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* Sabrina's P.O.V*

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. S.H.I.E.L.D

We walked down the stairs. I made sure I was first in line. Fuck us not being wrestlers. This is not about their business, this shit is personal. "Remember not to get hit or hit anyone," Mari says as she walks behind me. Demi stands behind her bouncing up and down every step. She doesn't mind you doing something to her but when you mess with her friend and family, you might as well sign a death certificate. Roman, Dean, and Seth walk behind us and I know they want to beat the hell out of him, but I have things to say.

"Randy Orton get your sorry ass out here," I say into the mic. I turn to them and tell them to say nothing.

I hear voices in my head they talk to me they understand ...

Randy comes out with a smirk on his face. "I see you got my gift." "You call that a gift? You can return a gift. This bull you pulled can't be returned." "Did you like my message," he ask now stepping up to the ring walking up the steel staircase. "This isn't over? Baby boy it has been over for a long time. We are not getting back together." "What can he do for you that I can't?" He was close to my face. Colby pushed him into the turnbuckle yelling for him to backup. He start to charge at Seth but Demi stands in front of him. He stops and start backing up.

"He is more of a man you will ever be. You were faithful to me for like what? Two weeks into our relationship. Seth has been faithful the whole time. Four almost five years and this man has been faithful. I want nothing to do with you." "Let me win you back." I laughed. "So now I'm a prize. You think if you win I would get back with you?" I laughed even harder. "Boy if I wasn't pregnant right now, I would beat your ass right now." The boys all stare at me. The girls stand by my side. "But I'm not!" Demi was about to charge but the lights when out.

When the lights came back on, Bray Wyatt was hitting on Roman. The boys were going to fight back but Demi was already on it. She kicked him in the side of his face. He falls over. Mari slides to Romans side pushing his hair out of his face and holding him in her arms. Demi grabs Wyatt's hair and started punching him over and over again. She helped him up and then pushed him on the ropes. She clothes lined him flipping him out the ring. Demi then jumps through the ropes landing in him. Jon grabs her and push her back into the ring. She grabs the mic from me and starts yelling.

"I don't have time for your bull Bray Wyatt. How dare you attack my brother not only when he isn't expecting it but when I pregnant woman is in the ring. You have some balls but I'll cut those off real quick. I ain't up for it today mother fucker. You're fucking with the wrong one today. You want to see a psycho bitch trust me you got one coming. They think your family is crazy, they haven't seen the full power of us. Believe that!"

Seth stayed looking at me. Randy is still in unharmed and near. Colby can't seem to get his shit together so I continue talking. "Now back to you. You are an idiotic human being. If for a second you thought I was going to back with you, you a effed up in the head. You have donkey dongs for brains." "What he is about to have is a concussion because I'm about to beat the donkey dongs out of him."

Mari and Demi run to Orton as Seth move me out of the way. Punch after punch, Demi punch him, Mari punch him, Demi, Mari, Demi Mari. I want to help so bad but I can't. Seth has me pretty damn tight that I can't move. Mari and Demi curb stomp him multiple times. They push him away from the turn buckle and Roman speared him. He roared and set himself up for a superman punch. Demi kneels beside him. They smile at each other. When Randy stands up, he gets a double superman punch. Then Dean stands his up and hit him with Dirty Deeds. Then Mari hit him with the RKO. I slid down next to him.

"You mess with one, you mess with three. You mess with them, you mess with me. Don't believe it? That's a fact. I'm a crazy bitch. Believe that." I dropped the mic to the ground and slid out the ring. The paramedics come for Randy as he lays there. The rest of the gang slide out of the ring.

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