Chapter 18 - I can't erase my past nor can you

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I knew Freckles didn't want to come here. Hell, I didn't want to come here. But if she was coming, I was coming with her. Amy walked out and took us to her office. Freckles sat on the couch and Amy asked how she was. "I'm okay, my ankle hurts a little here and there but I'm good" she told Amy and asked how Amy was. They talked for a few minutes and Amy told Freckles she could start whenever she was ready. "I dropped Wyatt off at the arena with Coach Meyers. I got back to the apartment and was about to call Addie. When I opened the door, Hunter was standing there. I turned my phone off to run away. But he grabbed my arm and told me something about wusses getting the worst of something. After that he punched me, sending me onto the floor. He kicked my ribs until I pulled his foot. He fell but stomped on my foot until it nearly broke. He threatened to find Wyatt wherever she was and he kicked my head hard into the wall. His fist I blocked till he hit my arm. He hit me over and over again. My body was so numb, I couldn't fight back. I blocked my chest before he hit it. But he kicked my shoulder hard before kicking my stomach. After that everything went black. The next thing I remember is seeing the nurse giving me air" Freckles told Amy. Amy wrote everything down and Freckles showed her every text from him. "Thank you honey, I'll send over your notes to the judge and they'll notify me from there" Amy told Freckles. It fucking broke me hearing what that damn piece of fucking trash did to her. Amy hugged Freckles and we left. Since Freckles had to go through this again, I took her to my mom's restaurant for lunch. She asked where we were going and I told her. "You don't have to feel bad for me. I can't erase my past nor can you" Freckles said. I knew that and it took all my damn control not to beat Pierce til he had nothing left. We walked in and a waiter sat us down. We both ordered and my mom walked out. "Ry I didn't know you were here" Mom said. She hugged me and talked with Freckles. "Don't you have a girl, like Hyatt or Maya?" Mom asked Freckles. "Yes but Wyatt's with my friend Addie," Freckles told her. They talked until our food came out. Mom went back to the kitchen and we had lunch. I paid and Freckles thanked me. Before we left, I told Mom bye. She hugged me and I wrapped my arm around Freckles' hip. She got in my jeep and I drove us home. Freckles got out and almost fell. I walked around and wrapped my arm around her. That way if she would fall I'd catch her. We got to the door and Wy ran to Freckles. "Mama" Wy said and they hugged. Wy ran to me and I threw her in the air. Freckles talked with Addie while Wy laughed as I threw her. "I'll see you guys later" Addie told us before she left. Freckles sat on the couch and got her shoes off. She iced her ankle and Wy curled up against her. "Next weekend there's supposed to be a storm. I know we just moved in but we could have a family thing" Freckles said. It probably was better to have our families over sooner than later. They were aware we bought the house so might as well. I told her ok and she texted her mom, Addie, Addie's mom, plus Coach. I texted Cole, Garrett, Zayden, and my mom. Taylor has been wanting to see Freckles for a while. I asked Freckles what time and she told me five. I told the guys and my mom to be here around five. Tay will have over an hour to get ready. Her damn makeup routine is enough for a store. "Mama na tie" Wy said. I had no clue what Wyatt just said. "She's tired, let's go to your room princess" Freckles said. I went with them and Freckles tried to sit next to Wy on the floor. I took the book from her and sat down. I moved the recliner and Freckles sat down. I read the book to Wy and she went to sleep. Freckles got up and I shut the door. "Between our parents and friends there's 13 chairs. We only have ten chairs" Freckles said. I told her there were extra in the garage and she told me she would get them. I told her I was and she insisted on coming with me. So we went to the garage and I carried two chairs back. I let her carry one to keep her happy so she'd feel strong. "I have no clue what to make at all," Freckles said. I told her I could make chicken burritos with mashed potatoes. "Thank you, but we have to feed seven guys who usually eat a lot. Plus eight other people. So you make those and I'll make two salads plus mac n cheese" Freckles said. I sat next to her and kissed her. I whispered thank you into her ear and her cheeks turned deep red. She planned out how everything would get cooked. The mac and cheese in the instapot, burritos go in the oven, mashed potatoes in the other instapot, and the salad she just throws together. Freckles wrapped around my side and fell asleep. I was fucking exhausted from practice. Since I was cooking later, I decided to take a power nap. I set an alarm for four in case no one wakes up before that. Wy woke up at 3:55. Freckles was out cold so I went to Wyatt's room. I told her that Freckles was sleeping. Wy smiled and I picked her up. She laughed when I threw her in the air. I sat in the recliner and checked her sugar levels. They were a little low, I was in need of food. I took Wy to the kitchen. I gave her a half scoop of ice cream and she finished it. The alarm went off and Freckles didn't wake up. Shit her sugar got too low. Her bag was in the kitchen. I grabbed the glucose and lifted her into my arms. She finally woke up and I gave her juice. "My sugar dropped, didn't it" Freckles said. I told her yes and hugged her. If Freckles didn't wake up I would've lost it. Wy came over and Freckles picked her up. I gave Freckles ice cream and she got her energy back. I put her bag back in the kitchen before getting her boot on. I got it loose but tight enough for support. She got up and Wy got on her hip. We grabbed the stuff we each needed for dinner. I grabbed the chicken, sauces, spices, and cheese. Freckles grabbed potatoes, noodles, and a lot of things. She cooked the frozen potatoes and put them in the instapot. I found pans and cooked the chicken. I had Wy test it and she gave me a thumbs up. I wrapped forty burritos and put them in the pans. I asked Wy to put cheese over them. I held her up and she sprinkled it over them. Freckles finished everything she had to make. She even put the salads in the fridge. Wy grabbed napkins and I helped Freckles set the table. Someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it" Freckles said. Wy got on her hip and they went to the door. Addie was here with her mom and Coach. I walked over and wrapped Freckles' waist in my arm. "Thank you guys for inviting us over," Amy said. Freckles smiled and someone else was here. We walked over to the door and it was my family. "Oh my god Ry this house is amazing" Mom said. Taylor hugged Freckles and the goofs showed up. Freckles' parents got here and everyone talked. The moms babbled on about us younger, the dads talked about hockey, I talked with the goofs, Freckles and Wyatt talked to Taylor. The oven beeped which meant it was time for food. We all went to the dining room. The goofs helped bring out the food. Everyone got there plate full and we had dinner. Freckles sat between Addie and me. Wy sat on her lap and Tay sat to my left. Everyone finished eating and the moms offered to clean up. Freckles, Tay, Addie, Wy, they goofs, and dads went to the living room. Wy stayed on Freckles lap while everyone talked. I told everyone bye and so did Freckles. The moms finished cleaning and told us bye. Freckles parent's and my fam left. Amy told Freckles she had news for her. Freckles gave Wy to Addie and I went with Freckles. "I put your case as the next urgent. The judge contacted me explaining that she will have a hearing with Hunter. But he has a life sentence due to past conflicts in other places" Amy said. Freckles smiled so big it looked fucking amazing on her. She hugged Amy and thanked her. I hugged her too and Amy. Addie gave Wy to Freckles and she left with her parents plus Garrett. The two other goofs left and Wy was asleep. Freckles put her to sleep and I shut Wy's door. Freckles was exhausted. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tired. Practice was fucking torture but I got to see Freckles all day and be there for her. I pulled her into me and we both fell asleep. Wy woke up twice and Freckles had to give her apple juice. Freckles ankle bothered her so she iced it and Wy got back to sleep. I wrapped Freckles in my arms and fell asleep like a baby. 

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