How I Met My Joe

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It was a day like every other.

I was at the park. I had my headphones in practicing a dance for Badass. All of a sudden, Paula called me and asked me if I want to go see WWE with her tonight? I said sure, why not. Didn't have a clue in the world what the hell that was but I wanted to go because y'all had plans that night.

When I got home, I took a shower and tried to figure out what to wear. I put on a crop tanked tee with high waisted pants and a long knitted cardigan. I wore some flats and left by hair down.

Once we arrived to the Arena, we found our seats. It was next to a barrier next to the staircase. We watched a few matches. Well, I sat on my phone most of the time because I didn't care. Not that I wasn't entertaining, because from what I did look up to see, it was, but I was talking to my brother. "Okay. So there is this group called the shield. It's Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns," Paula explains while they are on commercial break. She says that Roman Reigns has a match that his other two members were banned from because if they came out, he would lose the match. I nodded my head and watched the announcers talk. I had to pee so I walked up the stairs. When I opened the door, I hit someone. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry." I reached my hand down and to help him up. "It's fine. Don't worry about it." "No. I feel bad. Let me buy you dinner or something. I can't not do something." He laughed. "I'm Mariana." "Joe. But to the WWE universe, Roman Reigns." "Oh! You're that guy Paula was talking about. Now I feel really bad!" "That guy aye?" "Sorry. I don't watch wrestling. I'm only here so Paula wouldn't be alone." "What made you come out here?" "I really have to pee." "Here! Let me show you." He showed me the restroom. "Can you stay here because I'm shitty with directions?" He nodded. I used it quickly because he had a match soon. I washed my hands land walked out to see Roman sitting on his phone. "Ready?" I nodded. We walked back to the door I previously hit him with. "Thanks." "No problem. Where are you sitting?" "In front by the barrier and the stage." "Good. I'm not supposed to have my phone but I had to text my sister. Can I hand it to you before I cross over?" "Yeah. I'm down with it. But if there are selfies in there, I'm sorry. I can't help it sometimes." He smiled. "I'll see you down there," I say looking at him. He holds his fist out and I bump it with my fist.

"Just in time."

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. S.H.I.E.L.D

Roman walks down with his hair dripping water and a serious look on his face. When his eyes caught mine, he winked. As he got closer, he handed me his phone. Everyone stared at me as he did. Once he got over the barrier, people were still looking at me. Paula tried to take his phone but I smacked her hand away. As the match progressed on, I started taking selfies in his phone.

When they announced the winner, I couldn't help but scream. "Your winner. Roman Reigns!" The crowd goes crazy. When he got out the area I was sitting, I handed him his phone back. He took his vest off and handed it to me. I took it and put it on. He took my hand and led me up the stairs with him.

"I'll take you up on the dinner offer. But I'm paying," he says with a smile. "We will see about that Mr. A'noai." "I thought you said you didn't know who I was." "I didn't until my best friend Google here told me," I say showing him my phone. He laughed. "Put your number in my phone so I can call you after the show is finished." He handed his phone back to me and I put my number in. I also made myself his background and gave him back his phone locked. He gave me a hug and started walking to his locker room. I'm guessing they have locker rooms. don't all sports have locker rooms? "Joe." He turned around. "Your vest." "Keep it! It'll make some people very jealous."

When I walked back in, people were taking pictures of me and asking me to tell Roman they loved him and to give him stuff. I accepted all gifts and signs to give to Roman.

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