. I told her maybe I was hoping to get something. She smiled at me and I lifted her up. Just as we got to the stairs that damn doorbell went off. She laughed before unwrapping her legs from my hips. She let Addie in with Garrett. That goof seriously got the worst fucking timing ever. I won't get Freckles until at least 11. "We've gotta start getting ready girl come on. Say bye to your man" Addie told Freckles. Freckles stretched up to reach my lips before she left. "So co cap we going out now ?" Garrett asked. I told him yes and he yelled up to the girls. We drove to the arena and unlocked the doors. We laced our skates up and skated off my nerves. Garrett grabbed the carpet. We threw it down all the way to the goal post. "What next dude ?" he asked. I picked up 3 boxes of glittered roses earlier. I told him we had to scatter the roses. "Damn man this girl got you changed" he said. I was pissed at him but he was fucking right. After we finished that, we put the lights around and fixed everything so it was like a damn fairytale. Around 4:50 we finished, so we drove back home. The girls were in robes eating pizza. "Oh you two weren't supposed to see us like this. We'll see you two later, come on Ro '' Ads said and Freckles kissed me before they left with a slice in each hand. Wy ran over to Garrett. "Fist bump, Little Lynn," Garrett told Wy. She fisted bumped him before getting on his side. We took the pizza box over to the couch and watched hockey. With Little Lynn here we had to watch our language. Freckles gets pissed if Wy learns a new bad word. That kid picks up almost everything. She doesn't say it right but knows it's a bad word. "Wyatt can you up here for a sec" Ads yelled down. Little Lynn jumped up and ran up to them. She came back with a Post It.

We're still hungry. Could you guys cook your woman food - Ads & Ro

Those two are the definition of best friends. They're each other's ride or die, secret keeper, and partner in crime. Garrett and I got up. We threw together chicken bites with sour cream salad. They finally came down to get their dinner. "If we stay down here could you two forget you saw us ?" Freckles said. I told her yes and she grabbed her plate. Ads sat next to Garrett on the other couch. While Freckles sat with Wy and me on this coach. "This is amazing, thank you," Freckles said. I told her that she needed to eat something and Wy took a chicken bite from her plate. Ads shared Garrett's plate with him. "Ro we should go, " Ads said. The girls both went back upstairs.

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