How I Met My Colby

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Most people find it weird when their best friend is dating their brother. But not me! See I have two best friends, Mariana and Demetria. Demetria dates my brother, Mariana dates Demi's brother, and I date Mariana's brother. We are cool with it but our brothers don't know who we date! Hell, I don't even know if the know each other. But I'm looking forward to the day I get to introduce my boyfriend to my brother. We all do. We are all close to our brothers. They started that wrestling thing and we started college. That's where I met Mariana and Demi. We were on a volleyball team together and we started a dance team just the three of us called "Badass". Even though we have graduated from college, we still have our group. Hell, we live with each other in this big beautiful house of ours. Our money we started saving since we were 18 plus the jobs we have now really help us pay for this beaut.

"Hey Brina!"

My name is Sabrina Good. Sister to Jonathan Good who is also known as Dean Ambrose. As I said before, he is dating my friend Demetria. They have been together for two and a half years and have my little niece Elle Noel Good. She's such a princess. You'll meet her later on.

"Yes my dear," I say looking at Mariana as she sips her tea. "Joe text me saying that he is going to be at your house."

Demetria told her brother to come over and he said he was bringing his friends. We said it was fine and that she was bringing hers and that the boyfriends will be there too.

"You're thinking again. What are you thinking about," Demi says as she puts a spoon of food into Elle's mouth as the little one sits in the high chair. "About how I met Colby!" I smile as the story replays in my head.

It was the second week of knowing Mari, she had to go back home for a family emergency and she didn't want to be alone. I told her I would go with her. Demi would have went but she had to work that day. So we traveled to Iowa on a Thursday night to get there quickly. When we arrived, she was only 18 and I was 19, so we couldn't get a rental, still can't because neither of us is 25 yet. But, her mom picked us up. Mari introduced me to her family and they automatically felt like my second family. When we found out the family emergency, it wasn't really an emergency. They wanted to throw a small formal party for her brother Colby. So, we went shopping early the next morning for decorations, food, and clothes.

I don't know how, but it came to topic that I was a baker and a chef, which is what I majored in, and I ended up making a cake for Colby and helping with dinner. Mari went to help set up and we were stocked. "Sabrina, thank you for helping out. I don't know what I could have done if you weren't here," Mariana says as we got dressed. I always keep my hair to my shoulders because I love sharing the same length with my brother. So I just let my hair stay natural for the party. I had on a white mid thought flowing dress that had black flowers on them, a black fedora and some black shoes. I loved that outfit. Anyways, I remember Mari's parents saying Colby was here and for us to stay there because we were a surprise to him.

As we waited, I applied makeup. Lip gloss, eyeshadow, mascara, and eye liner, nothing more. I waited with Mari until her mom came back and got us. "Wait!" I turned to Mariana confused. "I'm scared!" "Why? He's your brother. You told me you love your brother." " I do love my brother. It's just........ I don't know what it is to be honest." I smiled. "We will go out there together." I grabbed her hand and she smiled. We walked out and there he was, Colby Lopez. I let Mariana go and hug her brother. He was so excited to see her and vise versa. I slid into the kitchen to talk to their mom as they caught up about college and all that stuff.

"Colby this is my best friend Sabrina. Sabrina, this is my brother Colby." I smiled. "I would love to shake your hand but I kind of have my hands full." I was helping their m bring the food to the table. He chuckles. "Here! Let me take that." He grabs the food from my hand and place it on the table. I stick my hand out to shake his but he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back.

"Sabrina here helped with the food and made the cake," Mariana says as we all sit down. I glare at her. "You like to cook," Colby asks. "Like? She loves it. That is what she is in school for." "Sweetheart, let Sabrina speak for herself okay." "Yes mom!"

After grace, we all talked and laughed and enjoyed our meal. " I have to say, that was one hell of a meal," Colby says. "Thank you!" I was sitting upstairs on their balcony in the room we got dressed in. "So how did you meet my sister?" "We have a few general Ed classes. Our other side to the trio isn't here. But we also have a dance group and a we play volleyball together." "A dance group hey?" I laugh. "Don't get to excited, we just made the dance team up three days ago. and we play intramural volleyball at school." He looks at me and smile. I take a sip of tea and stare over the view. I can see Colby looking at me but I say nothing. When I feel his finger on my cheek, I felt my head turning as his finger moved my face. He looked into my eyes for a little. "Yes Mr. Lopez?" He licked his lips and bit his lower lip. I looked over to the side and then back at him. "How long are you guys staying her?" Until tomorrow afternoon! I have class Monday." "I don't want this to be the last time I see you," he says looking into my eyes. I can't help but notice how handsome this man is. I push it to the back of my head because Mariana is my best friend and I can't do that. It's breaking girl code. So I don't know why, but I bit my lip. "Don't bite your lip. Don't bite your lip!" He throws his head back and run his hands through his hair. His beautiful long.......

Stop it! He's your best friends brother.

"Why not?" "Things happen." I chuckled. "Look! Can we please not make this end? I really want to get to know you. I know you have this whole girl code thing but at this moment I don't give a fuck about it." I shake my head. "I won't stop it!"

After that, we exchanged numbers. The next morning he took me and his sister to breakfast before we left. He took my hand under the table and looked at me as a blush appeared upon my face. He then knew it was okay.

When we left Iowa and went back to Florida, things started to change. I would talk to Colby every night on the phone. We would Skype each other if we were both free. That was going on for a year and so. After I turned twentieth, things changed for real. Months after my 20th we went on summer break in school. We were now considered sophomores in college.

One day, there was a knock on my dorm door. The girls were with me because we were planning to buy the house we have been saving up for. When I went to open the door, Colby just kissed me. I was shocked at first because I didn't know who it was, but when I seen the two colored hair, I kissed back. Mariana screamed, "FINALLY!" That caused me to laugh and break away from Colby's kiss. "I couldn't stop thinking about you! I just want you to be my girl. Will you be my girl?" I stood there taking it all in. "Say yes," the girls scream behind me. I kissed Colby. "Of course I will be your girlfriend!"

I turn back to the girls and they smile. "That was almost 4 years ago. And y'all are still standing strong," Mariana says. she turns to Demi. " So how did you meet Jon?"

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